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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. All is new with covid, also the vaccines. They dont know how or what happens with humans. And even medicines longer in market , they dont know. Got headache, every day, so got to doctor. He said migraine. Dmn, i thought. However i realized some time after that, he gave me medicines, high blood and cholesterol. Was taking it for already a half year. What if, i thought? And yes my headache was due to statines (high cholesterol), try and error find out. So back to doc and told him. Maybe he was right about migraine, but he didnt connect my headache to my medicines. Send me to specialist, got other medicine (still statines) and every time headache. The last one was so bad, i wanted to die. So i told specialist, fy with statines. Also red in the meantime a lot negative about statines. Breaking down Q10 enzym, muscle, people couldnt walk anymore and so on. So thats a "medicine" for many years they use !! It breaks you down, but ok it helps for high cholesterol. Make your pick. I red about curcuma for lowering cholesterol and took that. Told specialist, who said "doesnt work" I said blood showed lower cholesterol. I kept taking (to test placebo effect) it and next time blood showed again lower cholesterol. Sadly my headache (slightly) after a year got back, so stopped curcuma and also this one caused it after a year! That was every day taking 2 teaspoons curcuma for a year. Diseases when do they stop? Medicines, what are the effects on the rest of your body? Be aware with both of them.
  2. I would say hookworm, they get in by skin. Or even the roundworm, Wuchereria bancrofti, which can spread through ... mosquito. See this site, in India man has 15 cm ! long worm in his eye, they took it out. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6265093/15cm-long-parasitic-worm-removed-eye.html As Britmantoo said: Ivermectin injection will fix it. 6 mg/kg/day for 12 days. Amazing to see about 120 million people globally have worms and they can cause lots of problems with your body. The pinworm gets in by mouth and laying eggs around the anus, which causes itching. Those are the worms, your pet can have. You see those "lovely" movies where the dog is scraping with his butt over the ground, yes it has worms and spreading eggs around. It may look funny, but the dog has a reason, itch by worms.
  3. Wait for June 9 th. They also mentioned, you need to register in a special app. At this moment it is absurd, as people are arrested (this week in Asean now) and later the four involved police officers were put out of action for arresting, also this week in Asean now. Some months ago, Anutin said, they would be gentle on people growing marihuana, but somehow police didnt hear. Saw 2 cases in Asean now about police arresting people for a marihuana plant and they were both older.
  4. What else are they going to monitor? In China they have them also with a program running, facial recognition. The program based on algoritmes can decide if you are planning on something doing wrong or in what ever state you are. So that means safety? If i red right, in China you get automatically get a fine if you pass red light and if you do it to many times, you really get severe punishments, as in loosing your job, no more insurances or what ever they can think of you to really punish. You will be an outlaw. If the program alerts, you get questioned? They are coming to take you away, aha. Ok thats a very old song. Zooming 800 meters and seeing the plates of cars, so check up on who is coming to the island. They also zoom in when women are on the beach, maybe taking pics? Selling, collecting or even start to extort? Well good thing is Thai dont like maintenance.
  5. Also amazing, the F-35 has about 800 soft- and hardware failures and flies around just like that. If my car, on his annual inspection has just one fault somewhere, it is rejected.
  6. Electronic device needed. Since very long time, you can trace by phone where a person is. But you need the phones and approvals And someone with Alzheimer doesnt think about taking phone with them. Qr code, you need phone, app to give info and then besides it has to be stored somewhere on the person. Yha ok bracelet, but still the same again, you need a scanner and it seems there are only 12 qr codes? Qr code and app should give info of adres and need to be stored. Who is who then with only 12 codes? For a pet you have cocoons which contain info, written and connected to collar. Also inventor had a note with phone numbers in his pocket. So have a nice necklace with such a cocoon, giving info direct.
  7. Well here you have a water solar heater https://www.lazada.co.th/products/stainless-solar-hot-water-heater-150-litre-30000-i1415434939-s12416000768.html?search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i77.485a7638F3BSWJ How ever be aware with choice of material. It says stainless steel, but there are many stainless steel kinds. Be aware of Ph of your pool. You have a salt or fresh water pool? You can also make one your own Or buy somewhere this one complete Or just start swimming and in no time you wished the pool was cooler.
