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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. No need to tell me that. I have been working with computers since the days of dial-up (9600 Hayes modem) and bulletin boards (before the great WWW)...... Know enough of Forth, LabView, Pascal, C++ and others to be dangerous). I was being facetious as I know not every hardware/software configuration can always be duplicated. Someone who supports so many clients with different configurations should be wise enough to have multiple units. One for personal use and another to continuously change in order to try and replicate the customers'.
  2. What is it called when he/she has not figured out what gender they want to be yet?
  3. I understand what you are saying but it sounded like you were bitchin' because of the amount of ads you ere seeing, thus the reason for my reply. I will now assume you use every OS, mouse, keyboard, motherboard, etc. in order to mimic your clients' configurations too.......LOL
  4. Really? On my desktop I don't see a single ad....... and I thought you were PC savvy.
  5. I get what you say as most Thais (and others) say 'America'. I say 'America' when I talk to a Thai but normally I say 'US' or 'USA'. To me it doesn't bother me as long as folks understand where I am talking about. It actually took me a few years to get used to hearing or saying 'Krung Thep'. 'Merica' doesn't even bother me. Americans..... hmmmmm are those from South America 'Americans' too? Many in the USA go to Mexico because it is close. There are numerous daily flights with cheap airfare as well as package deals. More from the USA can speak or understand the Spanish language as it was widely offered in schools as an alternate class. Not sure these days but a US citizen didn't need a passport to visit Mexico. NOTE: I am from the USA and my generation was educated well enough so we could truly understand the difference between 'your' and 'you're'.... ????
  6. <quote of removed post deleted> Reading through the posts tells me that the majority of folks don't need to be vwarned as they have been astute for years to check their receipts and keep a keen eye during checkout at any Thai establishments. I am happy that you didn't lose any money....and hopefully you now have learned from your MISTAKE..... Cheers!
  7. Because I totally enjoy the smell of exhaust as my life flashes before my eyes while swerving through traffic!
  8. I watch as each item is scanned and my brain is like a computer. I know, most times, what the total bill should roughly be. I do know exactly what change (if any) I should get back and verify it, always! I have corrected cashiers numerous times. Both for my benefit and theirs. Just last week I corrected a cashier as she scanned one item and then hit the x4 key on the register thinking I bought 4 when in reality I bought 2 of 2 different items. Yes, they looked identical but one was actually a little bigger than the other so different pricing.
  9. The 'Girl Guides' in Thailand are aged 4 to 20....so not hardly all are in elementary school and some are of legal consenting age. (...or maybe Google's info is incorrect?)
  10. "........Songkran Rawangpai was admitted with a gunshot wound on the back of his right arm." "Frustrated by the situation, Sitthiporn fired his firearm without aiming directly at the man.” An auto aiming air gun? I was expecting the crop to be cannabis.
  11. We've experienced a few days in the last couple of weeks where water service was disrupted. We've always been given fair notice and it was always identified as being off from 9am until 5pm. If they said 'until the completion' that would definitiely worry me as I know how slowly Thais can work at times.
  12. That's half of it and the other half relies on the plumbing connected to the toilet outlet. I used to rent a house in CM years ago that one bathroom's toilet would barely suck down a single piece of 2-ply TP. After the landlord made useless attempts at trying to clear the drain it was later found (after digging up the back of the house) that the drainage pipe had a sharp 90 degree elbow less than a foot from the toilet outlet which restricted the water flow substantially. Not only that elbow piece but whoever built the house connected a 2 inch pipe out of the toilet.
  13. Doesn't everyone know that Aussie men only like men?
  14. I'm guessing that any driver killed by making a food delivery fits in one of these categories: - Wearing no helmet - Not following road rules (speeding, weaving in/out of traffic, not signaling, etc.) - Looking at his/her phone NOTE: I always tip delivery drivers.
  15. I have always been a pretty generous tipper. I find that by doing so I am treated differently during future visits. (Perhaps fans positioned towards me or larger portions of pork in my soup....etc.) I also find it rewarding to reward others for doing a good serviced task. (karma) My most memorable moment about tipping was 20 years or so ago when I lived in Southern China. I bought a pack of cigarettes which I believe was 7 or 8 rmb at the time. I gave the clerk a 10 rmb note, gestured her to keep the change and proceeded to leave the store. She came running out of the store down the street waving the change at me. I kind of moved her arm back away from me informing her I didn't want the 2 or 3 rmb change. She insisted I take it and actually tossed it at my feet and ran off back to the store. The next day at work I asked one of my Chinese colleagues about what had occurred. He said that the Chinese are not accustomed to tipping and the clerk didn't want to be blamed for 'stealing' the money, thus refusing the tip.
  16. Exactly! No different than any Immigration Office. NOTE: Depends on Office, Officer........ and the phase of the moon.
  17. https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/local-resources-of-u-s-citizens/notaries-public/certified-true-copies-of-u-s-passport/
  18. So how does a person build a house builder? Is that like building a robot that can hammer a nail or put down tile?
  19. .....and another favorite from this underrated band..... If you ever see them live then you would understand how good they are, especially if you see them at Red Rocks!
  20. If you live in Banwangtan in Chiang Mai then they have a few bins next to the main gate to put electronics and hazardous waste in. I have used them a few times adding an old printer and oven as well as some excess painting materials. Just after unloading that table-top oven (top burner was broken) I looked in my rearview mirror as I was driving away only to see the security guard taking it out of the bin and placing it in the guard's shanty. Looks like he wanted new project.
  21. Underrated with nearly 1 BILLION YT views? What is your definition of underrated? (Go ahead and give me another sad or confused emoji)
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