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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. In answer to the OP. No.

    Rental Insurance has to have the Rental Company name on the Insurance policy/Certificate.

    But,Private "First Class Insurance" allows any driver to use the vehicle so maybe the restaurant is telling customers not to mention the word "hire" if they have an accident ?

    Is this correct? I had understood that even with 1st Class insurance, drivers must be named on the insurance policy - thanks

    its commonplace for Thai policy's to have no specific drivers

    however if you elect to name the drivers and only allow them to drive, then the policy will be discounted

  2. ok, log into your HSBC Uk account between 9am & 3pm UK time

    look at Left side options column



    fill in the details of the destination bank and account numbers

    opt for change to THB at destination

    senders pays all fees (£17)

    reason for sending, AVIVA Payout or some other famous name linked to insurance to make it sound innocuous


    if there no holidays to get in the way at either end it will be in the Thai account the next day

    decent exchange rate too mostly a few point above the day rate

    if you are thinking of anything under £1000 don't bother

    the HSBC ATM draw limit is usually £300 a day at a fee of £5.00 per

    so 3x £300 from an Aeon ATM will get you £900 at a cost of £15

    so after £1000 you are in profit on transfer as opposed to ATM

    its faster too...

    i hope that helps

    Thanks Timekeeper, it helps a great deal.

    The actually amount I want to transfer is £14000.

    Just one other question, you mentioned the reason for sending. Our's is a car purchase. Is that not innocuous? or would it be better for us to do as you've mentioned. I'd hate to get caught in a lie, and end up getting stuffed down the line.

    Do you also know if the rate i'd get is the same as the published rate on SCB website, you said it was a few points above, so I'm assuming it basically is?

    Thanks again, you've been a great help!!

    don't send over 9.999

    split it or it will be subject to a mandatory bank report and it will be flagged for investigation

    a car purchase should be ok as a reason on both transactions

    you will get slightly better than the website rate

    Mandatory bank report by whom ??

    There is no limit on the transfer of funds and a the UK banks are obliged to quote a 'reason for transfer' at the insistence of the BoT.

    Uk banks report all transactions over 10,000 to some government department that deals with money laundering

    no limits huh?

    so if i am a known drug dealer and send 250,000 GBP out of UK, no-one will take any notice ?

  3. sounds like a good deal to me and will make my cinema going experience cheaper

    i don't like sitting next to anyone so i buy four tickets for me and the missis

    that way we have a one seat buffer between us and armrest poachers.........

    Your such a Hi-SO!!tongue.png

    more So-So than Hi-So

    • Like 1
  4. forget the pattaya shops

    most are co owned by the same people and operate a price fixing cartel

    get out of town, drive to Siracha

    as you go down the hill to the traffic lights

    look to your right and you will see a huge Brigdestone Dealership

    they have many examples of rims in an air conditioned show room

    i saved 20,000 on exactly the same set of tires and rims from Pattaya prices

    go have lunch at Kanary bay while you wait for them to be done

    cheap but excellent lunch + new wheels = good day ...........

  5. then select if you want to pay sending charges and receiving charges or both.

    Great info thanks.

    Which option is it best to select regarding charges? In best I mean cheapest.

    Also, I am not currently at the address they have for me in the UK, I'm resident in Thailand. If I do get a security check phone call, is there a number provided for me to contact them?


    select change GBP-Baht on arrival and sender pays charges (£17)

    if you want a company that gives you a land line telephone number local to you in UK then i can send you details

    all calls made to the number are diverted to you in Thailand at a number you nominate

    so you will get a number like 01246-786543, it will ring with a UK ring tone and be diverted to your number in Thailand

    you will answer it like you are in UK

    you just add this number to your HSBC account

    it costs about £5 a month for the service plus you pay the cost of the calls made to the number at a low rate

    the monthly is taken by direct debit from a nominated bank account but you are advised by email 3 days prior to DD action to allow you time to dispute charges if you wish

    if you want to appear to be in UK when you are not , this is the way to go.........

    • Like 1
  6. ok, log into your HSBC Uk account between 9am & 3pm UK time

    look at Left side options column



    fill in the details of the destination bank and account numbers

    opt for change to THB at destination

    senders pays all fees (£17)

    reason for sending, AVIVA Payout or some other famous name linked to insurance to make it sound innocuous


    if there no holidays to get in the way at either end it will be in the Thai account the next day

    decent exchange rate too mostly a few point above the day rate

    if you are thinking of anything under £1000 don't bother

    the HSBC ATM draw limit is usually £300 a day at a fee of £5.00 per

    so 3x £300 from an Aeon ATM will get you £900 at a cost of £15

    so after £1000 you are in profit on transfer as opposed to ATM

    its faster too...

    i hope that helps

    Thanks Timekeeper, it helps a great deal.

    The actually amount I want to transfer is £14000.

    Just one other question, you mentioned the reason for sending. Our's is a car purchase. Is that not innocuous? or would it be better for us to do as you've mentioned. I'd hate to get caught in a lie, and end up getting stuffed down the line.

    Do you also know if the rate i'd get is the same as the published rate on SCB website, you said it was a few points above, so I'm assuming it basically is?

    Thanks again, you've been a great help!!

    don't send over 9.999

    split it or it will be subject to a mandatory bank report and it will be flagged for investigation

    a car purchase should be ok as a reason on both transactions

    you will get slightly better than the website rate

  7. BTW, I have no idea how much damage had been done to the power lines, but judging by the length of time it took to get it back up and running, it must have been pretty extensive.