  8. Red your comment. Was curious of what her function is in the hospital, is she a nurse then? Or is she in an administrative function? The whopping 10500 is a joke. In 2007 i met a Thai woman, she was first a cook, but made 9000 baht. Doing 12 hours /day and 7 days. Wasnt even enough for her at that moment (2007), she had to raise 2 kids living in Phitsanulok. Maybe she has to move and or find another job, as skilled in languages. In Thailand, especially government officers in any kind of function, are floating around all over the country. Families are torn apart, just like that. Man can have a function in the south and when he is married with another officer, she could have a function in the north, just like that. My wife also floated in her life to many provinces. Two nieces of her graduated in university and luckily they have a job, but far away from home and family. One in Surat Thani and the other close to BK. One is a herbalist pharmacist, the other a pharmacist, but they are doing more then 10000 baht. Im not real sure, but thought 35000 and 60000 baht. But even the latter (pharmacist) is thinking about emigration to Australia. She is just working for 3 years now and despite her income, fed up with Thai system with medicines. So even want to move, however that will take a great effort for her. She will need to go back to school again, as Australia has other level then Thailand. However Australia is screaming now for pharmacists. In "my" country they are screaming for everything. There is a shortage in healthcare, teachers, police, construction builders, technical personnel. Even people to work in horeca, serving food and beer and so on. Amazing is to see on tv, a young (foreign) woman working in baby care is send back to her country, as her study was up. Despite she was totally involved and highly appreciated by her colleges, where she was working and doing her job right. Nope , send back and they are not able to find another one. Thats "my" country. The government is not knowing what they are doing and it is going really down hill. Last week, a tunnel had to be closed for traffic, because 2 guardians had gone sick. And due to safety rules, the tunnel couldnt stay open and they closed it for traffic. In the mean time, we have 7000 refugees (and they come from everywhere) sitting and waiting to get in "my " country, misbehaving, costing me money. We already had an inflow of many Syrians and guess what, about 64000 Ukrainian people now. We dont even have houses for our own people, but seems we do have for them and even they go to work here. Im flabbergasted, well already since long time. I will stop, as i can go and on. But maybe your daughter wants a job in "my" country? As we have a shortage on healthcare people. Otherwise i would suggest to find another job in Thailand , at least one who wants to pay. Maybe she could become an interpreter? Maybe moving away, as many Thai do.
  9. Yeah changes are low in Thailand. Government had 4 positions to give. My wife had to handle first shifting of the 2000 applications they got. And that was even before corona.
  10. How many men are divorced or have broke down relations and dont have a clue what so ever? It just happens and women dont tell. So is this guy wrong then in doing like this? Nope, it is just a way. In all my life and relations, i found out women have or create hidden agendas. And it doesnt matter how good you are or were and did.
  11. Well the (a) game is finally played. As i understood, you pump up a coin, then you dump it again and then at the same time, you have shorts on that coin. In coins you loose but you make a big win in shorts. You do need some money to play that game (Musk?) Now 200 billion overall is evaporated.
  12. Simple, it is data, which you can sell and abuse. Of course for a wrong purposes.
  13. In "my" country, police will act and bring in code 5. Meaning you instantly loose your drivers licence and cant drive any further. If you do so, then it becomes a crime and you are really in trouble. Also if you get away and there is dashboard evidence, they will come and get you. You will have to go to court and be judged. Mostly those fines are a 1000 euro or higher. You MUST follow a special course, so you have to take days off from work. You MUST pay for the course and they are high in costs, over 1000 euro's. Then, depending on what judge ruled, you can do exam again for new licence. Of course after the time, you were not allowed to drive anymore according to judge ruling. If you do, then again you are in trouble and have to go to court and be judged as a criminal. If you do this, like in this case an ambulance, the punishment will be more bigger. If you do this and an accident happens, well then you have way more trouble. No, it never happened to me, im not like that.
  14. It is always the problem with the employers, they ONLY must have more and others as less as possible. Of course stockholders, if there are, are the other part to have every time more and more money. However always the working section has to increase in money. As i just red this week, the ceo of KLM/Air France gets 900000 euro/year basic salary. Upon that he has bonuses worth 3.4 million euro. In this time we have a mess on the airport, due to lack of working people, which "earn" a whopping 11 euro/hour. It can even get more worse. In Africa, there are KIDS, working to survive. Heavy duty working, carrying bags of 20 kg, 12 hours/day for just 80 cents. So there we showed the difference. And thats in every country with every employer. The Thai employers threatened to employ more foreign workers. I still wonder how this can be done, as Thailand forbids foreigners to work in Thailand, if Thai can do. So im flabbergasted so many Myanmar and others can work in Thailand. All most any job a foreigner cant do. However it happens in Thailand, unless you are a farang.
  15. Fishing for Thai actresses? You better do it on land, then they might still be alive
  16. The 35 mm2 cables should be protected by a 125 A fuse and the wiring can handle 94 A. Your 200 A doesnt work for the safety and protecting your cables, it will only be an on/off switch. So where you want to go? Yes you can replace main fuse C50, with a C50 fuse included with a RCBO. Note the RCBO function must be 30 mA ! RCBO means, if there is a difference between L and N of 30 mA, it shuts off. It is totally different the a fuse. A fuse combined with earth leakage (RCBO) has a test knob for. That is the easiest way to see. Also you can see on device , it will say C16 30mA or C16 I∆N= 0.03 or 30 Ma All the other groups are also protected by this, by putting it in the main. However if you are running on the batteries, it means you dont have power to the mainbox, there is no connection to that one from the output of the inverter. Only to inverter switch box, which isnt protected then. You should replace the C63 as well, a fuse with combined RCBO. Beside as the inverter is 4000 W, the value of that one is way too big. 4000 W, comes to 18 A. The C63 A will probably never work for protection off your box, cables. Again it is then only a switch. You could lower it in value when replacing to 20 A. If you do replace them, then look at fuses with a B-caracteristic, those switch on 1-5 x the value of the fuse. So more sensitive then the C, which switches on 5-10 X the value.. Meaning if you have a fuse of 16 A, it will switch B 80 A, C 160 A, quite a difference. the ground>neutral bond is more important to ensure enough current is pulled during a short to trigger the breakers..? NO, the meaning of grounding is, electricity (phase) is led away from metal parts, you can touch when there is a failure in the device. That is why all, devices, cables should have that ground connected. Otherwise it is worthless. If not then ground fails and you become the ground and will be electrocuted. The fuses will never break until it reaches up to 5-10 x (C-caracteristic) the value of the fuse. If the ground works properly, meaning ground must have very low resistance, you are some "safe". If not, then you still can be electrocuted and die. Electricity takes always the lowest resistance route. It is however never meant to draw big currents to trip the fuse. If you are going to replace fuses , like the main fuse, be aware the power is off. I think fuses with RCBO are a big improvement to safety, to prevent electrocution. You dont see electricity, but sure can feel it and it ....kills in a jiffy time..
