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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. So what is wrong with that, a bio mass generator? They also should put one up in CM, so all 2.5 particle is not an issue anymore. Burning in an oven instead of out in the open with lots of smoke, dominating the air over there and even in BK. I know there is one in Satun, nothing wrong with it, running on rubber trees and so on. But there is a conflict of interest in the deals, high officials are major stock holders, so almost owing the company. Subsidies of government going that way? Buying land cheap or what ever you can think. Construction is questionable and monopoly?
  2. OK, so in who's hands is the Pegasus? USA ? They already did once in EU. Or China? Maybe Poetin? Or just a bunch of CEO's of companies? Or even Israel itself?
  3. IM not a lawyer and cant specific recommend one, but you ll need a good one. Thailand: Siam Legal? You were married in BK, so Thai ruling would be first in line priority? IF you had the assets in UK prior to marriage then those assets belong to you. Thai ruling. In Thailand however you put company, house in her name, saying it was all done by her own money, all though every one knows, you did it. But it is Thai law. Though weird you had to make her director before leaving. Weird you choose this construction at all, but ok its a choice. With a divorce, i couldnt tell which legal way is followed then. The way of UK or Thai ways? In UK ways then it could be you loose half of your assets then. If by UK ruling, the other assets in Thailand will also then be included in the divorce. Then maybe you can even sue her for malpractices and include that with the divorce? Important to know, how is divorce handelt and where. If in UK and by UK ruling, you could have the problems about your UK assets. In Thailand maybe not. Otherwise you have to refuse to divorce in UK and divorce in Thailand, but in Thailand you will loose the Thai assets, but not your UK's, IF you had the assets prior to Thai marriage. First dont think anymore, anyhow positive about your wife, as it is WAR. How long can she stay in UK? Kick her out, if possible. Preventing a UK divorce. If UK divorce threatens your UK assets and you want to protect that. But sure you need a pretty good lawyer, a real pitbull. You already had 2 lawyers quitting. The best way with getting married, is too plan your divorce prior to it. To hell with pink glasses and have prenups and so on. Mariage is a trap. Once you had a wife, but you ended up with the devil. Seen, heard, lived it. If i could do my live again with the knowledge of now. It would be complete different, but ok no use crying over spilt milk. And yes kids could be a victim of it all, take care of your daughter. Not only now, but also later in time.
  4. Declining prices? If im right, I worked in a new plant, which was going to make bio propane from palm oil. Not yet in Thailand? Maybe worth thinking about that.
  5. Have piles of money lying around here and thought what can i do with it. But ok now i know, go live in Thailand in a house on 1 rai. Guess, Mr. Nipon had some yabba pills. ????
  6. Coming in Thailand you get a plastic (????) bag. You can inhale and then you have to exhale in the bag.
  7. Would love to buy petrol for, what is it now, 37 baht? Now i pay in "my "country 92 baht/LTR. I have to drive to Belgium, where it is 72 Baht, combining it then with buying tobacco, also cheaper. Most of the price is tax for government. We are the champions in highest price of the world, we beat Hong Kong. hooray!
  8. Know what you are bringing in, Same as Thailand, you can have codeïne as medicine in western world, but in Thailand it is narcotic nr 2. You can have lots of problems then. OR did they changed it now? I came to this with google: https://thethaiger.com/news/national/morphine-cocaine-opium-to-be-legalised-for-medical-use-in-thailand
  9. They better act fast. In EU they are very slow and now Uniper, located Germany (Finnish) gas supplier is in big trouble and with that all of EU. All is connected with each other, so whole EU is getting into problems. The company is almost bankrupt and need financial support. And Germany (maybe EU?) HAS too do so, otherwise lots of problems. For household and industrie every where in EU. Another thing is 11 juli there would be normal maintenance on the gas pipeline from Russia and the question is, will Russia open the pipeline again? Hurray for all our "leaders", again they mess up the whole world. Could there be a criminal organization, like a Spectre? Yeah yeah, it is from James Bond, but... many weird things happened when we entered the new age. There was SARS, MERS and later covid. Financial crisis in 2008, then we had covid, now Russia, with included an energy crisis and in that time a breakdown in digital coins. And not to forget climate change. It is a weird time (again or still?)
