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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. They won't even release the details of this so called 20 Billion "black hole" that they are using as an excuse for all their cruel, dangerous policies. Couldn't be because they are lying by any chance? https://www.ft.com/content/7f686444-7036-4efc-82c5-971b0f3929fa
  2. Interesting how you claim to see this in Trump but never could in Biden .
  3. The margin of victory would have been more significant with impartial moderation. 3 v 1 is never easy.
  4. A stupid thing to say. Just because she is of mainly Indian heritage doesn't mean her house will smell of curry. Ridiculous. Having said that, Harris herself is guilty of perpetuating stereotypes, in this case Jews.
  5. Certainly worrying times for Jews in the UK with Labour in power and Khan as Mayor and therefore in charge of London policing. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68856360
  6. I can't "what" myself? Just pointing some additional potential benefits of Statin for any of our senior members in the UK. Might be of some help.
  7. Churchill was a legend. Of course he might have said some non PC things but he was a man of his time, and the man required in that moment. I've been reliably informed that on the day I entered this world, I was his spitting image. So he was not only a great mind.
  8. At least you're admitting it was not impartial. I was expecting more gaslighting. Are you sure you're a Democrat?
  9. Great to hear he was able to talk her out of it. Well done. Good job it wasn't raining. Those railings can be Slippery When Wet.
  10. This is good news for the over 70's. Especially with a cold winter approaching and many elderly now unable to heat their homes. https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/Your-Heart-in-Winter#:~:text=The cold causes blood vessels,arteries constrict in the cold.
  11. There will not be another debate. Trump would insist on impartial moderators this time and then Harris would not agree. That's it folks. Roll on November.
  12. Send him to Montecito. He can move in with the bitter ginger stepchild and his handler.
  13. It's no surprise that a leftist organization like the BBC would be pro Palestine. Let them do their little investigation. Let them pay lip service. Nothing will change. It needs to be defunded. There's a cost of living crisis, people have other things to spend money on other than this state funded leftist propaganda machine.
  14. Not martyrs of mine Chomps, that's just another silly strawman but I know you find it hard to resist such banality. Just people making stupid posts on FaceBook from their living rooms. If you think making room for them in jail by releasing rapists and drug dealers is a good idea then I can only assume you do not live in the areas where these released individuals will reside.
  15. Surely not. All those doctors, brain surgeons and nurses flooding over the border to culturally enrich the existing states will cause no problems at all.
  16. Or perhaps fining people for stupid FaceBook posts rather than jailing them? But I guess that wouldn't terrify people into silence...
  17. The solar eclipse has already occurred. It's called Keir Starmer and it will last around 4 years, if he is lucky.
  18. I don't believe anyone predicted that would happen within 5 years of Brexit. Certainly not me. The decline and eventual breakup has started, but it will be gradual, as Chinese manufacturing adversely affects the 'economic powerhouse' Germany that props it up financially. Add to that the growing discontent from many countries within it that will elect right wing governments that oppose the leftist, unelected (by the people of Europe) EU leaders, causing serious disputes between member states. https://en.vijesti.me/news-b/auto/723536/what-Volkswagen's-problems-say-about-the-state-of-the-German-economy Brexit will not cause the breakup of the EU, but it was one of many factors that started the ball rolling.
  19. Certainly not to the tune of 11 Billion for the 'climate' crisis when we can't afford to stop pensioners freezing to death. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jul/26/ed-miliband-labour-honour-pledge-11bn-overseas-climate-aid
  20. Give it a week or so... Cats? No evidence in the US yet as far as I know, although I did see it in Europe. Only birds at the moment. Watch this space...
  21. Given that Swift has made a career about singing about her poor choices in life, her endorsement of Harris is hardly a surprise.
  22. No, building prisons creates [drumroll......................], prison spaces. It's really not that complicated if you think before posting. I already explained where the money could come from.
  23. We're still in the denial stage. Next will be "Why shouldn't they eat them?" Followed by a story on the BBC about how it's good for you and helps ease global warming. Followed by lefties claiming objecting to it is a form of white supremacy. 😃
  24. Is this some kind of "blame it on the Tories" thing? Is that really all you've got? It's Starmer's policy to release these people early. As stated he could easily free up spaces by releasing and deporting non UK citizens in the prison system. He could also release people jailed for hurty words on social media posts. Longer term he could stop sending billions in aid to foreign countries and build more prisons. Or stop illegals entering the country, some of whom commit crimes and end up in jail. That would have the added benefit of easing pressure on the NHS, schools, housing, public services etc. He'd have enough left to reverse his policy of removing pensioners winter fuel allowance.
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