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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Once red water and suppliers in Thailand were/have to be checked. You ll have to find out about that. However it is Thailand. Dont know if Thailand has those water inspectors. Even if you make a well to drain water, it has to be checked first and registered. My Thai wife had a well made and first didnt know about rules, but her mum did. You could have fines and of course a shut down. A sample of the water has to be checked in lab. Weird, as it is just once. You want to use the lake water, but what filter system then? A RO filter system? That one also looses a lot of water in regeneration. It cost a lot and also in maintenance. But then you have really clean water, even all minerals are out and you have to add them again. Pure water isnt healthy enough for people, you need the right minerals in the water, if you want to drink. If you drink pure water, then you can desalt, deminiralize your body, which isnt good. Using UV light to kill germs and bacterie are good. In my country they switched to that instead of using chlorine. But as said you need to change them some time, as efficiency goes down. You also have to prevent growing of bacterie and keep the water cool, not warming up in sunlight. Especially salmonella Also there could be a brain eating amoeba in the water, which can cause death. I red about such cases in the USA, clean clear water but with the amoeba. Another bad ass bacterie is legeonella, but that one is more effective in waterspray, but can be in water. So a UV system is a good final cleaning of the water. However if you treat water not right , you can be back at square one at the end.
  2. There are no plans, they are trying now with all kinds of stupid wild measurements. Lots of swinging with their arms, screaming. North Europe? My country is below sea level and i have red some about their "plans", as sea levels rise. But not yet any solution or work on it. They have to decide, building up "walls" in the sea or just let the country be flooded and we all move. I would say, limit the number of people on the earth, cut it down. As with the exponential growth of people , we see exponential troubles rising. Extreme, shocked, as i say so? It is a logical decision. No more babies, stop.
  3. Probably you had/have a good life and think all beneath you is scum, also if they have other ways of thinking. I agree you cant let a religious group take over all. However there is one religion working all the time, money. long time ago, we had the same thoughts. We had inquisitions, you were burnt alive on a stake, not going to church or didnt believe. As a woman, if you were to light in weight, you were a witch then and get burnt alive. Knights went out to the holy land to kill the unfaithful (Muslim) as they had another believe. So still there are religions, you can even start your own one, and abuse people who believe you. That is given in any religion we have and had. Religion is a control of people by indoctrination of people, as they need to believe in a god. You think Thai treat you with respect? Hey they respect the money way more better, they dont give a damn about you, white boy.
  4. No solution, it is in human. If you replace leaders, you have other leaders, doing the same or even worse. You see that in history of humans all the time, any time. In any group we form, may it be religion, politic or whatever. But cutting back on humans would be a good idea, as we are with too many. Stress could get less. No more babies anymore for a period of beginning for 2 years. We control animals in growth, so why not humans? Or did we already try with corona?
  5. professional work. What is the definition of that one then? If you are volunteer in Thailand, you need a work permit, you do all kinds of work in which you arent professional all the time. So there goes professional work. Once asked Siam Legal what was the definition of work. Of course they didnt answer. In Thailand they keep it hidden, so they can use it against you sometime, somehow, when they think it is needed. Or not? I met a Canadian once in Thailand, His gf asked to move a tv and he refused, due to "cant work". Was afraid (said so) to loose visa then doing this. Dont know if he really ment it then, was just a fake story or was lazy.. In fact if you are alive, your body is working and even if you die (you rot), So only time not working is when you turn to bone.
  6. Get an infuse for continuous vaccination all the time.
  7. Wait a while and those "leaders" start a WW3 over Ukraine. Again showing that "leaders" are a pain in the a**, doing nothing else, but destroy. I really wonder how every time "leaders" are like that and gets worse.
  8. What is new? Thailand follows the rest of the world in behavior?! In France , many Africans want to cross to UK. They are just waiting and built "shelters", which France is destroying every time. Australia has people in detention centers, same as tennis player Djokovic. There are people over there already 9 years, cant do anything then to sit there and wait. They are somehow lucky, as there are people being dumped on an island, with nothing at all. How about the USA? You dont hear anything anymore about the immense amount of people marching to USA. Lots of Syrian people on a Greek island, going nowhere, but just sitting on that island. China rounding up Eighurs for a brain wash in camps. Just some samples. There will be a lot more And i think to myself, what a wonderfull world , o yeaaaaaaah.
  9. You are right, i should have put it in another way. Though how unlikely it might cause death, it still could. But ok, the chances are slim, thats why we use it. The human (as any body) body is miracle machine and all depends on your own body and health. What you ate that day, how moist your skin is, left/right hand touch, condition of heart. everybody is unique and therefor it varies. Same as reviving with a defibrillator. I still remember the touch without rcbo and with in my life. Both survived, but sure "liked" the touch with rcbo, way more better. But again it is depending on how you your physical health is at that moment.