    Did anyone happen to see the damage?

    Anyway, hats off to the power company people who, IMHO, do an incredible job in keeping us all in electricity. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they repair the damage - regardless of the hour - day or night.

    If this storm had happened in the UK, it would probably have taken 2- 3 days to fix it - at least one day just to fill in the forms and a second day for the repair crew to go out and survey the damage, a third day to get clearance from health and safety, and so on....

    i think was in the eye of the storm and it was pretty ferocious

    i had some minor damage but thank fully we did not lose power this time

  8. ok, log into your HSBC Uk account between 9am & 3pm UK time

    look at Left side options column



    fill in the details of the destination bank and account numbers

    opt for change to THB at destination

    senders pays all fees (£17)

    reason for sending, AVIVA Payout or some other famous name linked to insurance to make it sound innocuous


    if there no holidays to get in the way at either end it will be in the Thai account the next day

    decent exchange rate too mostly a few point above the day rate

    if you are thinking of anything under £1000 don't bother

    the HSBC ATM draw limit is usually £300 a day at a fee of £5.00 per

    so 3x £300 from an Aeon ATM will get you £900 at a cost of £15

    so after £1000 you are in profit on transfer as opposed to ATM

    its faster too...

    i hope that helps

    • Like 1
  9. There is a shop on Sukminvhit - sorry I don't remember where - that has a full range of professional equipment.

    that shop is on the left side of sukhumvit near to the junction with Pattaya nua when you are driving towards pattaya klang

    its after macdonalds, after the temple, after the school

    its in the middle of those shophouses.

  10. Cannot access the site this morning "google cannot find www.freeplayo.com" is all i get, all other sites open ok! sad.png

    Cannot access the site this morning "google cannot find www.freeplayo.com" is all i get, all other sites open ok! sad.png

    me too!

    Hi! Yes, we are having problems with our server providers. Assurances they have given us about resolving the unusual downtime we are experiencing are coming to nought. Indeed over the past two weeks it has gotten worse! So please be patient with us as we resolve these issues with them. We may make a move to another provider. If our site happens to be down when you visit, please come back later! :-)

    not today!!

    just won 500 points

    tequila reef here we come........

    • Like 1
  11. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

    Give him a big knife and 10 mins in a room on his own, save everyone a lot of bother.

    This guy clearly isn't the same guy pictured in the earlier thread... who was that actually a picture of?

    Same guy, now a bit fatter with a shaved head and no sun bathing.

    she did say mr peter was more hansum.......

  12. Just for the sake of comparison, I had to have some documents notarized at the Australian Embassy last week for my Australian driver's license renewal. 1500 baht - but I had 3 separate pages and a photo notarized.

    As far as I know the British consulate charges 2500B per document. Not that I would even think about going to them for such a task as they are renowned for being a rip-off.

    I was quoted 2000B or 2500B by an Indian lawyer near Tukcom for certifying a passport copy. Needless to say I didnt pursue that either.

    I think 300B is reasonable and if a lawyer/notary wont do it at that price I would just keep looking until I found one that would.

    apparently charges at the British consulate vary, they are dependent on the document required

    as to looking around to try to find one at 300baht, its clear you do not put much value on your time

    if i knew of a lawyer at 500 baht, i would not spend hours of my time, energy, depreciation of my vehicle, fuel and all the inherent frustrations in looking around and bargaining trying to save 200 baht

    i value my time much more than that

  13. Hard to beat Tequila Reef for Margaritas. B130 for blended (strong) or B599 for a pitcher. I think the pitcher is more than 1 liter. We had large Margarita glasses and got 6 full drinks out of the pitcher. Plus my friend and I are both Frugal Freddy/PCEC members, showed our card and got 20% discount so only 80 baht per Margarita and no + + like they stick it to you at Sunrise. I avoid that place like the plague. Also same friend and I a couple of days before were close to the Texas restaurant in Central Pattaya. I had taken my group there a few weeks before and knew Margarita's were only B99 so we went in, decided on a pitcher. It was a small pitcher (less than a liter) and they filled it only 2/3 full. We said "hey fill it up" reply "no this is how full you get same as 4 drinks" We said why pay for 4 drinks (B399) in a pitcher, should be full "No this is how we always do it". Our reply "pour it back into the machine and just give us 2 margaritas. They did (small glasses and not full). Needless to say we did not order another. That place is going down hill since the owner has ignored the management aspect and figured he could rest on his laurels and the customers would pour in since "Bob's BBQ" went out of business just before he opened. Many lessons to be learned but I don't expect it to be open a year from now, farangs will not allow themselves to be treated that way.

    i was at tequila reef 3 nights ago

    i had a strawberry daquiri at Tequila reef

    next night the same drink at Hard rock

    there is no comparison

    i had one glass at TF, it was awful and had three pitchers at the Hard rock

    the hard rock is soooooo much better

    you should cast off the frugal mantle one time Bob and give it a try

  14. i had a lawyer witness ''a swear on the holy bible statement'' for a deceased estate document and the signing

    he charged 500 baht

    Kuhn Vissan , attorneys house|? i think on left side of pattaya nua headed to sukhumvit

    in the middle of the shophouses before tesco lotus

    He's the man but I thought his shop house is past Tesco Lotus heading away from the beach? It's just before The Balcony.

    yes we are on the same page but he is definitely before Tesco lotus and the little soi where you get to the back entrance of the Balcony

    Vissan speaks good english and is a nice guy too

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