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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. “UKRAINE plotted an audacious attack on Moscow to mark the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion, leaked spy documents have revealed. The mass strikes were ultimately called off after the United States intervened and warned Kyiv its plan could lead to a nuclear war between the West and Russia.” Pity. I say let the Russian people feel what the Ukrainian people are feeling: indiscriminate bombings on an almost daily basis, almost exclusively aimed at civilian targets. Maybe that will stimulate them to get rid of the lunatic and delusional kleptocracy that has been running the country for over 20 years. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22152067/ukraine-plot-launch-strikes-moscow-fears-nuclear-war/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  2. Sappers ar a special breed of soldiers, but they do such important work. And I suggest to force the Russians to pay the costs of clearing Ukraine of mines (estimated at $37 billion) once this is all over. That will teach them not to invade another country again.
  3. Vote wisely! And this coming from Dear Leader himself, the man who staged a coup, clung on to power ever since and more or less ran the Thai economy in the ground, while at the same time corruption flourished like never before. That is quite an achievement, something to be really proud of. So by all means, do vote wisely, and don’t vote for this fool!!
  4. ‘First Wreckage’ Of Switchblade-600 Drone Appears Online As Ukraine Begins Pounding Russian Military With US UAVs. https://eurasiantimes.com/first-wreckage-of-switchblade-600-drone-appears-online/
  5. Gee, who’d have thunk it. Surely nobody could have seen that coming.
  6. Scarface Vlad: Putin spotted with mystery ‘prominent scar’ on his neck as rumours about ‘thyroid cancer battle’ swirl. Looks like a big Z on his throat to me. How appropriate. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22086904/vladimir-putin-mystery-neck-scar-rumours-thyroid-cancer/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  7. “a couple of years ago they did a survey on corruption/bribes and 65% said it was fine as long as the got some of it” They have been doing that survey many times, for decades. The outcome is always more or less the same, that 60 to 70% of Thai people have absolutely no problem with corruption, as long as they can profit from it. And that is the key issue here: if that mindset (corruption is okay as long as I profit from it) doesn’t change, the whole system will never change either. I guess it also has to do with the educational system (which is pretty archaic, to say the least), and how Thai society works, that people always have to bow down to and obey those who are higher up in the hierarchy.
  8. Apparently Prigozhin and his Wagner group are exploiting quite a few gold mines in Africa, including in Sudan. They smuggle the gold back to Russia to fund their war in Ukraine. Interesting article: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/17/what-is-the-wagner-groups-role-in-sudan It just goes to show that Prigozhin’s/Wagner’s only interests are money and power, and they will do literally anything to get it.
  9. Maybe there should be a top-10 of reasons NOT to retire to Thailand. I can start with a few: * the air quality in most of the country is getting worse and worse for longer periods of time * the hot season is becoming unbearably hot * the traffic is an absolute disaster, it’s like playing Russian roulette every time you venture out on a Thai road * there is no justice system, except for those who are Thai and have a lot of money * the country is corrupt through and through * the visa system is not exactly expat-friendly, to put it mildly Feel free to add more, I’m sure I left things out.
  10. More and more stories and testimonies coming out of Russian atrocities in Ukraine. This one is particularly disturbing because the perps show no remorse whatsoever while telling how they shot little kids through the head. Absolutely disgusting, nazi-behavior of a country claiming to have invaded Ukraine to de-nazify it.
  11. Yes, just go outside and get bronchitis or lung cancer, while I (the governor) remain safely inside in my office, car and house with the aircon and air furifiers at full blast. This guy is an absolute joke!!
  12. One very lucky Russian soldiers. Although I imagine he’s going to have quite a headache….
  13. I have no doubt that they wil ‘closely monitor the situation’, as they have been saying for over two decades. And then do absolutely nothing about it, as they have been doing forever.
  14. It never ceases to amaze me that the RTP doesn’t seem to give a flying **** about almost every form of crime committed in Thailand and that cops are mostly busy lining their own pockets, but when something like this happens they spring into action immediately. The message being that a couple of young ladies having a good time and dancing topless is somehow much more vile and dangerous than committing actual crimes. Hypocrites.
  15. Prayut himself would certainly be axed and sent to prison to begin with. If someone wanted to set a real example, that would be the place to start. Never going to happen, though.
  16. Not a whole lot of wellness to be found when half the country (and Bangkok itself) suffers from suffocating smog about five to six months a year. Not to mention the murderous traffic everywhere in the country.
  17. I know he was reprimanding your post. But I just couldn’t resist to let him know there are some extremely lucky specimen like you and me around who have been able to dodge the bullet so far. Apparently we’re like white elephants, very few and far between.
  18. I’ve been coming to Thailand since 1987, have lived here on and off quite a few times, have been going out to bars many times, have made Thai friends, have a Thai wife, and never ever have I had any problems anywhere in Thailand (except with a few bent cops). Must be my friendly demeanor or something….
  19. If he nukes Ukraine, he will very probably get the same treatment anyway, whether Ukraine has nukes or not. The minute those nuclear missiles are fired from Russia (or from Russian submarines), there will have to be an instant response from the West, because they won’t know if those missiles are aimed at Ukraine or at the West.
  20. Probably drunk and/or high on yaba, so they were on another planet and had no idea what they were doing. The Swedish guy can count himself lucky they didn’t pull a knife or a gun on him, and that he’s still alive to tell the tale. Hopefully these cowards (who said that harassing the waitress ‘was just a joke’, yeah right) will end up in jail for quite some time.
  21. “do it at Songkran and face the consequences” But do it any other time of the year and the RTP will just sit there, watch you go by and do absolutely nothing.
  22. He’s just a gloomy Gus who’s still sulking because Trump lost in 2020 and he’s been in a foul mood and lashing out at those darn commie liberals ever since. Just my two cents….
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