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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. The evil that is Russia today. Kidnapping children and then beating them and punishing them in other ways because they refuse to sing the Russian national anthem. Pathetic petty b@stards. Fortunately some of those children return to Ukraine and their parents every now and then.
  2. I really liked this one: “Russian war fanatic who spent £20k to buy drones for Putin’s troops receives huge batch of sex toys after Ukrainian hack.” https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/21950102/russian-war-fanatic-receives-batch-sex-toys-ukrainian-hack/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  3. Let me remind you of what you said: To be honest if I was in their position I would do exactly the same , as would anybody else given the chance, stupid not to really. Not so hypothetical, in my opinion. You also said that everyone else would do the same, given the chance. You even said that anybody would be stupid not to, really. Also not very hypothetical. Try again. As for why I’m getting so worked up about this (to use your words): I hate dishonesty, I hate corruption, and most of all I hate people taking advantage of their position to extort people. Because that’s basically what corruption usually is: extortion. Something you don’t seem to have a problem with. Does that answer your question?
  4. To be honest if I was in their position I would do exactly the same , as would anybody else given the chance, stupid not to really Please speak for yourself. I try to make it a habit to make an honest living, but apparently you don’t care if you have to screw people over to do so. You also assume that anybody else would do the same. Well, you’re wrong.
  5. That was back in 2011, or 2012. There were about 10 thieves, they took 100 million baht because that was all they could carry, and when they were caught they told the police there had been at least 1 billion baht in that house. Needless to say that when the police came to take a look and searched the house, that money was long gone. One of the theories was that some of the “colleagues” of the deputy transport minister hadn’t received their cut and they had hired the 10 thieves to go and steal what they thought belonged to them. I know I’d be a little miffed too if I didn’t get my slice of a more than 1 billion baht loot.
  6. I for one am not surprised at all. Corruption is a way of life in Thailand, just a very profitable business model, and over the last couple of decades it’s become worse and worse, and also more shameless. Just another sign of the weird times we live in.
  7. One thing is certain: Trump is going to milk this as much as he can and he doesn’t care one little bit if there will be casualties, either literally or figuratively.
  8. No mugshot yet. I’m sure huge sums of money are being bid and someone will eventually cave and the mugshot will be leaked.
  9. But that’s how the system has worked for a long time, and will very probably continue to work for a long time. The people doing it know they can do it with impunity, as long as they spread the money around and send a sizeable chunk of it to those higher up the chain. So there’s really no reason for them to be afraid or overly careful, because they know they’re getting away with it.
  10. This is just a teeny tiny little tip of the iceberg that we’re getting to see, with all those busts as of late. The whole system is as corrupt as corrupt can get, it really amazes me how a country can even still function like that. Imagine what a powerhouse of an economy Thailand could be if everything was on the up and up and everyone (more or less) played by the rules. Now it’s mostly a small and vastly wealthy elite that profits from this corrupt system, while the majority of Thai people struggle to get by.
  11. This Russian defector, who was an officer in Putin’s personal security service, has a very interesting story to tell. Especially about how scared and paranoid Putin really is, and that the only information he receives is from his intelligence services and state TV. https://apnews.com/article/russia-putin-defector-war-crimes-khodorkovsky-karakulov-dossier-845421fe06ed9cfa1962ad4f98a2e413
  12. This video will show you how evil and petty at the same time the Russians can be. Truly despicable.
  13. What a shocker (and a complete load of hooey): Maria Lvova-Belova, Russian children's commissioner, rejects ICC war crime allegations as false, and that she is not responsible for unlawfully deporting children from Ukraine. Lvova-Belova told a news conference in Moscow that the consent of children's parents had always been sought, that the commission acted in the best interests of any child, and that it was more accurate to talk of guardianship rather than adoption. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-childrens-commissioner-rejects-icc-war-crime-allegations-false-2023-04-04/
  14. I understand the bomb went off in a bar that used to be owned by the leader of Wagner, Jevgeny Prigozhin, Nothing suspicious about that, of course, with Prigozhin picking fights with the Russian army and those supporting it. And the guy that was killed was a militairy blogger, very much pro Rusian army. Hmm, I smell a rat somewhere…. But hey, if they want to start killing each other: more power to them.
  15. All those young guys must be chomping at the bit to become a soldier and defend mother Russia. Oh wait, how many hundreds of thousands of young men fled Russia again to escape conscription?
  16. My guess would be appallingly misinformed/uninformed, but then intentionally so, because everything that doesn’t suit their narrative is dismissed as ‘fake news’. Ignorance and arrogance. Like George W. Bush, who proudly proclaimed he didn’t read newspapers. How any president of the USA could even say a thing like that was and still is beyond me. And until 2016 I believed there was no way there could ever be a worse president. Boy, was I wrong!
  17. So you read “opinions” on forums and your conclusion is that many lefties want Trump executed. Doesn’t sound iffy at all.
  18. Many lefties want Trump executed???? Where do you get that utter nonsense? If you’re going to make outrageous claims, please provide a link.
  19. Not a bad April fools prank, unfortunately, but harsh reality: Russia chairs the UN Security Council this month. Sometimes reality really is stranger than fiction.
  20. I’d be proud of that too, a self-proclaimed billionaire who keeps begging his supporters to give him more of their hard-earned money so he can keep playing golf and live in luxury. What a great guy!!
  21. I really can not begin to understand how you can keep defending a two-bit snake oil salesman who has conned tens of thousands of people and companies out of billions of dollars, and who saw the American presidency just as one big grift opportunity. Joe Biden, on the other hand, has served his country for decades. The MAGA-mind works in mysterious ways….
  22. he likely violated election finance rules And that’s the least of his worries, other much more serious cases with potentially much more serious implications will very probably lead to more indictments: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61084161 My money is on the Georgia election interference that is going to land him in jail. If that happens, my faith in humanity and the American legal system will be restored, to a degree.
  23. Yes, 6 down, just another couple 10,000 (my own rough estimate) to go. But I applaud the effort.
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