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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Put it on Wise, GBP account, 4.69% interest, there is a fee of 0.47%. If I calculated right with 3000000 baht then you have every month 10541 baht. But only when inflation is still high. If inflation goes down then also interest goes down, even so far, you have to pay instead of receiving. Keep that in mind. How long? No one knows. Some depending on Russia war and new world situations to develop. Maybe some investing with Blackrock? That is a giant in investments, however lost last year 1.7 trillion$ in 6 months time. Blackrock is also in a deal with Wise, together with some big banks, as JP Morgan and Barclays. And no one knows what is going to happen, now Israel wants to fight in Gaza and USA dont want Israel to go to war. Middle east, oil, moslim organisations (Hamas, Isis, Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq, Egypt). USA wants to stop, by military force, Israel? Then we have a war USA- Israel? However read USA is giving support, ok. USA was always an ally of Israel, so amazing. Or not, as there is oil in the game. Already a question if you should invest, as this situation will be very effecting in all markets.
  2. Fact is, from the day you were alive, you are on your way to die. And some dont even get to live and die, just starting. So if you are older, you are lucky already. You made it already there to almost the end. It is like that. SO better dont worry that much about all and live like the 82 yo guy. Becoming older, your body will go down and things arent that possible anymore. It is annoying, but deal with and laugh about it. How old you want to get? In Japan there are lots of older people, 100 and over. What they do?, eat healthy, still working on land, mostly not in big cities. And what also seems to help (?), they sing. By themselves or in group. Creating endorfine which is good, also when you laugh or feel just good. Too much stres isnt good. So avoid that. Dont THINK too much about staying healthy, as it stresses you. The 82 yo guy seems to act like that. Well he is right. I lived my working life in petro chemistry, now see what it eventually does to me. getting older. I better dont think about it, stres. But there were quite some substances not real good for health. Same as with women (menopause) men have andro pause and that also changes your body. But you have to deal with it, laugh and enjoy. So we should follow that 82 yo guy.
  3. Well then you get some "intervening"movies like this one. Complete frustrated police (wo)men, who even cant handle situation. VID-20180602-WA0000.mp4
  4. It can get even worse. Dutch guy made money from selling weed. At that time it was allowed to sell weed , so he made a good income. He payed tax on that income so all legal. But it seemed he didnt pay tax on all. Then he went to Thailand and Dutch government was "somehow angry", as they missed tax. So they send formal papers to Thailand about drugs money. They didnt tell all was legal earnend ! They didn tell it was tax avoiding. Thailand started investigation itself(?) and took him to prison for 103 years. Dutch government was thinking about laundering money and not paying tax, but, guess not that much proof. So they set this up for him in Thailand. That is "my "country. Ok, not paying tax is fraude, but changed to drugs money, worse for Thailand and not really explaining what it really was about.
  5. Was driving my rented motor bike in Chiang Mai, when a group of BICYCLES went down hill, ignoring any line. Guess they were trying to commit suicide.
  6. There is only 1 company making it, so with weight loss discovery, there is a shortage in it. There were articles people using it for diabetic (main reason of medicine) had problems getting it, as there was a run for it to use for weight loss. Also understood for weight loss you need higher doses of it and it can come with serious side effects. Once a neighbor woman was loosing weight on injections with another substance. That substance (?) was retrieved from the pee of pregnant women. It worked, but after stopping with it, the weight comes on again. It is/was more expensive. No clue if they can make it now syntactically. Once did a keto, lost 10 kg in a month. Not knowing if keto has to do with it or just the amount of cal, as it was very low in cal. In that time I gained weight, I stopped with having cookies, deserts, sugar free cola and coffee (substitutes). DIdnt work at all. The only thing, I can think of, my food got spicier then. That would be it? Fact is when you fell hungry, you can eat too much in short time. So better to eat little portion and WAIT. You will feel you had enough. You still could eat but feeling already satisfied. But you should repeat and repeat and change the way you are eating and thats a bore. But could be effective. You can add Chia seed to it, it expands in your stomach and so you are full, but it takes some time, you have to wait. However now getting older, notice i can feel real hungry. eating time. For instance i make 2 burgers (in past could do 4) and im really drooling about the thought having them. But then I take 2 bites and I have enough, really weird, I finish them but against my feeling. Loosing weight? No. But Ozempic? Guess not, to side effects, not going there. Now im having now more magnesium, as i red it could effect your food processing. Just one month , but need to have longer breath and then see. I know about longer breath, as in the past I had statines and they effected my body really negative after half a year. Yeah they helped lowering my cholesterol, but did more things in longer run. Never again. Human body , a complex machine.
  7. Was watching movie from Quentin Tarantino, From Dusk Till Dawn. At the end of the movie there is a song "dark night", liked it but was too short. Well here it is
  8. And where do you put a vent pipe(s)? On concrete well? Pressure off from sewer system. From toilets and sinks, you do have vented siphons. Like you have a bottle filled with water, put it upside down and water comes out not that easy. You put a straw in it and you ll have a rapid flow. Venting. Or a hose filled with water, put your thumb on one side and water will stay in, lift your thumb and water comes out, venting. If you dont vent then the water could slowly or not get out, depending on slope of pipes and their size. Also toilets, but mostly the pipes are wide to have good flush. But all pipes not to put horizontal, but with a 2 degree down slope to lowest waste point. Why the toilet bathroom 2 is connected with shower floor bath sink 1 and then running off to concrete well? You see a T joint and is connected to toilet 2. Not logical. Some kind of venting then? Makes no sense as the pipes are all horizontal. And in this way toilet outlet is not only going to septic. Most of it could be going direct to concrete wel. 2 toilets should go direct to septic and not a possibility to by pass on another drain and end in concrete well. So at least, should take out the T- joint (place a bend and cap toilet 2 out), so all your <deleted> is going to septic. Also toilet 1 can go to concrete well and not to septic, depending on slope of pipes. Pipes would be under a slope to the septic. Venting is important to have a good flow of waist water. Every waste water pipe should be with a vent if they are not in the same waste pipe. IF not and it works, ok, but you know where it comes from when it doesnt work. Lack of vent.
