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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. A much more important part of the job is not being a complete idiot, and having a handle on what you’re talking about, which Trump obviously doesn’t. Not lying through your teeth every time you open your mouth would also go a long way.
  2. Here’s another insight into the proposed policies of the stable genius: 16 Nobel prize winning economists say Trump policies will fuel inflation. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/16-nobel-prize-winning-economists-say-trump-policies-will-fuel-inflation-2024-06-25/ The economists say Trump's economic plans would reignite inflation, in part because of his pledge to impose stiffer tariffs on Chinese imports, which they say will hike prices on many goods bought by U.S. consumers. "While each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies, we all agree that Joe Biden's economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump," the economists state in their letter. "We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world, and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy." How about them apples?
  3. Wow, pushing trans ideology and critical race theory to indoctrinate all those poor innocent kids. Straight out of the MAGA / loony right playbook, scare mongering 101. Sounds to me like you’re the one who’s been indoctrinated, and has been reading a few too many fairytales. And I don’t even have to read between the lines to come to that conclusion
  4. The electoral college should be eliminated, it’s completely antiquated. One man, one vote, that’s what normal countries use to decide elections.
  5. All MAGA cult members suffer from TWS (Trump worship syndrome), they all believe he’s the second coming of you know who.
  6. What does any of your word salad have to do with what I posted? Or do you just react to random posts so you can start spouting your vitriol again?
  7. Exactly. Up until a few weeks ago you couldn’t shut Trump up about how proud he was (and he took full credit for it, as usual) to get Roe v Wade overturned. Now he’s doing the back flip again. Like so many times before.
  8. Jesus wept. So you want to see the world go to hell in a handbasket just for your entertainment? That’s pretty sick, dude.
  9. Nothing to do with free speech. Everything to do with allowing criminal activities on his platform and doing nothing to stop it.
  10. Gee, and here I thought it was the radical left who are poisoning the minds of school children with their woke agenda.
  11. Nope. I was raised a Catholic in the Netherlands in the 1960’s. In primary school, the pastor of a nearby church would come twice a week and I really enjoyed all the wonderful bible stories he told. He was very good at it. But then when I was about 12 or 13 I started to come to the conclusion that that was all it was: just stories, fairy tales from 2000 years ago. I also started to ask myself why the world was such a huge mess if there really was a benevolent god who had the best intentions with humankind. And then I started to get really annoyed with all those ‘holier-than-thy’ kind of people, who think they’re better than everyone else because of their religion, and try to force their religion and beliefs on others. My father taught me two things when I was young. First thing: ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. Second thing: ‘live and let live’. I am in no way a communist, but I think Karl Marx said it very well: ‘religion is the opium of the people’.
  12. That depends very much on the teenager(s) in question. Some of them grow up quick and can be trusted to stay home alone or go on a holiday with friends by the time they’re 16 or 17. Others grow up (much) slower and need more time. And judging by what some people post here on AN, some never grow up at all.
  13. I have received countless emails like this, that I had won a power drill or a tool kit or whatever and if I would just please click on the link to confirm. Yeah, right. Fortunately I have a very good spam filter and all this goes straight into my spam folder.
  14. Only 3 or 4 points?
  15. Not quite. Barr said a lot of very bad things about Trump after Biden became president. But then he said he would vote for Trump anyway. Like so many other spineless GOP cowards who trashed Trump after his presidency, and then announced they would vote for him regardless. Go figure.
  16. You do remember William Barr, don’t you? Trump’s lapdog AG, running interference for him all the time?
  17. MAGA folk are irony and sarcasm impaired, you know that.
  18. We both know that’s not true. But you just keep defending the indefensible, 284 posts in this thread so far to defend your previous idol. Wow. Don’t you get carpal tunnels?
  19. As opposed to this stable genius, mocking a disabled reporter?
  20. I do appreciate the history lesson, but I still think it looks ridiculous on old western guys.
  21. My pet peeve is older guys with those sad wispy pony tails. Or even worse: when they have a man bun. Yuck!
  22. I thought this guy was not allowed to engage in politics anymore? Wasn’t that one of the conditions of his release?
  23. Still not an answer to my question, just biased claims. Where’s the proof?
  24. That’s not what I asked. You dismissed the opinion of 16 Nobel prize winning economist (who do this for a living, and are very good at what they do, hence the Nobel prizes) just because you claim they’re Democrats. I asked for proof of that claim. But I guess you don’t have any. So could it be that that was just your opinion, and not a fact? This coming from someone who claims to look at facts, not opinions.
  25. Do you have any proof that all those 16 Nobel prize winning economists are Democrats?
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