  17. You could have tax refund at airport, so dont understand 100% lux tax then. But for Phuket I would say, ban everybody over there and shut of island for only "quality tourists". Something like Palm islands in Dubai. Break down all and make "quality" homes and resorts only for the rich. Maybe i shoudnt say so, I might give them an idea, or this must be the idea already, fase one? If so then i hope when the island is full with "quality tourists", the island will sink.
  18. In the movie, it starts first with a plastic box and then switch to a metal box. They dont show the metal box MUST be grounded. Thats what ground is about. You can touch a metal frame or any metal piece, which could be by a defect have the phase on the metal. Do you have a ground rod? Dont see it in your drawing, you should connect it to the ground in the box and ground the box if its metal. Have you ever tested or have tested the resistance of the ground rod? If it is too high, you dont have protection at all. You say you have sockets with no ground and you are not going to to add a ground and replace the sockets. As long as there are no metal parts on electrical devices which you could touch, it is a sort of ok. If there are you could be electrocuted, as you dont have ground in the sockets. Sockets and the plugs are wrong then. If you have for instance a lamp, metal and only 2 wires and 2 wire plug, It will not save you. Also if there would be a 3 wire plug, with ground, and fit it in 2 wire socket. All though depending what ground plug system then. But people cut the 3 wire plug and add a 2 wire plug, so it fits, but it becomes a danger. For protection you need RCBO's, at least one in main power or all groups separately. In having all fuses with a RCBO, just the one with a fault switches off and all others keep on running. You dont put a RCBO then in the main power. It cost some more. With just one, in the main power, the main power is shut down and nothing is working anymore. But it works for your health. With a RCBO you protect everybody. You can connect some earth here and there and some not, but then you have fake protection and it could be the end of a life. NOT with a RCBO. GET THEM. And as Crossy said get a fuse for the batteries. The drawing says 200 A, you have the right cables for it? They must be real short, very close to the inverter. You dont have 200 A, as the inverter is 4000 Watt, 4000 Watt = 4000/48 Volt = 84 A. So this indicates as well, which value the fuse should have. You should go higher as there will be a peak when it comes alive. It is switched? You can have multiple cables on it to spread current, power. If your cables are too light, you could have glow in dark or smoking cables. All depends on how much power you are using.
  19. OK i see it is already brought up 2 times in here, the docu about Paween. And what you get with a whistle blower, however he was doing his work, they try to shut him up. He should have gotten the most support from Prayuth. However, not and thats the prime minister from Thailand. What does he have to hide? Probably a lot. It happens everywhere in the world, even "my" country. Whistle blowers are dirty, no matter, they are right.
  20. They dont care for peoples lifes. The impact with speeding could cause greater damage, not speeding itself. Humans, in any mental state, are in control. If they really would, you could built in a speed control. Nowadays technology makes it simple to set max speed of the car, depending on GPS position. For every road. No more speeding. But they like fines on traffic speed flashers, it brings in lots of money for governments. Maybe not Thailand, but "my" country sure does. Also running through red lights could be stopped then the same way. The auto drive car? Well ok they are working on it, but still lots of issues. Just red this week, police was chasing an automatic car, no one inside. Mmm, ok.
  21. As i understood, covid has a short lifespan (4 days) out of a biological body. Could be longer on metal or smooth surfaces. Now they find it on durian? The Chinese spit on it when coming to China? How on earth you come up the idea to test it for covid? Getting prices down? Something fishy. Easily killed with UV-C light, in seconds. Lets make it global then, all countries export needs to be treated with UV-C. EVERYTHING, even submarines.
  22. Lots of dams in Mekong from China , Thailand, Laos, Cambodja and i thought even Vietnam. The low water supply is now effective already some years. I bet China is leading the water away to other parts of China, for agriculture and so on. They already did with some major cities in the east of China to get water everywhere. Big pipes leading to and from cities. So the water of the Mekong they also use it for own gain and Mekong and environment is changed. Also, probably the production of electricity of the many dams down the Mekong. They dont care.
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