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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Nobody is creepier than Trump. Where is your moral compass?
  2. Dems aren't scared....but they are concerned. Which is a good thing. Better than being complacent. They'll make sure to get the voters out. Because just the possibility of a corrupt criminal like Trump being POTUS again will get every sane person to the polls.
  3. You mean like in 2020? Even if they did, it won't be enough.
  4. The whole point of this thread is that Trump's popularity in the GOP alone won't win him the Presidency.
  5. People forget that Trump doesn't do well in general elections. And he tends to hurt down ballot Republican nominees as well. Quite a few Haley voters in NH said they would not vote for Trump in the general. Add to that.... [A whole swath of GOP voters appears firmly committed to not voting for Trump in November.] https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/23/trump-moderate-republicans-problem-00137112
  6. These protests are in support of Palestinians. I have not heard one elected official say they support Hamas. Do you know of any?
  7. Democrats don't support Hamas. President Biden certainly does not. Some Dems may....just like some Reps support Putin.
  8. I was hoping to hear from one of Trump's cult followers. It would be impressive if one of them could defend Trump's "absolute immunity" claim without sounding like a total ignoramus.
  9. Since Trump is so keen on having nicknames for others, how about this one for him: Donald Rapist Trump. Has a ring to it....55555. [Donald Trump loves to give people nicknames. From Crooked Hillary to Lyin’ Ted Cruz to Horseface Stormy Daniels; from Little Rocket Man Kim Jong Un to Low Energy Jeb to Pocahontas; from the Failing New York Times to Little Marco Rubio to Crazy Joe Biden, Trump has never been shy about attaching vicious and controversial sobriquets to his perceived enemies’ identities. Trump’s opponents have struggled to fight back. They briefly tried Cadet Bone Spurs, Traitor Trump, and The Former Guy, but none of those stuck. I have a new, and perhaps more powerful, suggestion: How about “Donald Rapist Trump”?] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/is-the-nickname-donald-rapist-trump-defamatory/ar-AA1ncWu2?cvid=6d66ef9a67df4f7fa88fdaddbbda3a8b&ei=15
  10. I agree that our immigration system is broke. No one wants open borders. Everyone coming in should do so legally. Problem is these other countries are such a mess and too many are trying to come. So border cities/states are getting hammered. No one in government has any answers, Dems or Reps. But we pay these politicians to come up with answers. They've got nothing.
  11. I think you'd agree that most of these migrants are just looking to come to America for jobs and a better life. The wall may slow down some families and children, but will do zilch to stop drug cartels, terrorists, and other criminals. When right wingers demonize migrants, they ALWAYS bring up the criminal elements....to fuel outrage of course. But in reality, they simply don't want more brown people coming to America, criminals or not.
  12. Joe Biden is hardly to blame for all that stuff. And if Trump were President, he wouldn't magically make it all disappear. Everything you mentioned occurred under Trump's administration as well.
  13. Agree. Iowa has never been very good at choosing Presidents. Heck, they chose slimy Ted Cruz in 2016 (there was no primary in 2020). New Hampshire will be a better gauge of what to come. Independents will be allowed to vote there. If Trump wins a landslide in NH, Dems might as well start preparing for a Biden/Trump race. If Haley wins....it'll get interesting. Trump will get even crazier than usual.
  14. 5555....funny. I'm an American and I don't see the Trump appeal. Safe to say the majority of Americans agree with me.
  15. Makes you wonder where Trump stands regarding Israel and the Palestinians.
  16. I would argue that Trump is a much bigger turd.
  17. Ice in Thai is "Nam Kang," which is not a slang for crystal meth.
  18. Iowa tends to choose the guy who will not be the eventual GOP nominee. Just sayin.....555
  19. If a Republican were to become POTUS, I'd much prefer Haley over Trump. She's much more qualified and sane. Although she'd do better than Trump with moderates and independents, I don't think the MAGA base would come out for her. Aside from their racist bent, they're also a rather misogynist bunch.
  20. People have been moving to Florida long before DeSantis came along. It has nothing to do with his nutty right wing policies. It was more about weather and taxes.
  21. Fentanyl was coming over during Trump's term as well. But you don't care about that. Let's be honest, you really don't care about people dying from fentanyl.
  22. Don't look now, but Nikki Haley is rising fast...may even win New Hampshire. [Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has trimmed former President Donald Trump’s lead in the Republican primary race in New Hampshire to single digits, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire. Trump still holds a meaningful lead in the poll, with the backing of 39% of likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire compared to Haley’s 32%.] https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/09/politics/cnn-new-hampshire-poll/index.html
  23. It's amazing to me that these Trump supporters--most of whom are likely poor "white trash"--have no problem with their hero making money from his position, not to mention stealing their money through secret service paying sky high prices at his resorts. And then there's the non-stop fundraising siphoning every last remaining cent from these rubes. It really is a cult following.
  24. The Congress only wants to reduce the debt when the other side is POTUS. Truth is, lots of spending and tax cuts are what gets people elected. Both increases the debt....which is why it will keep getting worse.
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