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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. They are really getting desperate in the Kremlin ????????????
  2. Of course it is, that’s how Thailand has been run for centuries. The military is an instrument of the elite, and many generals are also an integral part of that same elite. They have absolutely no interest in democracy. Why do you think there have been more military coups in Thailand than in probably any other country in the world? Why do you think Prayuth staged a coup in 2014? It’s all to protect the interests of the elite, and the interests of the generals themselves.
  3. This is what Zelensky tweeted after arriving in Berlin in the middle of the night. Ukraine to receive a 2.7 billion euro package of military equipment.
  4. Ukrainians, Zelensky awarded Charlemagne prize for services to Europe. This very prestigious award will be presented to Zelensky this afternoon in the town of Aachen, Germany. In your face, Vlad! https://www.anews.com.tr/world/2022/12/16/ukrainians-zelensky-awarded-charlemagne-prize-for-services-to-europe
  5. Ukraine Eurovision act's city Ternopil attacked just before performance. This just shows, once again, how petty, vindictive and straight up evil the Russian regime is. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65586701
  6. Russian bases are no more safe, as Britain delivers long-range Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine.
  7. Marina Ovsyannikova: “Putin doesn’t have enough Novichok to kill his growing number of critics.”
  8. The hypocrisy and double standard of Thai authorities (and many citizens as well) keeps amazing me. With everything going on in Thailand, like the rampant corruption, the terrible education system, the air pollution, dangerous traffic that kills tens of thousands every year, and so on and so forth, and they get their panties in a bunch over something like this?
  9. Victory Day parade a huge success. Or maybe not, as panicky Putin rushed through his speech to open a diminished parade with far fewer troops than usual and a solitary rusty tank. Apparently Vlad was scared there was going to be an assassination attempt on his life. Pity that didn’t happen, though. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22293633/putin-prepares-victory-day-parade-kremlin-drone/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  10. That guy is all over the place. I just read that he had asked Ramzan Kadyrov to send his Chechen army to replace the Wagner fighters in Bachmut.
  11. It’s a clear signal that Prighozin is a complete lunatic, but I think most of us knew that already.
  12. I think Mavideol was referring to Russians in or connected to the evil Putin regime. They have proven time and time again that they are full of sh*t and that they are always lying through their teeth.
  13. I know, but if they don’t get any ammunition anymore, how are they going to continue to fight?
  14. Wagner Group boss says he will pull troops out of Bakhmut on May 10. If that is true, then that is excellent news! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65493008 https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-updates-wagner-to-leave-bakhmut-on-may-10/a-65525236#:~:text=Russia's Wagner paramilitary%2C which has,the reason for the withdrawal.
  15. What a piece of sh*t. He got off pretty lucky, though, someone should have punched his lights out. Absolutely disgusting behavior by a representative of an absolutely disgusting regime.
  16. Putin’s revenge: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22244884/putin-kills-revenge-ukrainian-supermarket-station-kremlin-drone/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  17. This morning Vladimir Solovyov says Russia should kill Zelensky while he’s in the Netherlands. "We don’t care that it’s a Nato country" We knew this already about Solovyov, but he has once again confirmed it: what an absolute a-hole!
  18. Russia now accuses US of being behind Kremlin drone attack. https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-accuses-us-being-behind-alleged-kremlin-drone-attack-2023-05-04/#:~:text=Russia accuses U.S. of being behind alleged Kremlin drone attack,-Reuters&text=May 4 (Reuters) - Russia,to kill President Vladimir Putin. Russia did not, however (surprise, surprise), provide any evidence to support that claim. Meanwhile, I have read reports of experts calling it ‘the worst false flag operation of the century’.
  19. Hitler survived about 42 assassination attempts, Castro apparently some 600 (!!). Hopefully Putin’s luck will run out sooner.
  20. South Africa warns Putin could face arrest while attending BRICS summit. Why did they have to go and warn Putin in the first place? Just let him come to South Africa, arrest his @ss and hand him over to the ICC. Easy peasy. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/01/south-africa-warns-putin-could-face-arrest-while-attending-brics-summit-a80994
  21. White House estimates 100,000 Russian casualties (20,000 dead, 80,000 wounded) in the last five months alone:
  22. Failure to do so considered a war crime. Judging by how the Russians have been acting so far, I’d say they’re not bothered in the least with insignificant little details like that. If anything, they intentionally seem to do things they know they’re not supposed to be doing, and they don’t give a flying you **** if it’s a war crime or not.
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