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Everything posted by DefaultName

  1. I don't normally come down on the side of the system, but Kirov has replied on Barrow "Today I felt the first symptoms - mild headache and strange feeling in the chest, so I can confirm stat this is not a total scam. But now I am super afraid about the upcoming test for my family" So he does have the virus.
  2. Yes. My condo block normally has more snowbirds than most, last year, none, but these last few days some old faces are trickling in. Scandi's rather than Americans, but it's all income for Thailand. Now all we need are bars.
  3. Entertainment needs to open. And. Things need to be stable; entry requirements not continually changing, and what's open guaranteed to STAY open. I'm here, but if I wasn't, I wouldn't book without the above. For a working man, leave is too hard to get, and money too tight, to risk on a holiday that might go pear-shaped.
  4. I hope she's got her "non-quarantine" night in a hotel booked. ???? Surely she wouldn't use her position to by-pass the process all other Britons have to go through.
  5. Fell in love with the country, and Pattaya in particular, on my first trip. 20 years later, sold up and moved here. While I'm getting a bit cheesed off with the current restrictions, I don't regret moving here.
  6. In the Gulf of Thailand, being smothered in silt stirred up by all the traffic kills more than the temperature.
  7. I was a few years older when Dad gave me "the talk". At the end, I knew about the biology, but still had to learn what goes where from toilet walls!
  8. Thailand needs to develop its own IT talent. But. This sort of thing where tens of thousands are directly affected is not the place to do it. For this they should have brought in experienced professionals from abroad. Unfortunately, "face" means that won't happen.
  9. You can, but as you say, not the way this one is being used. There is a sand cycle on and around a beach; sand moves from offshore, onto the beach, along the beach, and back offshore. You have to dredge from outside that cycle, then add it to the beach.
  10. Over 4,800Km of borders, almost all unfenced and unmarked. Should be simple to close those. ???? If the US with all its resources can't close its 3,000+Km Southern border and the UK can't close its 30Km ditch (though that's from lack of political will), what chance does Thailand have?
  11. You may well be right, but wearing a mask costs very little and, even if it has minimal effects on contagion, it gives others peace of mind. A person with any empathy would wear one for that reason alone. Me, I wear one and I have a beard, so it doesn't do much for me, but does help others feel safe.
  12. There is a sizeable Scandinavian contingent who overwinter here, my condo block alone normally has dozens. Many own condos or houses. I'm guessing this influx is them, they couldn't come last year, looks like they're coming this year. So, welcome, but not really tourists.
  13. That's going to make a lot of people unhappy. They'll actually have to get a proper visa now, if they qualify, or leave if they don't. I AM sympathetic, really, but I go through the hoops to follow the rules, so should they. OK, maybe I'm not as sympathetic as I thought. ????
  14. On that one there's room for a car to almost completely turn before joining the other carriageway. In the OP, a car has little more than its own length to turn, meaning that it will impinge on the fast traffic.
  15. Obviously Storm Troopers. Huge firepower but can't hit a barn door at 10 feet.
  16. I know of several bars where I can get a beer, but I've been being good and following the rules. Enough is enough, 6 months and no end in sight, beer today!
  17. It's not ready. But, it will never be fully ready. Would next week / next month / next year be better? No way to tell. At some point they have to pull the trigger. Is it now? Maybe. People are dying of poverty and their futures are being destroyed by the closure. For them, it's time and past time. Yes, open, we're ready enough.
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