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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Perhaps try to keep up with the world economy and see how much money is spent each year on pets, pet toys, pet food, pet clothing, pet healthcare, etc...... and then how many people in the world are homeless, starving, and dying. Seems as though the priority has already been set.
  2. Wow, you carry a broken bottle around with you in your pocket? I think the baton in the man purse would be easier and perhaps safer.
  3. You sound like a nice and charming person to go have a beer with...... Maybe you need a bog hit or two to mellow out some?
  4. With proper training you can teach your dog where to go to relieve themself. I read a book about dog training years ago and I used the technique in that book to teach my Cocker Spaniel years ago. It took time and patience but I trained him to do his duty in one section of my huge backyard. It was great not having to go around the entire large yard picking up the poo in order to mow the grass.
  5. Do people like to run around and chase birds, squirrels, or other critters? Do people like to go around sniffing areas and then take a whiz or chit leaving their mark everywhere/anywhere?
  6. Yes, many speak English there, especially the cardiologist who placed a stent in my right pulmonary artery last year. I put a post about my satisfaction of the procedure as well as the 4 day hospital stay and associated cost. That was my first time ever going to a government hospital. However, I have experience with Ram and Bangkok hospitals in Chiang Mai and Burmrungrad in BKK. I will never waste my money on those high priced places again now that I know what to expect at a government hospital. NOTE: I am aware hospitals are like anything else where some are better (or not as good) as others......So maybe I got lucky with the government hospital in Nan.
  7. I never understood how someone could have a dog in a large city with nowhere for it to roam free, especially those folks who live in apartments/condos.
  8. I will say that there were a couple times when I actually picked up a hefty rock but just held it in case it was needed. (I probably wouldn't throw it, but use it to slam against a dog's head if he did lunge at me....... but that have never been needed.)
  9. That seems a little expensive from my experience. I had an x-ray of my hand about a year ago. The x-ray and exam by a doctor as well as two prescriptions came to a whopping 650 THB....... However that was at a government hospital in Nan.
  10. I have never carried a stick as I feel it's not needed. I carry a pocket full of dog treats. I toss some at any of dogs that come my way. Actually I hold some out in my hand and try to coax them to come and get a treat. However most are too scared or timid to come near me so I have to toss a few pieces their way. Once they get a taste of a treat they leave me alone or follow me hoping I will give them more. If a dog appear aggressive towards me I just bend over and pretend I am picking up a rock. That deters most but on occasion I pretend to throw a rock at them and they usually go running off. I have been walking city areas, back sois, and rural areas for nearly 20 years and I have yet to have an issue with a dog I couldn't handle. I have however been bit by a cat about 8 years ago.,
  11. Here's a great documentary on the game. I have played with or against many of the players seen in this movie. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10146728/?ref_=fn_al_tt_7
  12. Just spin the rods like everyone else that doesn't know or appreciate the game.... ????
  13. Built one of the best airports in the world. Showed us that caning is not a sport.
  14. 'All'????? I doubt that all Chinese currently in Thailand have a car....or even a scooter. Sounds like someone is either jealous of the Chinese or crying because they can't afford a car.
  15. ......and a disadvantage is that you can be tracked wherever you go with your phone turned on. Also phones can be hacked much easier than a PC with a VPN, firewall, and anti-malware/virus SW. That is why I don't use my phone for any financial transactions/inquires.
  16. I guess you never heard this from your parents when growing up: 'Don't sit so close to the TV you'll ruin your eyes.' One can only imagine all the eye problems today's youth will have in 30 years...... NOTE: My mother was a keypunch operator for many years during the 60s and 70s. Not only did her eyesight deteriorate but she also had posture issues with her back and shoulders requiring numerous surgeries.
  17. I can always walk away from tuk-tuk drivers. I detest those annoying lottery ticket sellers who walk up to my table when I'm dining!
  18. Table soccer....... and here's a table that used in today's tournaments.
  19. Quick, have another drink. Your hands are shaking and it's making your pictures blurry.
  20. Foosball is still a thriving sport worldwide. There's numerous tournaments and some with decent payouts but nothing in comparison to the $250k USD ones back in the 70s... (along with perhaps winning a Porsche) I've played with & against some of the world's best players. I've seen some tables throughout my Thailand travels but I have never seen anyone here playing competitively.
  21. From your SS I see there are 2 groups of ads. I see none. I however am using both, an ad blocker and a pop up blocker (Google Chrome..... Win11).
  22. No need to tell me that. I have been working with computers since the days of dial-up (9600 Hayes modem) and bulletin boards (before the great WWW)...... Know enough of Forth, LabView, Pascal, C++ and others to be dangerous). I was being facetious as I know not every hardware/software configuration can always be duplicated. Someone who supports so many clients with different configurations should be wise enough to have multiple units. One for personal use and another to continuously change in order to try and replicate the customers'.
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