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Everything posted by steven100

  1. so remove it's teeth so if it attacks her again it'll just bruise some and only a bit of blood, not like before. Haha
  2. Well, I am glad she's out of danger of dying. But this story stinks of Thai wai's and stupidity, Get that far king dog away from that place and drown it or whatever. are these people really so dumb? will they sit around outside tonight apologizing 20 times with wai's , and all will be fine again tomorrow ?????????
  3. These exotic and protected species were probably looked after and cared for better than any other animals that Thais look after. Just go to an market and you'll see. I've seen two of these cats in a small cage with fur rubbed of from rubbing against the mesh all day. But, the law is the law so he must face the courts and justice although it's a kangaroo justice system here so I don't like your chances Mario ....
  4. yes, at least that'd be one less imbecile thai.
  5. To be honest ... 95 is a pretty good innings
  6. Please refer to my post up higher which shows a map of New Mexico in case you don't know, also .... as I am aware of suicide deaths like this, one can speculate what could or is possible ... anyway, for now lets let the local sheriff & deputy do his work and we'll see what the results are later .... if they match mine then I'm a good keyboard detective with the mind of Columbo or Kojak ....
  7. ok, so it shares it's border with Sorona which is Mexico but New Mexico is actually in the US.
  8. Can someone please tell me why aren't the Netizens onto this calling for stricter rules on pit bull owners ?? they jump on everything else so why not this ??
  9. Could have been suicide by poisoning of some sort, maybe pills or similar. And it appears they wanted the dog to go out with them , so the dog was done first, then Gene Hackman and the wife together ? or was it a robbery made to look like suicide ? we all know Mexico can be a dangerous place with cartels etc..
  10. Gene Hackman was a terrific actor, he played many great roles in movies, I watch one of his westerns a few weeks ago where he was the mafia sheriff of the town. I consider him up there with the John Wayne's and Sean Connery as well as Anthony Hopkins. Sad ending by the sounds of it, suspicious circumstances. RIP Gene Hackman, a great actor. 2025.
  11. poor girl, there's alot of evil Thai's out there. RIP school girl.
  12. forget that idea, no common sense here buddy.
  13. apologised ! that is laughable.. They will never learn, we have witnessed many pit bull attack across Thailand over the past several years, but they still do nothing about regulations and enforce mandatory leash and cage. They lack common sense. shoot the dog immediately. just waiting for the ...oh' he's never harmed a fly brigade to reply...
  14. he's hiding at the back of mama's house, same as the rest of the thai murderers here.
  15. behind mama's house in the forest.
  16. Netizens have to complain because it's two farang. If it were two thai's nothing would have been mentioned. ...
  17. you said that once already, why do you have to keep repeating yourself
  18. Then the Building Admin needs to inform the Thai government authorities that the owner is breaking the law and he should be arrested. It's simple really, but no one want's to take the initiative and do it..
  19. so many on here are so dumb. You think Zelensky just got a suitcase full of cash each time, oh here' here's 20billion ... The money given to Ukraine by the US is in arms shipments, military supplies, ammunitions', and so on .... it's not cash given to someone in Ukraine, it's done through inventory supplies & PO's ( purchase orders ) Secondly, I think Zelensky has done an excellent job so far with leading a country through a 3 year war, he's obviously been under enormous pressure throughout, and I'm sure he's worked long hours liaison with other dignitaries from abroad. No one member on here could even be his shadow or hold a candle to him so cut the crap on putting him down. Trump trash on the other hand has decided to lie and do a 360 degree turn on US foreign policy and start kissing Putin butt, what a pathetic imbecile he's turned out to be.
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