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  1. Absolutely. I feel the greenery with footpaths is a big attraction for dok kaew. Walking in a tranquil setting is good for body and mind. It's mostly concrete near condos and apartments.
  2. The email instructed people in sensitive jobs to describe what they have been working on for the past week and give details of their management. Were the replies supposed to go to the kids at DOGE for mishandling or sent directly to Putin? Al Qaeda might be interested, too. Musk and Assistant President Trump know very little about the structure and functions of US government.
  3. When I was a teenage stoner, all the kids at the top of the class were also stoners. And the best computer programmers I worked with.
  4. You can't fix stupid. But the hats make it easy to identify.
  5. Correction: the US WON'T take care of the health of its own citizens
  6. Cool, as long as they are not trying to scare others into wasting money on agents.
  7. Well if it's on FOX it must be......
  8. Krusty's opens at 4 pm. Breakfast? Auf Der Au at 10:30.
  9. oooh, rar ti dar!
  10. Many deniers claim there is not enough evidence the landing happened. But they believe, with no evidence at all, in talking snakes, Noah's ark, parting seas, etc, etc.
  11. Your Dear Leader calls also calls us vermin. 🤣
  12. Don't worry. That decision will probably be made for you.
  13. Yep thing took a lot longer without super computers, AI, progress.
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