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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Do you actually read the post you are replying to?
  2. OMG, you should be on TV so I can turn you off. NOTE: I'm definitely not your mate. Besides I heard you had to pay to get any friends.
  3. I can too.....but can you prepay (which means pay before it has been delivered)?
  4. Being able to prepay for a Panda Food delivery has nothing to do with an expat's wealth..... are you for real?
  5. Then the pensioner should suffer any consequences if he/she doesn't want to adapt to changes....... Things are changing every day and if you cannot adjust then you could become a victim. That's just part of life so get used to it or get left behind. One fine example is modern technology. If you only know how to use a dial phone to make a call then I guess it will be difficult for you to make a phone call these days.
  6. When/where did I say it was up to you...... do show me please. You must be Thai then if you were buying properties.... (multiple)..... So if you are Thai why were you not able to get a credit card?
  7. Arrogant.....lofty position..... ???? Just being realistic and if someone has moved here without a backup plan then it's their stupidity.....maybe they should have thought some with the big head instead of always using the little one.
  8. No need..... My wife as well as my daughter both have their own accounts that would be more than enough for them while waiting for my will to be acted upon. Besides if it was really a necessity my wife could sell one (or both) of our residences here sine they are in her name.
  9. If folks cannot prepare and fend for themselves then maybe they should not have ventured far from mommy's skirt. Bye...Have a great day..... Cheers!
  10. What???? Can you actually comprehend what you read and write?
  11. If I have any health issues or die or for some reason locked out of my USA account my better half could use my BKK Bank debit card and draw funds from the 800k I keep there for my retirement extension. Besides that I do have extra funds (above the 800k) in my BKK Bank there just for any unexpected emergencies (like the 160k THB I used last year for my stent operation). 'Prepare for the unexpected'.........duhhhhhh, it's not rocket science. 'Old age' should not be a reason.
  12. ......and yet I use the money I pull from my USA bank using an ATM here in Thailand for my living expenses. Your reply makes no sense!
  13. Rubbish..... I am sure I have much more money than the majority of those on this forum and sure in the he77 more than many Thais. Money has nothing to do with it. Panda Food won't allow me to use the TrueMoney Wallet account to prepay for food delivery due to the fact that I'm a foreigner....but Lazada allows me to prepay using that same account...... now explain that! NOTE: Food Panda's reason is saying that I'm not a Thai. So I use my daughter's account.
  14. How is having your pension in your home country or another bank outside of Thailand inconvenient? Further (difficult) action? -Hmmmmm 1) Open new account 2) Contact current pension administrator and change deposit info
  15. As I asked and will question again, why even have pensions direct deposited into a Thai bank?
  16. Wow, that's different than when I was living there back in 2006/2007. Then it had to be registered but I could do so using my passport. I am not sure but I think China was registering (tracking) SIM cards before Thailand.
  17. Bummer.... However, without looking I am sure there are other banks outside of Thailand a person could open an account and obtain a debit card to do ATM withdrawals internationally. Years ago I used to have an account with NetBank which had no brick & mortar locations. They provided me a debit card and I used it here in the USA, in Thailand, and as well as China when I lived there.
  18. My bank (Wells Fargo - USA) charges me $5 for an ATM transaction occurring here in Thailand. Thailand's ATMs charges me 220 THB..... I generally make 1 or 2 transactions a month, each being the max allowable 25k THB. No biggie for me and I feel feel that a percent or two in fees isn't going to affect my lifestyle as my US brokerage savings account more than makes up for that pitiful amount. NOTE: Are you aware most US Banks as well as other institution's accounts are FDIC secured? I have been using US banks for well over 40 years and never had an issue losing money even with having an account back in the 80s that was affected by the Savings & Loan scandal then. (Silverado Savings dissolved and went to Wachovia. Wachovia dissolved and went to Wells Fargo.)
  19. Immigration office time for me = Approximately 1-3 hours a year....... Damn, that's a very long time....... 55555555555
  20. Sure, I pay ATM fees but that equates to only about $20-30 USD a month (1k THB). Worthwhile (ease of mind) for me to do than having $$ in a Thai bank. Besides I'm able to play the USD vs. THB game to try and get the best value.... ???? Maybe it's me, but I think those that elect to have their pensions direct deposited into a Thai bank are crazy.
  21. I have been using TrueMoney Wallet for a few years and keep around 20k THB in it for my frequent Lazada and other location purchases. On the TrueMoney app they show a Savings Acct offering up to 4% interest. Selecting it on the app it comes back saying 'For Thais only'..... Maybe other countries should start being biased with Thais living there? ....the continued discrimination is an ugly look for a country like Thailand
  22. All my $$ is in US banks except the 800k+ I keep in BKK Bank for my extension requirement. I pull THB from ATMs from my US banks. How would I be affected? How would the Thai government know that I'm considered a 'tax resident' instead of a frequent tourist? I think that could only occur if they somehow had a database which connected Immigration info with ATM usage and bank info from those ATM users. Thailand can't even connect vehicle tax info, vehicle insurance info, and MV (motor vehicle) violation data.
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