  10. Now it is Russia, but once you had USA invading Vietnam killing, slaughtering for 20 years, just because the system was "communism" . No one ever cried, was just normal. Everyone crying over Ukraine now, but in Yemen there is a war going on already for 8 years. You dont hear much about that and the people over there are way more in a bad position. But not so important to have it in news everyday. No, it's Putin and they all hate him, thanks to indoctrination of USA, as it is still "communism". Wait a while and then China starts with Taiwan. Will be the next round in absurdities of "leaders". Or Afghanistan will be back? Syria? Belarus? Can go on and on, there are so many things that hit the fan. Fact is , there are too many people on this earth, we have to cut back.
  11. Like i said, it is what you want , i dont care. Im a senior of 63 yo and just do by myself. Get my bag and do the shopping. Have one plastic big bag, it is now 30 yo old and still doing fine. So worth its money. Yha i can still carry that one in the car. But now also have a rolling bag, so thats more easy. Maybe someday changes.
  12. Well they learned. It is better then burning it in the open with lot of officers to witness, in a sort of propaganda style. I know it has happend. I hope they will do it right, otherwise you will have lots of toxic smoke which can just kill you or bring you cancer eventually. It says narcotics probably the chemical ones.
  13. Pffffffff, the EU bought totally up to a billion euro's on gas from Russia, with sanctions running. Thailand doesnt have to feel guilty. <deleted> the EU and or USA. Just all nothing but dictators. Fact is, the world is controlled by "leaders" totally not worthy to do so and it has always been. You kill a Chinese emperor and you have Mao. You kill Tsaar in Russia and youll have Stalin. You kill French, German, Spanish ( ok not really killing) royalties and you get other dodo's which are the same or even worse. Wait for the AGI and humans are gone.
  14. Nothing to do with your condo building and Thailand. It is everywhere. My neighbor also orders sometimes from a shop just 200 meters away. It is what people want. It is waiting for the drones, so drones will bring you your shoppings.
  15. Have no really a clue on how they are doing it, it could also be internet as a way out. Foreigners make a website and brokers can use it to bring up their merchandise, of course you have to pay for the use. In the past for instance you had "FBI", that was a real estate broker run by a Danish guy. At one point , he apologized, as he had to break up his business after many years, due to changing(?) rules. However i noticed , he is back in the business and changed name. And i assume he was working in the right way in Thailand. So with a ltd Thai company and complying rules in it.
  16. I was just checking on Dutch embassy yesterday and saw the demand. They also mentioned the amounts of money in insurance MUST be shown. It says "explicit" @Ubonjoe, so there is a difference between the first non O retirement visa by consulate and the visa in Thailand? In Thailand you can have the non O retirement, without the health insurance, but then with the same requirements as in a long visa non OA? If you apply for a non O retirement visa in Thailand, you also need to have papers of behavior, extraction of birth register and some others? Or does those also disappear, not needed? Meaning in Thailand you have other requirements?
  17. Been in Borocay long time ago, but overall not really special. Was way in the back on the beach, American bought hotel, runnend by his wife. That was a good spot. Nice sandy beach and good swimming place, no swimming pool. Close by a restaurant in a CAVE made by the water, very nice. If you wanted action then you could walk to it, took some while but ok and you were in tourist section. Walking back in the evening? No lights, then, when you were going there, but you could take the road and or little transport. Also once went to Palawan and had a booking on Arricife Island. But then you are on a tiny island and you ll have to do your thing on it. They included scuba diving teaching and some more. But ok nice for a week or you must like the silence and rest. I did the training and later again another diving tour. Food made by resort, buffet and was good. I crossed the whole island on foot, that big. In Thailand i loved Krabi. Resort right on the beach. Also some bungalows, really on the beach. Costed more, but wasnt interested for that price. Guess they were thinking farang price. But nice swimming in ocean. Little village close by, so visited the market. Koh Lipe? Been there, some like Borocay, was in front of the island to the left and just for couple of days. Though the beach was soft sanded , as Borocay isnt. Nice for a couple of days, but then it stops. Did some snorkling together with manyyyy Thai. So that i already had in Thailand for the "cheap" prices and now the want to lift it more up in money? Too bad. Well they are already doing so, as ive seen the house pricing and land going up and up, thanks to FOREIGN housing companies.