  10. You ever heard the saying "a cornered cat makes weird jumps" Or "if you start to drown, you must find ways to float" OK made that up myself hahaha. But in this world there are many people, drowning. So it is time to stop making babies for a year or 2.
  11. They shouldnt sell anymore just breakers, but only RCBO's. Thailand is not yet so far and dont know about UK, looks the same. But even my country. I have RCBO's, as i knew and changed to that in renewing it myself. But lots of other people still might have the old fuses, even without any RCBO. I dont get it why they dont force people to change it, too less electricity deaths? And ground is only good if it properly installed. Some people think, just thriving a bar 2 meters or so in the dry ground is ok, but if the resistance is not measured and low enough, you have a fake security and you still can end up ...dead. You never know what electricity is, until it is too late. Or at least could be. Only 30 mill amps could be enough to stop your heart with 230 volts and then you need again, fast, a shock to revive and make your heart work again. All depends on your body conditions. And otherwise you are ...dead. So if you have a 2 wire metal device and no RCBO, forget about the device. Like i said , im a fan of those devices.
  12. Not any bulb has a ground , only the casing of where it is fitted in, should be grounded. And then only if casing is a metal part, conducting material If the casing is plastic or wood or any other non conducting material , you dont need ground But im big fan of RCBO's
  13. It happens to all kinds of people everywhere. In Thailand, Russian women are lured to come and work and then by Russian mafia forced into prostitution. Not long ago there was a story about, in Asean Now, i believe, Indonesian man hold prisoner to work on a fishing boat, almost not paid. In my country, Polish people living in embarrassing places to live. In UK just the same, many Africans. Where you think all those South American workers live in the USA? You think they are doing ok? You have ever seen the conditions of workers in Pakistan, well there are more of such countries, demolishing ships? Or a super rich country, Qatar, let workers, only 6500 so far as i know of, DIE for stadiums for world soccer? competition? You think they live in hotels or so? Or in Africa, just young kids of 8, working hard labor 12 hours/day for a dime. And about the Finnish, i already saw on a docu about that, again the same. And i think to myself, what a wonderful world, o yeaaaaaaaaah
  14. Well you bought 1.5 W 200 lumen. The higher the lumen, the more light you have, but then it is also higher in W. Maybe next time buy higher in W and lumen, like a 10 W 850 lumen or 5 W 400 lumen. then you have really more light. Also consider then light color. For led you have a wide spectrum of color, from 3000 k to 6500 k and higher, but dont need to go there. 3000 k is warm white (yellow) and 6500 is bright white. 4000 k is daylight color, but they are still more rare to find. K stands for Kelvin and is temperature and what they are running. OK they are running now on AC and they are switching with 50 Hz on and off (50 times in a second), which you cant see with eye, but could effect working. Probably also electronic inside led can work with it. You can make DC, as mentioned by sometimeswoodworker, by making AC to DC with a bridge rectifier. Or you can replace the transformer, it will be somewhere inside, by a 12VDC power supply of at least 30 W So in the future you can change to a higher W led with more lumen. Or use a driver, nothing else but power supply with an amp (current) limitation of at least 30 W, for future adjustment in led light. However most led lights have current limiter built in. Thnx to micro electronica. I dont know how technical you are in electric. You can also rewire all and bring it to 230VAC, buy 230VAC led and connect them to 230VAC. And take out transformer then, or leave it disconnected. However be aware then and also NOW, your device is proper connected to ground or at least have RCBO in the 230VAC power line. So you will be protected from electrocution if something goes wrong with internal electric components or wiring. You already said wires came loose, so if they touch metal casing and then you touch it, it can be the end. Not for 12 V, but also could happen with 230 Volt wiring. And the casing of your device is metal , a good conductor for electricity. Then it could be the end of a person , never underestimate electricity. Working on electricity devices? Take of the power completely.
  15. So it is 12 Volts, however is that AC or DC? You bought 12 VDC, so have to connect on DC, put it in the right way of polarity + and -. That if power is DC, but power can also be AC and then new led lights will not work. Or start to flicker. For the halogen light it doesnt matter AC, DC, but for the leds it does. It is for 12VDC. It could be , if it is DC, the wires are different colored, as showing + and - then. Normally with an AC power you have 2 same colored wires, as then it doesnt matter which way to connect for halogen light. I dont think it is DC, as for DC you need extra components and is not needed for the old halogen lights to work How ever now you want to change to led and then you need really DC. As you bought 12VDC. Maybe you should have bought led light for 12VAC and now you have the wrong ones. Nowadays they built in the driver in the light and all is completed, It already says protected and so on.
