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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Because I abhor racism and sexism. I can see why you're OK with it though...
  2. Luckily for you I don't charge for such observations. Including many liberals. If you can't comprehend or deliberately misinterpret for cheap point scoring, that's on you.
  3. Exactly. Picking candidates based on race/sex is racist/sexist.
  4. That's a shame, they might be more self aware. They certainly throw the racist/bigot label around in most conversations where someone disagrees with them. Read it again and learn how brackets work. I didn't say the Nazis called for the elimination of Israel, I said they were anti-semitic. It's many liberals calling for the elimination of Israel (from the river to the sea).
  5. Female to male athletes rarely wish to compete against real males. It's a disadvantage. What's the word I am looking for? Oh that's right, unfair. Just like male to female athletes competing against women. Those with chromosome abnormalities are a minority within a minority. Their numbers are so small that to focus on this is just to deflect. There is an argument for creating a specific category in the special olympics for them but they cannot be used to justify men dressed as women dominating Elite womens sport as you are attempting to do.
  6. Really? 😃 Many liberals I know support racist policies like so called positive discrimination and apply the "one drop" rule to labeling people black. Many believe people should vote on racial grounds ("If you vote Trump you ain't black" - Joe Biden). Many are obstinately attached to beliefs and prejudiced to people with different opinions (bigoted). Many are anti-semitic (calling for the elimination of Israel), as the Nazis were. Many support authoritarian leadership and subordination of individual interest for the perceived good of the nation like fascists do. Liberals, so often exactly what they accuse others of being.
  7. I don't think this will happen. It's much easier and more enjoyable for leftists to label anyone who disagrees with them as racist, bigoted, fascist, Nazis. stupid, deplorable etc. Therefore it will continue unabated, and they will alienate swing voters just as Hilary did and just as the Brexit Remainers did. They never learn.
  8. If the media lose interest, I'm sure the Markles will find something to drum it back up. They need the media like a fish needs water.
  9. Amusing how Dems have been in power for 12 of the last 16 years yet all of Americas problems before and after Trump are Trump's fault. 😃
  10. Staffys love children. It's why they are called the Nanny dog. Of course in the hands of stupid owners any dog can become aggressive but it's not in their nature to be aggressive towards humans. Quite the opposite.
  11. I probably wouldn't have one if I was living in a Pattaya shoe box condo chasing bargirls like many expats. But on the farm my dogs kill vermin (rats, snakes, lizards etc.) as well as discouraging locals from stealing our fruit, tools etc. or turning up horny at 2am after too much Thai Whisky when I am away working in Bangkok. Much more trustworthy than a local security guard.
  12. What? Get a staffy, train it to go for people, chain it up outside and then shoot it when it helps him attack a Kangaroo. I guess your idea of a responsible dog owner is very different to mine.
  13. Well if you train a dog to be vicious don't complain when it is vicious. Clearly another case of an idiot owner. I feel sorry for the dog ending up in the hands of someone like that. Even before he killed it for trying to help him.
  14. I wouldn't consider a Staffordshire Bull Terrier or American Stafforshire Terrier to be a Pitbull. To me, the only breed that is a PitBull is an American PitBull Terrier. But yes it is a very broad term that different people use differently to cover any number of breeds. So when you are comparing a group of breeds to single breeds the stats are meaningless. It's like lumping all Japanese car brands together and then comparing their crash stats to a BYD Atto 3. An American Bully is not a PitBull. People might consider it one, but they are wrong. It's no more PitBull than an English Bulldog.
  15. Fortunately there is no shortage of overpaid, unelected, authoritarian technocrats in the EU to carry out such a task.
  16. Your friend was clearly an idiot. A dog that attacks an animal that the owner is also clearly trying to kill is completely different to a dog attacking a member of the family. The dog would have considered himself to be helping the owner. Protecting him. Chaining dogs up outside is also stupid. They need to live within a family, especially Staffys (nicknamed the nanny dog due to it's excellent nature with children). There were 3 animals present that day, unfortunately the one who survived was the stupidest of the lot.
  17. This thread is an excellent example why stats for "PitBull" attacks appear high. Mis-identification. These dogs were American Bullys. Yet everyone on the thread is talking about PitBulls. So much ignorance I really shake my head sometimes. Look at the snout, the body type, the mouth, the legs. Looks nothing like a "PitBull" (assuming people using that broad term mean American PitBull Terrier) to anyone with a modicum of knowledge about the breed. When you classify multiple different breeds of dog as a PitBull it's no wonder the stats look high. It's like blaming BMW's for accidents every time a German car crashes. Ignorance.
  18. I love it when they compete the look with a gold chain nestling just above the cleavage. Goes together like beer and pork scratchings. Classy stuff.
  19. That's because you need at least 4 of them in quick succession to survive 90 minutes of turgid football. Keeping Ten Hag because he won the FA Cup was a huge mistake. They were awful against Liverpool, could have been 5 or 6. I predict a similar league position to last year. Top 6 if lucky.
  20. Depends what you mean by racing exhaust. A proper aftermarket system like Yoshimura or Temignoni can increase performance if you adjust the ECU, air filter etc. as well. Power gains are minimal though, it's normally more about weight savings, looks and sound. But putting a locally made 1500 Baht can on a Honda Grom will likely make no difference. Maybe even make it run worse due to lack of back pressure.
  21. I'm sure Thailand will agree to everything if it is financially beneficial to do so. However, after 17 years working for corporations here, I have found that just because Thais agree to follow laid out rules and regulations does not mean that they will. When managers from HQ come here and lay out the rules, it's normally a case of "Absolutely Sir, Goodbye Sir, have a great trip and see you again na khap" followed by "right, let's get back to normal" 5 minutes after the car heads to the airport. The EU will have a tough time trying to control and regulate everything Thailand does, as they will undoubtedly will want to do.
  22. Good to see Aussie police taking it seriously. The UK police did their best to ignore the Rotherham grooming gangs, and were only finally shamed into taking minor action by some well known public figures. Got to see Australia mostly has one tier policing. Unlike the UK.
  23. Best just focus on the right wing media then. Oh wait a minute, they're already doing that.
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