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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. What's the difference between the chits and the runs? The runs is when you make it.... ????
  2. They don't eat it. They lay their eggs on it.
  3. Duhhhhhhh, but you asked! "No Kidding?" If you didn't want it then refrain from asking.......simple
  4. https://www.google.com/search?q=i+before+e+except+after+c&sxsrf=AB5stBjBbPiX0SY9_qJ4ZIoLXAsyYH3wUg%3A1691586630484&source=hp&ei=RpDTZMbcGr-x2roP5oKYOA&iflsig=AD69kcEAAAAAZNOeVmcNX7upl5LAb3XR72GASADlgGv6&oq=&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IgAqAggDMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnSMYTUABYAHABeACQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQHIAQCoAgo&sclient=gws-wiz
  5. I was taught, 'i' before 'e' except after 'c'... but that's not always true. My observations have always seen food that I would normally put in the fridge be left out for not just hours but at times days then be eaten without anyone getting sick. Stomachs are like concrete from eating bugs, uncooked intestines, and other unmentionables.
  6. I just wish Elon Musk would quit sending me emails.
  7. I'm looking for some recommendations for a blender to make fruit smoothies at home. Something that is not too expensive (less than 2k THB). Something that is durable and can crush ice. Something that is easy to clean. Not sure if there is a better forum to make this post but if so could a mod please move it for me. TIA
  8. He is one of the best but I dare not say best of what or I might get baned.
  9. Perhaps someone should inform the authorities?
  10. I see his point, it's on the top of your head.
  11. You've got such a large imagination........ and ego You need to be on TV so folks can turn you off.
  13. You do know what opinions are don't you?
  14. Without receiving a sinker I would have asked for a full refund too. I noticed that the name of the restaurant wasn't provided.
  15. Many kids these days are so smart (about electronic devices) they can find a 'work around' with most things when parents barely know how to operate a microwave.
  16. That pic the OP posted can't be of Thailand..... There's no trash thrown about and I don't see any hoses releasing used wastewater from a nearby house.
  17. You are correct, my mistake. I was having a dementia moment and mixed up NNT with CNX.
  18. Tell what? - Many speak and understand English - Many Grab, Panda Food, and LINE drivers to make home deliveries - Big C, Makro, Thai Watsadu, Global House all available as well as the usual MK, KFC, and Pizza Company locations - A nice government hospital as well as new RAM hospital currently being built - A local airport that has daily flights to many different locations - Various day, evening, and weekend markets - Numerous good restaurants with many having western food on the menu - Numerous new homes available at affordable locations as well as land if one would desire to build Sadly the only negative I can say is there is a lack of rentals with that being homes, apartments, or condos. .......anything specific you are looking for or should I use my ESP and try to read your mind?
  19. Said the Coloradan who was trying to keep the California riff-raff out! BTW, Nan is my choice of a nice northern town which has a wide vast amenities a farang would desire.
  20. As the saying goes: 'She has the whitest teeth I have ever cum across.'
  21. Serves the man right for taking a pee on the roadside when I am sure a PTT or other nearby location would have a proper toilet. I have traveled many times on 10+ hour road trips here in Thailand and never had the need to relieve myself on the roadside....... and I tend to drink a lot of tea and coffee on my road trips. From the linked article: "The route, shrouded by dense forest, is known to be frequented by wild animals, including elephants, cows, and monkeys." When did cows become known as a 'wild animal'?
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