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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Your late father obviously chewed Bazooka Joe bubble gum as I recall reading that same joke on a Bazooka Joe gum comic back in the 60s/70s.
  2. I used to buy my cod fillets at Rimping.
  3. I am confused, can Medicare ever be used in Thailand and if so when could that occur?
  4. Just a little closer so I can see how many teeth he has.
  5. Reminds me when I was first living in China and was riding in a taxi with a good friend visiting from Hong Kong. The taxi was stopped at a red light and an older man (mid 40s or so) was walking with and helping a young teenager who was apparently blind and was panhandling for coins at the cars stopped for the light. I rolled down my window and held out my hand holding a few RMB ready to hand off to the begging teen. My friend pulled my arm back in the taxi and told me not to give them any money. I told my friend it wasn't much and I only wanted to help a little. My friend says that in China folks typically don't give hand outs to those unfortunate. The reason according to my friend is that there's belief that the father, not wanting to work, may have blinded the youngster on purpose in order to gain money without having to do real work. .....sad to hear this but after that I stopped giving handouts remembering what my friend had said.
  6. DVD Player? People are still using this ancient technology?
  7. Thanks, but do note the first sentence in my OP: "I know the photo size required is 4cm x 6cm and it needs to have a white background but what are some of the other requirements?"
  8. Nice!!! Who did you see? Perhaps some of my CO friends attended the same concert. Everyone seems to be posting everything on Facebook these days. Honestly, my last Red Rocks concert was sometime in the mid to late 80s. If the one I have shown wasn't my last one there it was somewhere around that same timeframe. Back in those days it was all general seating except for like the first 10 rows or so. You could enter the amphitheater around noon or so and make a full day of it. We used to take a picnic and go around 2-3pm. Sit back relax, listen to the music they played on the sound system until the actual band(s) played which started around 7-8pm.... While making a day of it we would eat, drink, play backgammon or cards, and just have a great time taking in the view. Back then they allowed you to take in a cooler as well as alcohol.....only no cans or bottles. Ahhhhhhh those Colorado concert memories!
  9. How about some smothered nachos, BLT with homemade potato soup, or some traditional Tom Yum Goong? Don't get me started on my assortment of desserts and sweets.
  10. I know the photo size required is 4cm x 6cm and it needs to have a white background but what are some of the other requirements? I recall I had a link before of a webpage that showed an example and in that example it showed requirements of how much photo space the head of the person should be at. However I can't seem to find that link again. Can anyone provide me with such a link or example of what I am referring to?
  11. 1 Favourite book - Rape of the Ape 2 Favourite city - Las Vegas 3 Beer or whisky? - A decent microbrew 4 Favourite island - Cozumel 5 Train or Plane? - Depends on the destination and distance 6 Favourite dish - Lasagna 7 Favourite song - This is the Day (Talk Talk)
  12. Yes, my apologies.... I didn't know a restart would fix all the problems. I wonder why my last restart didn't clear all the files out of my Recycle Bin? Hmmmmmmmm..........
  13. "Best to do a restart every now and again." You made it sound like doing a restart will help something or another.
  14. Old news.... https://en.as.com/videos/kayakers-nearly-swallowed-by-whale-in-california-v/
  15. Thanks, that's nice to know. I have installed a widget that allows me to monitor CPU temp. Looking at it occasionally I can see there hasn't been much of a change and I have left my device powered up for a little over a week now.
  16. Too funny..... How about doing some proper clean-up and maintenance every now and then? Run 'Disk Cleanup' (if Windows OS) Clear cache in browser I run CCleaner occasionally Execute: %temp% and clear the folder ......and of course for a desktop, remove the cover and give the inside a nice blow-out with being sure the fan operates freely as well as cleaning the fan filter if there is one.
  17. Was that an older Toyota? I doubt it as this does not look like a Toyota model:
  18. I wonder if it's ok to keep one of these on 24/7?
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