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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. There has been many times where using the 'LOGIN' link at the top of the home page doesn't work for me. I use Chrome and Win 10 (just recently Win 11). I have found (every time) that if I right-click on the 'LOGIN' link and use 'Open link in new tab', then login from that new window the problem will not occur.
  2. I thought everyone who uses a PC knows these two trusty friends, 'Ctrl C' and 'Ctrl V'?
  3. I received a ticket in the mail nearly 2 months after the infraction occurred.
  4. I wrote that to the Internet, didn't I? So, it must be true! Why do you think a website like Snopes was created or a TV show like MythBusters?
  5. Difficult to do when most people believe everything they see/hear on the Internet is true. One would think that ignorant people would spend more money and perhaps more foolishly than competent folks. Maybe Thailand needs to make more movies like 'Lost in Thailand' which supposedly helped with tourism from China.
  6. With having only 22 posts it appears you haven't wound up too many.... I recently bought a mini and can't be more satisfied. I used desktop(s) for years but since I no longer use any heavy graphic apps or download torrents I decided to go with a mini.
  7. Really? When has an Embassy representative actually posted on this forum and posted something official?
  8. So you're expecting 'the Embassy' to get on this forum and reply to your post?
  9. Do you realize that you can forward those messages to admin/mods and the person who sent it to you will be banned?
  10. Sure thing, no problem........ Just to make note, your OP sounds like you are desiring attention or perhaps an intervention, thus my honest comment.
  11. 'Harsh' is when you take a bong hit full of seeds. With reading your post and many previous posts that you have made I was being realistic.....however you are correct, it is my opinion.
  12. Hobby? Sounds to me he needs more of a life than a hobby.
  13. Am I correct to say that this 'new ' form would not be required if one is doing 800k in the bank method?
  14. "........Why wait until tomorrow morning, let's write the rules now while we're still buzzed!"
  15. A proper outdoor restaurant setting will provide some repellant spray. I know the ones I regularly frequent do.
  16. I sent you a PM over a week ago with links...... (read your messges)
  17. I was thinking the same thing but it was looking more like a fatty growth (which would probably not be due to the dog's age) or a dangling turd. (Must be the camera angle)
  18. There's your problem, it's an HP product. After owning numerous HP products throughout the years only to be dissatisfied I have vowed to never buy HP again. Toss it and buy a different brand..... printer, I would go with a Brother or Canon.
  19. I thought it was odd the first time I was charged for a bucket of ice at a restaurant here in Thailand. But now it appears normal. I wonder when restaurants in the west will start charging for restroom use? How about charging for paper napkins or maybe a rental charge on utensils? Condiments should be like others items such as employee wages, overhead, cooking oil, salt/pepper, etc...... all rolled into the cost of the product/service. Itemizing it is just asking for trouble.
  20. What is that godly thing hanging from his arse?
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._T
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_mobile_phones
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