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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Maybe you forgot already, but on June 11 you already asked me for proof on the revenge and retribution threats from Trump. And I replied with several links. Did you not see that? Or do you not want to see that?
  2. Trump can not go 24 hours without a) contradicting himself, and b) telling more porkies. Last Friday he went on Fox News and explained that what he said about Milwaukee - that it’s a horrible city - was because of the high crime rate, and because of “the election, the ballots, the way it went down, it was very bad in Milwaukee. Very, very bad. And the people understand that and they agree with me. Everybody agrees.” Both those claims, though, are demonstrably wrong, fabrications, lies. https://youtu.be/J8YbhZPu8sU?si=8cjyEgNdAKCHriXk Then one day later, last Saturday, Trump claimed on NewsMax that he’d never said anything at all about Milwaukee: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-bizarre-excuse-milwaukee-comments-140810221.html I foresee this happening. During the debate, while Biden is talking, Trump will be unable to contain himself and start gesticulating or try to cut in, even though his mic is muted. And there’s no doubt in my mind that Trump will bring up his old favorites, like ‘the election was stolen from me’, and ‘with hunt’, and how horrible the economy is doing. I hope there will be instant fact checking, and instant muting of the mic when either one of the candidates starts telling lies. If they do that, Trump is not going to enjoy his time on that stage, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he stormed off in the first 5-10 minutes of the debate.
  3. OMG, another dimwitted wannabe dictator with a bad comb-over. Just what we need…
  4. Again: who are ‘they’, and why would ‘they’ be coming for me? I would really like to know. Please explain it to me in small words so a simple soul like me can understand it. And do you really not see the difference between freedom of speech and hate speech, incitement, slander, libel? You can not just say anything, you know.
  5. If that’s your intellectual level of reasoning, it’s no wonder you’re defending the likes of Alex Jones and pushing conspiracy theories about “the establishment” and that “they” will be coming for me next.
  6. Please enlighten me. What/who is “the establishment”? And who is/are they who “will be coming for me next”?
  7. Now I see what you’re trying to push, the old ‘they will be coming for you next’ tripe. Well, if you believe that, you’re even deeper down the rabbit hole than I thought. By the way, the only interest Alex Jones had and has is his own bank account. “Exposing the establishment”, as you call it, was just a means to that end. Just another American grifter getting rich from pulling the wool over the eyes of the brainless rubes and goobers.
  8. Why do you keep defending the indefensible? Alex Jones is a despicable excuse for a human being, who made millions of dollars hawking all kinds of insane conspiracy theories, and made life for the families of the children that were killed in Sandy Hook a living hell. He sicced his followers onto them, which resulted in ridiculous threats and people had to move because of that, some several times, to escape from these lunatics. What Alex Jones did is inexcusable, period. He deserves to be tarred and feathered and chased out of Dodge. I hope the courts will see through his very transparant efforts to hide his assets and declare bankruptcy, and I hope everything he owns will be taken away from him, to the very last penny, and given to the Sandy Hook families as compensation.
  9. MAGA logic 101: everything is hunky dory as long as we win elections, even if it’s just by a one vote difference. But when we lose, even if it’s by a 7 million vote difference, they must have been rigged. And then they start to make up the most insane reasons, excuses and conspiracy theories how the Dems rigged the election. Even though they keep claiming the Dems are so stupid they can’t even tie their own shoes. And all this garbage they come up with gets debunked every time, and the lawsuits they file get thrown out of court, but they keep pushing their lies nonetheless.
  10. Maybe if Trump behaved like a normal human being and didn’t keep breaking the law, inciting insurrections, trying to overturn the result of elections and wanting to be a dictator, there would be no need to ‘hound him all over the forest’. Mind you, your words, not mine. IMO, Trump has been handled with kid gloves almost his entire adult life and has gotten away with things ordinary citizens would never have gotten away with. Anyone else doing what he has done would have been in jail a long time ago.
  11. Influence peddling for profit. Don’t make me laugh. Remember the 2 billion dollars Jared Kushner got from the Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund?
  12. This is just a tiny, tiny tip of the iceberg of the evil that is the current Russian regime.
  13. If it weren’t for those dang foreigners, Thai traffic would be completely safe and accident free….
  14. Guess the organizer of the party forgot to send a brown envelope to the local plod.
  15. This is, among other things, what Trump said to a crowd of his devotees in Las Vegas, who were braving a 104 degree heat to hear his pearls of wisdom: "I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care," said Trump to a packed venue of his supporters.“ https://lamag.com/politics/i-dont-care-about-you-i-just-want-your-vote-trump-says-at-his-latest-rally
  16. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-conviction-intensifies-calls-retribution-term/story?id=110927011 https://www.voanews.com/a/trump-s-vows-of-revenge-against-his-opponents-gain-volume-/7650528.html Just look at his ‘project 2025’. Just watch and listen to any of his recent speeches. He’s dying to go after everyone who so much as looked at him funny. Donald Trump is a thin-skinned crybaby who likes to act the tough guy and dish it out, but when someone says something mean in return, either real or perceived, he can’t deal with it and throws a hissy fit. And that’s the guy you want to be the next president.
  17. Wow, clever word play, really impressive! But you do know this says a lot more about you than the people you’re trying insult, right?
  18. Justice can be a b!tch, right? Especially for someone like Bannon, who, like his idol Trump, seems to think he’s above the law. Lock him up!
  19. Especially since Trump’s most important reason to become president again, which he has made abundantly clear, is revenge and retribution. That, and staying out of jail.
  20. And you have even less. Hence the empty insults.
  21. Sure, blame Biden again. Can you spell bipartisan? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-unveils-118-billion-bipartisan-bill-tighten-border-security-aid-2024-02-04/
  22. Here’s just one tiny example of the far-right’s lunacy. There are many (many!) more to be found if you spend just two minutes on Google. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-supporters-try-doxx-jurors-222705589.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHSMOAA66qy5QnirOxLZTlyI-YNW5AFzdCVYAE36O5kDnrX3kqKelI4rZKpnV5ymAf5nkduVi0ZEfFqbXjXxJgng-qD21wucVW5-rJ5dHGBw4YSxqie_Ne9q6kVjyFafTmJ4-dJ4dXEg5ibQFD2gh2_gKR9k9-dw8-MyhkwIqRmG
  23. In his defense, MAGA-world and reality are two vastly different universes. And never the twain shall meet….
  24. There may still be hope. Now let’s hope these people show a little backbone and won’t vote for Trump come November 5 after all. People like Bill Barr and other prominent Republicans set a very bad example in that respect: railing against Trump, calling him a threat to democracy, and then finally admitting they’re going to vote for him after all. Cowards.
  25. So you’re going with Elon Musk. Is that the same Elon Musk who posts crazy conspiracy theories on X, like this one about Paul Pelosi, and antisemitic stuff as well? FYI: not everyone in SF is gay, about 1 in 5 people. And maybe you can post a link that verifies they were both in their underpants when the cops arrived? Otherwise it’s just hearsay, or rumors. And rumors are almost always just that, rumors. Facts are facts. Maybe you should learn to distinguish between the two.
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