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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Maybe that's what they had in mind when they took away the pensioner's winter fuel allowance?
  2. Maybe the prisons would not be so overcrowded if the weren't jailing people for silly FaceBook posts? Not sure what sex has anything to do with it. They also jailed the male who posted on FaceBook confirming Rayners stance on sending the immigrants to every town. I didn't see anything racist in her post. She was complaining about immigrants, not a specific race.
  3. Too crowded for the child rapist. But they managed to find a place for the Tory social media poster.
  4. Both sides to blame IMO. The French for not controlling their borders, and the UK for being pathetically weak on immigration (ideologically and in terms of enforcement).
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13768989/child-rapist-spared-jail-prison-overcrowding.html
  6. Seems the French are blaming the UK's pathetically weak stance for this. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13811143/Britains-soft-touch-rules-illegal-migrants-blame-latest-English-Channel-tragedy-says-France-emerges-migrants-REFUSED-chance-rescued-minutes-died.html
  7. Seems like God has been listening to Harris' interviews.
  8. But there is only room for one. And they decided that a stupid social media post is more deserving of a jail sentence than raping a 14 year old child. What a disgrace.
  9. Letby wasn't directly criticizing the government's policy. Neither was the child rapist that they kept out of prison. The laser focus on draconian sentences rushed through the courts are reserved for people who criticize the governments immigration policy and #refugeeswelcome stance. They know the public anger and are scared, so they are trying to stamp it out quickly with the steel boot of authoritarianism before it gets out of hand. In my opinion it will not work. It is not a long term strategy. You can only hold the lid on the pressure cooker for so long. Soon, they are going to have to address the underlying issues that people are concerned about instead of jailing people who vent on social media about it. Of course it was a stupid thing to post. But she deleted it quickly and apologized. Nobody was harmed. A fine and a warning about future conduct would have been sufficient, but they want to send out a strong message that mass immigration is going to happen whether the public likes it or not. Also, the fact that she is a Tory means it's open season as far as the left are concerned. Sad times for Britain. I'd imagine there are an awful lot of people who regret voting for Labour.
  10. The attendants smoke at gas stations in Vietnam (or at least they did a few years ago). Scared the life out of me. Then they short change you.
  11. The MSX is great. I just ordered a limited edition Monkey in the classic 80's Motocross colours which is essentially the same bike as the MSX/Grom. Love those little things around BKK. As for Fino/Scoopy, I'd go Honda. More servicing and looks better IMO. Both are reliable.
  12. The other trick is to not reset after the previous customer pays. So it starts at 600 Baht or whatever instead of zero. I got caught this way once in Wang Noi. Needed 1/3 tank to fill it up which is about 700 Baht. The bill was 1800. I pay by fuel card and didn't check until the next day. I always look over and check before they start pumping now. Smaller scale in Patong, Phuket. They'd always stop it at an uneven amount like 132 Baht. Nobody has the 2 Baht so they pay with 140 and then they say they have no change. Saw them do this to 4 bikes before mine and then mine. Soon adds up at a busy station.
  13. I think they should save the spaces for child rapists personally. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13768989/child-rapist-spared-jail-prison-overcrowding.html But if we are to descend into jailing people for silly FaceBook posts then at least apply it to both sides. When it only applies to one side, no. 2 Tier Britain in full effect once again.
  14. Do you understand the word "If" ? "If that makes me a racist" is not a confession to racism. If I smoked a cigarette and said "If I get cancer, so be it" does that mean I have cancer? Your deliberate misinterpretations are boring Chomps.
  15. I don't think she mentioned a particular race. They just threw that at her because she was against the government's policies. Interesting they can find room in jail for stupid FaceBook posters but not child rapists. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13768989/child-rapist-spared-jail-prison-overcrowding.html
  16. This. Use Thai style detention centres. 3 bowls of fish/rice per day. If they can't raise the money to leave within 5 years, deport. The numbers coming would plummet. Instead we get smug, lily livered virtue signallers like Cooper.
  17. Serial offending Oiks like Thunberg really need punishment, not to have their identities protected. No surprise she sides with Hamas.
  18. Double standards and leftism are well acquainted bedfellows. As 2 tier Britain shows us daily.
  19. Tax paying, law abiding Expat. Left the UK a long time ago. Saw the writing on the wall. But don't worry, plenty of cultural enrichers to replace me. Unfortunately many of them don't pay tax but removing British pensioners fuel allowance can help cover some of the shortfall. Probably Tory voters anyway...
  20. He's trolling you lib feminists. Looking for a reaction. Don't bite. Oops too late. 😄 Musk playin chess...
  21. Skipped maths class? There are between first generation and third generation.
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