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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. From the articles linked: "......was last night, 19 October 2023 evacuated back to Sweden." "Then the plane leaves Bangkok for Sweden at 00 local time and lands at 0700 Swedish time on 10 October, wrote Felicia’s mother ...." Awesome, a plane that can time travel. "Felicia’s travel insurance had only just expired when the accident occurred." What bad timing that was. I wonder if she was wearing a helmet? I saw no mention of a helmet in any of the articles I read.
  2. IMO that doesn't look like a cabin but perhaps a stucco dwelling of some sort. And hardly in the Rocky Mountains. That could possibly be the Rocky Mountains there in the background but that so called "cabin" appears to be located out on the eastern plains of Colorado. Maybe the Sterling or Kit Carson areas?
  3. Just wanted to say: 'Go Buckeyes!!' ......and there's few places that compare to The Great Colorado Rocky Mountains!' Thailand is home for me until I leave this life...... Making the most of what I can and so far I'm enjoying it.
  4. I was thinking the same thing....sad...sad...sad when all you care about is where your next bottle will come from.
  5. A mobile home is also called a trailer...... Thus the phrase 'trailer trash'.... A trailer is parked and generally stays for a long period of time on your own lot (land) or a rented lot in a 'trailer park'. A trailer (aka mobile home) does not have a motor so it cannot be driven anywhere. A so called caravan is an RV (recreational vehicle). It has a motor and can be driven around and parked at RV parks or campgrounds. A camper is generally a smaller camper and is either attached to the bed of a pick-up or pulled behind a truck (and in some cases, smaller ones, may be pulled by a car). NOTE: This is all coming from a person who doesn't call a sweet dessert cookie a friggin biscuit.
  6. The moon......
  7. I'll do the 'or something': Relax in my recliner while pounding Lao Dark brews, packing bong hits, and watching TV.....
  8. 'Space Opera' is a subgenre of 'Science Fiction'......
  9. I really could care less of a person's opinion who thinks that 'space opera' is a movie genre.
  10. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105695/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_Unforgiven%20
  11. I'm sure it seems a lot more when: - There's little to no drainage pipes in order to allow the water to move to a more controlled area such as a sewer system or canal. - What drainage system there is has been clogged up from all the litter tossed about instead of disposing properly in a wastebin. - Road design allows for the the water to pile up and sit in the middle.
  12. Too many great ones....... only a few here: Deer Hunter Forrest Gump One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Papillon Fast Times at Ridgemont High Caddyshack Easy Rider Exorcist Pulp Fiction Saving Private Ryan Rudy .................................
  13. Totally agree with that. I'm much more concerned about sideswiping that car/scooter that decided to run the red light or the one that has taken the corner across the centerline. Or the one who is in my lane because they were passing a vehicle on the hill or blind corner. He77 I'm more worried about getting an extra cockroach in my daily noodle soup.... ????
  14. Who care, that $$$ from that ATM withdrawal is my government pension $$$ coming from my US Bank account. Will they request to see my US Bank account deposits and origination of those deposits?
  15. How could they tell my ATM withdrawals were not being made by an ordinary tourist or someone who is not a 'tax resident'? Evade Thai Tax law? If the so-called 'Thai Tax' law isn't clear than how could one know if he/she is avoiding it?
  16. Reminds me of a tour I went on years ago through the workings of Hoover Dam. I asked the tour guide if suicides occurred often at the dam and she replied that the most recent was just the day before. That's what occurs when you put it all on Red and Black shows up.
  17. Exactly! The only monetary app I have on my phone is TrueWallet and then the most in that account is less than 30k THB. For me, cash is king.....
  18. Slow news day?
  19. For those not understanding my post, this is what I am referring to: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/04/politics/biden-student-loan-debt-forgiveness/index.html
  20. Let' see, this was posted: Same here in Thailand we had to register our Sims a couple Yrs with our ID (Passport) at the providers Shop AIS . That's nothing new that Law came in a few Yrs ago. That's to stop one having Unregistered Sims for Lawless activity. You replied: When that law came in, I registered my sim online. I used a Thai ID number I got from an online Thai ID number generator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why didn't you just go the legit route and get a SIM at a shop using your passport? Too lazy or just a thug wanting to circumvent the lawful process? ED? Hmmmmm Why do you always have penises on your mind?
  21. It's the crooks that tend to hide things. 'Out with the bad and in with the good' You are the bad!
  22. There's your problem - UK My Thai wife while in the USA reporting as my wife was able to obtain a social security card (which enabled her to work) and a bank account which was interest bearing. I guess it sucks to be a Brit. You're ancestors should have taken a voyage on the Mayflower.
  23. Don't mind him. He's apparently on Forbes list of the 'rich & famous'.......or was that the 'dumb & clueless'???
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