  9. You have to go out more. You can even speak Thai. Put on your naughty shoes and then it wouldnt be that difficult. Last year in Thailand. Was buying a bottle of whiskey and a very young girl offered to come and drink it with me. She spoke Thai, but another Thai young woman spoke English and told me, translated. So could have 2 young women. And they were really young, like 22 or so. I consider myself not special and I am old enough to be their grandpa. Was in another shop, same combination and the girls were even moslim, but open flirtatious. All very easy to take the bite, just continue on situation and probably succes then. However im in a relation, so no biting from me. Go to a Global House, mall or so and you can have contact in jiffy time, even easier as you speak Thai! Im amazed how easy it sometimes go, you only have to take the bite. Certainly not in "my"country, where i would be the "dirty old man". But also the culture difference. However also see the already old movie, in which the woman has 3 supporters !
  10. respecting patient rights and upholding medical ethics SO what about all other prisoners?
  11. SInce 1977, great band and still running, made quite some cd's
  12. When young and just really getting known As i saw this one from 1967, a chameleon in his music Never thought, with this first single, this woman would built an amazing career. Also quite a chameleon. First thought, ah nice to see, one day fly, but mistaken. And then some time later, totally different
  13. Another Allman brother, Greg. Long time ago bought CD, different but good songs. Had to search especial on cd, enjoy
  14. With the fan sucking out, you create airflow. Of course if the supplied air would be real dry, the room really gets drier. But if you dont have circulation at all, the room can be saturated with moist (100%) If you vent with 80 %, you win some. Maybe just enough to not have fungus or smelly damp. It seems from 70-100% is lovely for fungus and having higher temperatures is also a good benefit for them. But there are 2 rooms in a specific area of the house causing problems in rainy season. So could be a water problem as i described. Yes, maybe low powered fans are sufficient to blow hot air away in open space. However your room could get warmer. I agree with tifino. With the larger the Peltier, the more fans you need and besides the Peltiers are working on DC and use some amps/device. So also the power supply will add to heat up the room. Forget I brought up the Peltiers to de-moisturize the room. I just checked if they were really there, but not really showing in sales. In fact just 1 to be sold and doing 0.6 ltr/DAY. There for not effective then in room de moisturizing?!
  15. I cant tell, wonder what it would do to me if I had, lets say, a billion $. But it is pathetic if you cant buy a snack from 7/11. Then your brains definite are having a problem. He mentioned tipping and his classes of tipping, what a nit. Whining, complaining as you have pockets full of money, Oh, I buy something on lazada and it is not good, boohoo. Well welcome to the world. Buy something or not and just deal with it in a normal way. You saw the viral movie of rich Chinese? Slapping a sales woman, as she was not pleased. Or for that matter Will Smith( not buying), hitting Chris Rock over nothing? Changed mentality. If you are that rich in Thailand, have a flight to Singapore and shop until you drop dead. Then you are among your "own people" with the shops especially for you, rich ones. Today red Ecclestone had to pay 775 million euro on tax, after hiding it and didnt pay tax. The amount was an agreement to avoid jail time. You can, high on drugs and booze, murder a police officer and just run away, they let you. A president forget about a murder, as he needs oil for his country. You should, at least I think, feel privileged if you do have a lot of money, but then whining and acting bad? No, get a grip on yourself. Can you donate me a billion $, so i can find out what it does to me?
  16. Arrogant, boasting, for sure. Fake maybe. Maybe you should reflect back to the time you were poor. Money changed your mind setting and you became a snob.
  17. OK, you can, however too old for music? But if you dont like the hassle, you just cut down on performances, take of "pressure?" Ok they are Thai rock-ish. Rather hear real rock then. Another Thai band, not rock, but very lovely music, still (still?)continues: Just picked this one out. Top band, at least I think
  18. Your walls are sucking up water from outside? There might be a leak of water to your (roof?) walls, do the walls feel damp? You maybe see spots indicating water is the trouble maker? Water is collected in that part of the house under the floor? Paint is old or wrong and/or poreus? So wall can absorb moist? A fan (like a bathroom model) in the wall or ceiling can suck out moist air and blow it out of the house, you will have circulation of air in the room. Drying is another thing, as Thai air is 80% of moist, so not so dry. Then only a airco is the thing. With Peltier elements, ok no compressor, silent? However one side of Peltier is cold and the other side hot. And hot needs to be cooled down again with probably little fans. And they also like power very much to work and then where is the water going to, guess a tank to be emptied regular depending on quantity of moist.
  19. Nope, we cant get along, ever.
  20. Guess they fit well with the F 35's falling out of the sky, Thailand also wants.
  21. Just say his name once correct VID-20180413-WA0015.mp4 ! 555
  22. you want a new hobby, bored , try this one. VID-20180529-WA0007.mp4
  23. VID-20180529-WA0008.mp4
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