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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. the play again immediately feature is not working when you score nil points

    unfortunately i have had two occasions to find that out............

    Hello timekeeper,

    Thanks for reporting. You can also let us know directly :-)

    To recap what should happen:

    0 correct logos is 0 points and wait 8 hours

    1 correct logo is 0 points and play again immediately

    Are you saying you've had 1 correct logo and have not been able to play again immediately? If so, we'll look into it. Otherwise, 0 logos and an 8-hour wait is as it should be.


    sorry, its my error, i thought i got to play again when you scored zero

    thanks for the fast response

  2. why not buy your own table?

    invite your friends around

    it would tick all the boxes in your opening statement

    i can sell you one

    PILOT ON silver style, ex bar pool table with coin op, 3 x 6 ideal size for home use, new felt, light unit, everything you need except cues and 20 baht to play

    18,000 baht ono

    pm me if interested

  3. My teenage daughter has been to Major several times just bringing the voucher along without calling/emailing first, never a problem.

    There are some restrictions on the Major tickets that I'm not sure if they list on the ticket yet, including the movie must be more than a week old.

    thanks for the advise Phil

    it sounds like it will be ok

  4. They're probably off for Songkran, I'm sure they'll address the problem when they return. They have been completely straight and open about everything so far, no reason why this should not continue!

    as freeplayo is running like the marie celeste at the moment

    can i ask other freeplayo players:

    heres the back story........

    i have claimed rewards for Major cinema and Blu o

    the plan being to get 2 games of bowling and watch a movie

    now it says on the rewards vouchers that you need to email the manager first before presenting yourself and the vouchers

    i have done that but his email bounces back

    so here's the question, and its addressed to anyone who has redeemed freeplayo vouchers and attended either venue free gratis

    can you just turn up and use them?

  5. i used to be AIS but now i am True 3G H everything

    i think its a better product with greater coverage

    Are you satisfied with the speeds and connection? Does it work well in most areas? What would it cost me to walk into a store buy a USB dongle and a Months connection? Thanks.

    yes very happy with speeds

    sim is 99 bant

    dongle is 1360

    1 month with 1G download limit is 350

    go to true office near Tukcom next to Kasikorn bank on Pattaya Thai

    they will fix you up

  6. i like EMS too but cannot resist commenting:

    you say:.

    ''I mailed a letter on 4th of May,'' its not the month of May yet 'two days before Songkran'',-even if you meant 4th April instead of 4th May, Songkran began on the 12th April.......

    back to the future,,,,

  7. I did it!

    Just got back from Friendship without a soaking, all roads clear as of 8am - 3rd road, Pattaya Tai and Thappraya.

    That's it now, I'm not going over the doorstep until the 20th (Friday).

    And relax smile.png

    i too was at friendship for rope drop at 7-30 am

    did some shopping,went to tops, closed until 9am, moved on to big C extra, closed but finished at reliable 24 hour opening foodland

    roads quiet, no problems, raced back to the Lake

    except for local jaunts to 7-11 i am indoors now until Saturday

    job done!

  8. Site is down while they are working on it. Could they not have posted here on the downtime and how long? sad.png

    Could have saved some hassle trying to get in and play. At least it says so now on the site itself.

    works for me, just cashed in 1500 points for some food and then played and won 500 points back

    whens lottery day......?

  9. there is an AIS ''shop'' on third road

    as you come out of the back exit road of big c extra.

    turn left onto third road, go about 50 metres

    its on the left before the car wash

    there's a car park at the back

    do not look for a big fancy unit

    its little more than a shack

  10. Do I need two cameras for front and back? i would say so

    Where to install? centre front & rear windows

    When do I let others know I have footage of actual events? when you are 100% sure you weren't at fault or are about to be attacked by the mob that generally gathers

    Should I make a copy before letting others know of footage? if you have time before you are beaten

    .heres my set up


    Just out of curiosity (and because this thread made me think about installing cams in my car), how much did you pay for your set up and where did you buy it ?

    Not sure it would help smooth things immediately after an accident, but it surely would be better than nothing, our word isn't worth much sometimes

    as someone said before i bought mine from a seller on Ebay from Hong Kong

    it was around 5000baht for two shipped

    the 32mb cards were 2500 each

    so about 10,000 baht

    i have since seen them in TukCom Pattaya at around 2000 for the same thing

    believe me it makes you feel a lot more secure driving around

    in fact, i am thinking of adding two more to cover any side issues not seen by the front and rear setups

    i had an incident recently where a motorbike clipped my rear quarter

    i stopped the car and confronted them

    they called someone and i was soon surrounded by a angry mob in an arriving pickup and the local roadside food vendors who were also anxious to get involved

    despite being outnumbered 10 -1 by men. woman and children now armed with sticks they had found in the area

    they soon relented when i calmly told them to go right ahead and smile as they were on camera

    i had positioned myself so it could see all that what transpiring

    after a few minutes they all disappeared, cursing and threatening when they saw it was running (led flashing)

    i just laughed at them as they left but they had the last laugh as there is an ugly scar on the paint that will have to sorted eventually

    never mind, at least i left unscathed ..........

    i knew writing about something like this would be tempting fate

    same day i wrote it, i have had another incident !

    my wifes driving, she encounters a car slowly weaving all over the road, nearly hitting us as she attempts to pass him

    so much so that she aborts and pulls back

    this happens a few times and she says he is doing it on purpose

    anyway, she manages to get past him eventually and gives him a good blast on the horn while doing so

    after which he speeds up, chases her and comes behind us at the next lights blasting his horn

    i see a farang get out the car, i see him doing so and get out myself from the passenger side to stop him getting to my wifes window

    he is obviously excited, maybe a little high or drunk but i did not smell any booze on him

    anyway after a lot of shouting and blathering about what he is going to do to me, he finally lets fly, misses and it culminates in a one sided boxing lesson from me

    a passing policeman arrives and my wife tells police what happened to cause such a thing and that the guy tried to draw first blood

    this account is backed up by the local shopkeepers and even the motorcy taxi guys!!

    the guy is still shouting and screaming, but at the policeman now instead of me

    the guy is angry because he has been knocked around and never landed a punch

    also that i knocked off his sunglasses and then stamped on them

    i laughed when he said, ''he did not need to break my glasses, he did it on purpose!''

    anyway the policemen is sick of the guys shouting at him and quickly decides who is at fault

    policeman wants to arrest him and asks me what i want to do.

    i say i can't be bothered with him, i think he's been humiliated enough but for the sake of not upsetting the policeman, i say i will go along with what the policeman wants to do

    policemen gives him a good talking to and eventually tells him to get out of there before he arrests him

    the rear camera was not called into play as evidence but it was a comfort to know that all the time this incident was unfolding, it was being recorded

    also conversely it kept me on track during the fight and was i careful to behave in such a way that i was not seen to be the aggressor

    so that if needed it could be shown later to show who was the guilty party

    moral of the story to you boys, get a camera!

    maybe after writing this i need to stay at home today, after all he did scream that he was going to kill me .........

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