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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Imagine being homeless in the US and this flog Trump cuts taxes for the rich and just hands them billions upon billions they have no idea what to do with because they have way too much money already. So called “trickle down economics” that Republican presidents keep pushing, even though that notion has been debunked years ago. Trump is also much bigger (well, fatter) than Biden, so he wins the prize for biggest waste of space ever.
  2. The Putin fan boys are out in force in this thread. Just following orders from their puppet master, no doubt.
  3. Judging by his other posts and the used lingo, I see someone at a keyboard in a troll farm in St. Petersburg. Must be such an honorable job, trying to defend the indefensible…..
  4. You seem to think it’s possible to negotiate with Russia. “Just give them a chunk of Ukraine”, and that will keep them happy. But it doesn’t work that way, which has been shown many times in world history. You can’t negotiate with crazy power hungry people, they will back out of any peace deal that was reached at any time they see fit, which will probably be pretty soon. Putin himself wants to reinstate the borders of the old USSR. There is a pretty strong movement in Russia that is convinced that it’s Russia’s destination to be a great and powerful country, and that at least half of Europe (all the countries that used to be behind the iron curtain) actually belong to Russia, and that it’s Russia’s god-given right to take back what used to belong to them. You say it’s not your problem, but that’s sticking your head in the sand. Of course it’s America’s problem, and Europe’s problem as well, anyone with even the tiniest shred of historic common sense can see that. You can not let cancer spread, because it will kill you in the end. Sometimes it’s necessary to take painful measures to stop the cancer and save your life.
  5. So I can’t even comment when I see Americans (i.e. Republicans) making stupid decisions that will affect my life as well? That’s what I meant when I said it’s everybody’s business.
  6. Let’s say that is true, although I have my reservations, because Russia is still going to try very hard to create a bigger buffer between NATO and their own border. And if the West backs out of the war in Ukraine, it will still show other ‘evil states’ that the West is weak and not willing to defend their allies when push comes to shove.
  7. Who the Americans vote for has ramifications for the entire world, so it is in fact everyone’s business.
  8. Not only will Russia succeed in its invasion of Ukraine: Russia will see it as a sign of Western weakness and set their sights on their next victim. Maybe one of the Baltic states, or even Poland. It will also embolden other countries to try to pull similar stunts. Like China invading Taiwan. So to all those rooting for a Republican win: be careful what you wish for.
  9. Police and/or other officials probably didn’t get their cut, so they closed them down.
  10. Like poster Deli before me, I wonder how much he paid to get the job. Must be millions and millions of baht, since being the governor of Phuket is probably a highly lucrative job. And I find the title of the article a little misleading as well. I’m quite sure not all of Phuket will be welcoming this new governor. Just those who have ‘done business’ with the previous governor will be looking forward to continue to ‘do business’ with the new one.
  11. What Rule of Law? There is only the Rule of Money: those who have enough of it, can do whatever the hell they want.
  12. Good luck with that. Yaba and other drugs are mainly produced in Myanmar and then smuggled into Thailand. This is a multi-billion dollar business, so there’s a lot at stake. And knowing how corrupt Thailand is, some of that billion dollar loot is going towards bribing Thai law enforcement officials to look the other way when large shipments are passing through. But even if that were not the case; the Thai-Myanmar border is very long and a lot of it is in dense forests and pretty inaccessible terrain. So how are you going to stop the smugglers?
  13. What an amateur! A 20 million baht construction project? That’s bush league stuff. Real grifters in Thailand don’t even bother unless they can take their cut from (multi)billion baht projects. I remember a deputy transport minister whose house was broken into while he and his wife were out for the evening. Ten thieves broke into their home and made off with about 100 million baht in cash. When they were caught a few days later they claimed that was all they could carry, and that they only took about 10% of the cash that was actually in the house. Which would mean there had been about one billion baht in cash in that deputy minister’s house. Now that’s a serious kickback. Needless to say that when the police returned to the deputy minister’s house to see if there really was a lot more money lying around there, it had already magically disappeared. There were rumors that this guy wanted to keep all this loot for himself, so apparently a couple of his fellow (deputy)ministers had hired that crew of thieves to steal the money they thought belonged to them as well. And that’s probably just the tip of the iceberg, as the actual scale of corruption in Thailand is unfathomable.
  14. Couldn’t happen to nicer guy. Hope the devil has reserved a special little corner in hell for this monster.
  15. Russian MP wants to fire missiles at UK, and take out Sunak as well. Does anyone still believe the BS that these people spout? Eight older guys in a TV studio seriously discussing destroying civilization as we know it, including Russia itself. As one can see almost every night on Russian TV. It’s all just grandstanding, completely laughable.
  16. Exactly. Once Russia starts firing nukes, there will be a swift answer from US submarines. And the UK and France probably also have a submarine (or several) that can fire nukes, so they will join in. All the main Russian cities and industrial areas will turn to nuclear wasteland. Having said that, it’s more than a little alarming that a lunatic like Putin can order the launching of this weapon. Whether the order will be obeyed remains to be seen.
  17. You’re probably not far off. I had a Thai teacher who said that almost every Thai guy she knew had a gun. And they carried them when they went out.
  18. That’s all you got? Biden has no personality? Pretty lame, dude.
  19. Just go on youtube and you can find literally thousands of videos with thousands of people just like this one.
  20. Where did anyone say that if you’re not a lefty, you’re a nazi?
  21. Doesn’t that work the other way? If you’re not a MAGA Republican and have just the tiniest little bit of criticism, they call you radical left, or a socialist, or communist.
  22. I think what poster Ozimoron meant by ‘jumping the fence’ is that even a nazi can decide to stop being a nazi and become a decent human being again. That's not equal to automatically becoming a lefty. You just chose to understand it as being totally black or white with nothing in between: if you aren’t a lefty, then you are a nazi.
  23. So there’s just two choices? Either be a nazi or switch to the left?
  24. 60+ cases have been brought before 60+ judges (some of them appointed by Trump himself), not one of them delivered a shred of evidence of fraud. Several hand counts in several states, no evidence of fraud. Yet Republicans (and you) keep whining about it, or insinuating that the election could be stolen. And you call liberals snowflakes….
  25. Trump’s defense is going to lean heavily on him saying that he was given bad advice by his lawyers (Giuliani and Powell) and that he was just doing what they advised him to do. That could backfire badly, though, because Trump is on record saying that Powell is crazy and Giuliani a drunk. So if he knew that Powell was crazy and Giuliani was a drunk, why did he still listen to them and follow their advice?
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