  16. Move to India find one there and marry her. Then YOU can have sinsod all your life. Or what about Kenia? As husband you are not allowed to work, woman has to provide. Dont forget to hit her then once in a while, as you show then you stil care. If you dont hit her, she is insulted and you dont care.
  17. There are no 3 person bikes. Too many people on bike, can not it is Thai law Probably no lights on, on bike. Should, it is Thai law. Wearing helmets? Probably not, but It is Thai law. Coming into the wrong site of the road, you cant, it is Thai law. DId they do a blood test on driver, maybe he was drunk. Can not it is Thai law Of course the crossing is to blame, not!
  18. Only holding the phone in your hand, in a car, in my country. Cost you 17000 baht. Already heard something about fining if phone is on co drivers seat. So temptation is now also to be fined?! On a bike it cost you only 10000 baht. Sadly for walking people, no fine. The police force here is focused on ANYTHING which can bring in fines, in fact as policeman you get a bad evaluation if you dont do the rate of fines/month. They must ! And they are really hunting . Of course it can help for traffic, but it is merely done for cash flow to government. And the fines get bigger and bigger for everything. If you want to race, you have to go to Germany. However a guy in a Bugatti, this week, did 414 km/h on the "Autobahn" and now is disputed if he should get a fine. I agree about phones, in the beginning when there was not even internet on it, i did sometimes, but stopped with that. It is too dangerous, you are distracted. When i do shopping, i see sometimes people, specially men, they are shopping with phone and have to ask their partner what to buy then, really, how stupid and addicted can you be.
  19. Local on skin: - clotrimazol - miconazol - terbinafine - ciclopirox - sulconazol Oral: - terbinafine - itraconazol - fluconazol
  20. agree, a crying shame. But in this case maybe better, see the container, it is not a cooled one. I wonder how its going to be destroyed. If they find a way of still using it somehow or not. Yesterday i saw on tv. In South America and Africa there are places where they dump clothes ! Brand new, not just one or two but TONS of clothes, like 3 to 4 meters high piles and growing. Over production of clothes as people "need" new clothes every month. And with online selling, lots of it goes back to seller, which cant do anything with it again and it rolls up at companies who take care of dispossal. Saw in a docu of farmers in America, growing strawberries, but a lot of farmers did. So overflow on strawberries , low pricing and farmers leaving there crops to rot, because it was more economical then to harvest and sell. They would have to pay money then for their crops, negative income. And Americans thinks big, so they are really big fields of it. And then we are only talking about durable growing and using of raw materials. Yah right, it is still capitalisme and no one gives a damn.
  21. OK she kicked someone in the nuts and now has problems, at least, is what i understand from Sanook I cant see anything wrong in what she says in uniform or not "So many assume. So little know." She is absolutely right. There are so many pics of her on internet, but she should have thought about that to do so, as Thailand gets you down if you start to be in the spotlight. Never the less, she is a very sexy, lovely young woman. Loved her pics.
  22. Look for a voltage stabilizer, There are big and smaller ones , depending on total power you want corrected. You can also do per electric item and have their own stabilizer for the used power (Watts). More and more you see in electric items, buit in power supply which can handle then from 180-230volts or even from lower. To give you an impression follow the link : https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005003711805738.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.20bd3110C5AClu&algo_pvid=c2a0f632-ecbf-40e5-ad70-3a9493663f73&algo_exp_id=c2a0f632-ecbf-40e5-ad70-3a9493663f73-9&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000027089167739"}&pdp_pi=-1%3B74.07%3B-1%3B-1%40salePrice%3BEUR%3Bsearch-mainSearch
  23. In 2017/18 in 18 weeks time we had 10000 people dying related to flu. No one was shouting or ordering mouth caps, distancing or whatever. I wasnt even aware of it. Now with covid we have until now(2 years) 21000 people dying related to covid. Spanish flu 1918 costed worldwide an estimated 100 million people to die. Still leaving enough people to start a WW2. In 2 years time now on Covid just a 5,6 million people died, is peanuts compared to the total amount of people we have now. In my lifetime population has trippled. And that causes a lot of problems for our home, earth. We must cut back on expanding our selves. Or is covid already invented to do so? We already had some failures in SARS, MERS, H1 N1 all from same family, but not so effective as covid now. As those didnt spread that well. The Spanish flu was also related to this group. I still have a weird feeling about those viruses popping up out of nowhere. You cant say to the world, they cant have babies anymore for a time of period, but with a virus, you dont have too, it's nature.
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