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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm: Does lightening go up from the ground into the sky or does it start in the sky and go to the ground? I'm wondering what the odds are of having your meter get hit by a lightening strike?
  2. I recall the United Airlines flight I was on back in early 2000 when the smell of durian hit the air after takeoff. An attendant came on the PA system asking for the person who brought the fruit aboard to declare it. I'm not sure if anyone did.
  3. I witnessed pretty much the same event back in 2001. I was at LAX in the USA returning from Thailand and waiting for my bags to come out on the carousel like everyone else. Looking just behind me I see a security canine handler walking a cute little Beagle around as it was sniffing around everyone and their carry-on items. The next thing I know the beagle started letting out one of those notorious Beagle barks (howls). The dog was tying to dig into a backpack sitting on the floor between a guy and girl. The handler looked at the guy and asked if it was his bag. The guy said, 'no' and proceeded to step away. The handler next asked the girl if it was her bag and she replied, 'yes'. The handler then asked if he could inspect it. Again she said, 'yes'. The handler opened the backpack and after searching through it reached in and pulled out an apple. He informed the girl that is was unlawful to bring fruit into the country and confiscated the apple. As this was all occurring I was half expecting someone to be bolting down the terminal with a chase in pursuit as well as the handler pulling out a kilo of cocaine instead of an apple.
  4. Recent Update: I received my call today as scheduled. The phone rang around 11:15am and the call lasted about 30 minutes. The representative was the most nicest person one could have. She was very polite, knowledgeable, and helpful. The questions were pretty much routine questions one would expect to ensure I was who I said I was as well as gathering some additional personal information they might not of had and was wanting. Nothing difficult to answer. As a matter of fact she was very helpful and when it was 'all said and done' she generated and submitted a benefit request application on behalf of my daughter. Come to find out my daughter will be receiving a monthly benefit until she is 18 years old (or 19 if still in high school) and that doesn't affect my benefit. I did not know that and only thought she could receive something upon my death. With her getting over one-half million THB annually that will help with her college fund. Thanks SSA!! I guess now I need to wait for Manila FBU to send my application to Baltimore for approval. I was told that usually takes 30 days. Looks like this process may be coming to an end for me soon. Good luck to those of you still waiting. Do have hope but realize the process generally takes much longer than the 2-4 weeks they state when you submit the online application.
  5. That's not entirely correct. You might have the fastest Internet connection in the world but if there are no seeders to the torrent you are trying to dl then you will come up empty. I used to torrent a lot. So much I still have my NAS loaded with 24TB of drive space. But I gave up torrenting for the most part as streaming seems to provide me with everything I need (regarding entertainment). I do occasionally torrent things such as OSs and applications. NOTE: Just like my appliances, I open my desktop PC a few times a year and blow out all the dust bunnies. I find it will give them a longer life. It seems like the fan(s) go first then the power supply. All my years working with PCs I have mostly found the power supply to be the issue. Only once have I had a desktop HDD crash and once had a RAM stick go bad. Other than that many fans and quite a few power supplies.
  6. $10k USD is squat.... I worked for a company back in the 80s where they spent more than that on free stationary, free coffee/hot chocolate, free instant soups, and monthly BBQs with kegs of beer for the employees..... GPTW! NOTE: That company set the standard for what many of today's top employers strive to be.
  7. I agree.... As I stated in another post I had a stent placed in my right pulmonary artery last year at a government hospital. While laying in the bed at the cardiac ICU ward the doctor who was treating me told me that I needed the stent. She cited a cost for the stent procedure to be around 80k THB and merely asked me if I had the funds to cover that. I said, 'yes'. They did the procedure without needing any verification other than me saying 'yes'. They had my name and my passport information so I am unsure if they were allowed to find out my bank information and see if I did indeed have the funds available, but I hardly doubt it.
  8. Exactly..... A wild animal to me means it has no owner.
  9. Isn't it close to 45% already? Money you make is taxed. Money you spend is taxed. ..... and on top of that you're taxed for things like your home, land, personal property (car)
  10. If I am correct, right now if you make more than $163,200 USD you stop paying SS tax. Why is that? Why should anyone be able to stop especially when they are making so much money? I say - Do not put a maximum taxable earnings on income to pay into SS - Do a thorough investigation on those that are receiving disability income from SS. There are many that are abusing the system. - Stop spending so much money on other countries that do no good for the USA. Help your own people first!
  11. It depends on your home? How much did it cost and how much is it worth? I always laugh at those folks who drive expensive vehicles but live in a run down shack. In the USA I lived in a city which is nestled against the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. The closer the home was to the mountains the more expensive it was. My house was right before the most expensive neighborhood near the foothills. Before my home was another neighborhood that had houses which were nice but slightly smaller than mine and on smaller lots. Just before that neighborhood was a trailer park. Driving home, which was due west, you would have to go past all those neighborhoods I just mentioned before you got to your own. It was hilarious to see all those BMWs, Mercedes, convertible sports cars, etc. turn into the trailer park.
  12. What about the sides? I had a scooter run directly into my driver's side door why I was stationary at a stop sign.
  13. Question is, was it really there or did he put it there? I recall the days of syringes being found in cans of Pepsi..... But, video cameras showed the truth!
  14. I must be a lucky one as I have entered many karaoke bars both in Thailand and China. Yes, even a handful or so in Chiang Mai. And the only issue I had was being overcharged a few times.
  15. ....and before clicking to open the thread I thought the headline was talking about some Russian tourists.
  16. A gardener? Looking at that rubbish around the house I would hardly call him a gardener. Karma strikes again.....
  17. That is just one of the many reasons I would never let my daughter ride in one of those so called school bus vans/trucks. Myself or my wife drives my daughter to/from school every day.
  18. .......'smoked a fag' has a totally different meaning for us Americans....
  19. Hey, thanks for sharing that, much appreciated. Now it makes more sense why you would like for it to be exactly the same. I just couldn't understand why a person would pay 'any price' for some basic furniture when there is a ton of choices out there. Reading the post that 'NoDisplayName' made it would then make me ask, did you tell the owners you would buy theirs from them with double the price they originally paid?
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