  18. I cant see if gauge is in barg or whatever, i assume it is 10 barg, over pressure from static pressure (pressure in atmosphere). another gauge is doing in bara, which means from absolute zero (vacuum) and makes no sense in a pump pressure measuring. You say you go up 4 meter, so that pipe full of water generates a pressure on the meter of about 0.4 barg. Pump is not running and it is full of water. Maybe you remember P= height(meters) x Rho (density of water= 1000 kg/m3) x C ( a constant of 9.81) / 100000 (to get from N/m2 to Bar). The meter doesnt show, so pipe is empty or meter is not working. You took of the protection of the thread or inlet of meter or is there any other blockage? Or meter has a major offset due to falling or bumping it to hard. In the back there could be a zero adjustment screw, as i see it is not on the pointer. Otherwise meter is broken. Probably you also over estimate the pressure by pump? The pump brings it up from 3 meters down the well and then up to a tank 4 meters, so thats a loss of 7 meters. You have a pump curve, is that given in meters or does it maybe say feet? 40 meter is 4 barg tops with almost no flow, but 40 feet = 12 meters= 1.2 barg, then going up 7 meters, so leaving 1,2 - 0.7= 0,4 barg, when running, and should be showing on meter, when that one works. This is only going straight up, however you also have losses due to used pipe material, bends, valves, filters, viscosity, temperature and so on. IF you only use the pump for filling your tank, you dont need a pressure switch to control on/off. The level switch would be the only one for controlling. You use a pressure switch if it is also used with a water system with valves in it, opening and closing. A valve closes, pressure goes up and switch off the pump. In case of ONLY filling up tank, you need only level. Unless you like to protect tank and you have a pressure switch to switch of the pump, in case the level meter wouldnt switch off. However again if tank is not closed and is open to environment, it is useless. It will just overflow then.
  19. It is what youngsters do, see youtube. There many movies which make my hands start sweating and make me feel uncomfortable. Already just by seeing those movies.
  20. People dont know better. See Philippines now, a Marcos is back in power. There we go again.
  21. That one is a farce. Last night they showed docu on that. No shop management wanted to say how or what on those actions. So they investigated it and it seems it is more expensive. If you dont have the action then you are even more paying for it. You MUST buy with the action, but never the less, you pay more. It was said, in Germany it was cheaper. So they checked and indeed it was way more cheaper then the so called 1 buy 1 free. You could buy 2 in Germany for the "normal" price and cost you way less. In Germany they dont have such actions. People living close to German border, do shop in Germany and the rest of the people in the country is cheated and pay way much more. It is just, as i thought already, a ripping scheme, nothing more. Be aware what you are doing with your money, if you spend it , it is gone. feel happy then with the purchase. I bought my car new (thought i would never do that) and this year it is 19 years old. Change it for new one? Why? My phone is already again about 5 years old, new one , why? It is still working. I bought it when my Samsung S2 couldnt handle anymore the update in OS system, they forced me to buy a new one. People nowadays think they MUST spend, consume. Just be wise. Saving on food? Thats tricky ,as all has to do with petrol, gas and supply. Petrol for transportation, gas for making it and supply as raw materials. One war and the ants nest is excited and prices go up in everything. I wonder if China waits until end of Ukraine war, or one of these days start with Taiwan.
  22. Humans are omnivores, always been like that. Same as variety of other animals, even a chicken or a pig. Vegan is a modern hype. BUT i think we could have more respect in handling our livestock.
  23. Amazing indeed, it past customs ! Brown enveloppes? It is only 59 tons. Another worry is, it came from all over the world. I could think of a mob buying, dubious "leftovers" , from everywhere and selling it again. So Livestock Development Department has a lot to do, checking where it came from AND have customs check on corruption in their section.
  24. I red your story and in it you, yourself already noticed, he will do it when his mind is by himself. As "usually seems to be when he is bored, or irritable or maybe can't get his own way" . A state of mind, thoughts could be leading to that. As in all other situations, you say he is ok. And also when he gets back in a "normal" way, you say it is over. It also started with new school. It can be linked together then? Maybe. Maybe he is bothered with something and comes up. If he does it in his sleep you should watch him then all night, as there is not really a specific time, he has the "attack". You think, he is happy and doing all ok, but there can be something in his mind and dont tell. When my oldest son was younger, he needed a circumcision. He loved swimming and they had lessons in school. Just at one point we got the issue, he didnt like swimming anymore. Just out of the blue. So we were both surprised and he didnt tell anything else. Only "I dont like swimming anymore". So it puzzled me, but then all fitted together, it was after operation and then with class mates in swimming change room. I made the connection, he got comments on the way he looked(ok his weeny) looking like that. As circumcision is not usual in the country, as in other countries. My wife took it to school where somehow it was explained to the other kids and ... the problem was over and he loved swimming again. It could be a coincidence, new school and breathing. It can be something else, like a disease. But it could be also state of mind which effects his breathing. You already experimented with it and noticed it. It is however difficult, if it is like that, to find out, as it is in his mind. Happily not all the time. Kids can also hide events, for you to find out.
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