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Everything posted by Pib

  1. Here's the whole 11 June Autolife article. I see the BYD Atto climbed back to the best selling EV for the month of May. When driving around the greater Bangkok area I see BYD Atto and Dolphin models on the roads "VERY" frequently. I also see many different EVs very frequently in the Bangkok area...EVs are definitely popular in the greater Bangkok area....they are just everywhere. I've now had my Atto for almost 8 months & 14K kilometers....zero problems....knock on wood (my head). https://autolifethailand.tv/ev-register-may-2024-thailand/ The total number of 100% electric car registrations in Thailand in May 2024 was 5,474 units, an increase of 33.9%. BYD Atto 3 returned to the championship with 850 units, followed by BYD Dolphin – Deepal S07, while Volvo EX30 has started to register. Increased 33.9% ! Total registrations for 100% electric cars in Thailand in May 2024 total 5,474 cars, a proportion of 13.0% of new cars, RY.1 nationwide, 45,101 cars, BYD Atto 3 returns to be the champion with 850 cars. BYD Atto 3 ranked No. 1 with a total of 850 units, reclaiming the championship after flooding the market with a price reduction of up to 250,000 baht, followed by the little brother, ranked No. 2, BYD Dolphin with a total of 844 units, and ChangAn Deepal S07 took the third place with a total of 633 units, followed by MG 4 assembled in Thailand with 624 units in fourth place. The total number of vehicle registrations in the 100% electric vehicle group (BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle) in May 2024 totaled 5,474 vehicles (representing 13.0% of the total vehicle registrations in Thailand, RY.1, totaling 45,101 vehicles). Top 15 rankings with highest registration numbers in May 2024 Number 1 BYD Atto 3 : 850 cars Number 2 BYD Dolphin: 844 units 3rd place ChangAn Deepal S07 : 633 units Number 4 MG 4 Electric: 624 cars 5th place NETA V : 365 cars Number 6 Aion Y Plus : 315 cars Number 7: Tesla Model 3: 279 cars Number 8 BYD Seal: 236 units Number 9 GWM ORA Goodcat : 187 cars Number 10 Volvo XC40 EV: 109 cars Number 11 GWM ORA 07 : 106 cars No. 12 Tesla Model Y: 105 cars No. 13 MG EP : 103 cars Number 14 Aion ES : 102 cars Number 15 Volvo C40 : 100 cars Statistics on cumulative registrations of 100% electric trains in Thailand Year 2020: January - December 2020, total 1,056 cars. Year 2021: January - December 2021, total 1,935 cars. Year 2022: January - December 2022, total 9,729 cars. Year 2023: January - December 2023, total 76,314 cars. An increase of 66,585 units from the previous year, a growth of +684.4%. Year 2024: January - May '24, total 31,851 cars. The total number of 100% electric vehicle registrations in Thailand in May 2024 totaled 5,474 vehicles, accounting for 13.0% of the total number of 45,101 vehicle registrations nationwide. **********************************
  2. I expect normally that would be the case but in this case the dealership manager said the buyer would "not" be getting his Bt10K deposit refund due to extra's/add-ons the buyer had ordered and dealership already installed. The dealership manager seemed truly frustrated with this buyer....I'm sure there is more details to the story. Actually, I was surprised the dealership had installed the extra pretty things (i.e., Solar Guard Black Phantom tinting, door sill plates, paint sealant, etc) "before" final loan approval. Maybe the dealership was 100% confident this buyer would get a loan and put on the extras before final approval actually occurred...took a chance and lost. Plus dealers know there is probably a backup buyer waiting in the wings. I didn't have to pay for the door plates and paint sealant and although I had ordered tinting it was Lamina tinting that cost less than the Solar Guard tinting...I just paid the Lamina price but got the higher priced Solar Guard.
  3. Not surprising in the least for two reasons: 1) in the previous years BYD was the 800 pound guerrilla for EVs in Thailand...on maybe even a 1000 lb guerrilla....they didn't have much of any serious competition other than Telsa, Ora Good Cats, and Neta V's....but beginning in 2023 "MANY" more EV manufacturers/models hit the Thai market (more choices) which caused the guerrilla to have less to eat...he started losing some weight. 2) sluggish economy in 2024 hurting EV and ICE sales across the board.
  4. Car sales people will pretty much say anything to make a sale especially when it's not them that make the decision on a loan approval. And even if the loan approval falls thru the sales person can still show they hooked a customer but unfortunately the customer couldn't obtain loan approval. Even the dealership can show stats of reservations/deposits which shows serious interest in their vehicles but unfortunately some customers just can't get final loan approval. Two people on the hook to ensure a loan is paid back is better than one....even when the loan has collateral backing it up. Thai banks love guarantors....makes getting a loan easier. The red Atto I bought in Oct 2023 is one where the a person's loan approval fell thru which freed-up the car up for my purchase. BYD simply did not have any "red" Atto's in stock/available or near term arrival from the factory and I was basically on the waiting list for a red Atto. This red Atto had been setting at the dealership for several weeks and the wife and I would ask about it availability every time we went....each time told already sold...just waiting for final loan approval. It was all ready to be driven away...window tinting and other pretty things already installed the buyer wanted and the dealership had installed before final loan approval...the dealership was apparently 100% sure the financing would be approved for the buyer. But it finally feel thru....that freed-up the Atto for me. The wife and I still clearly remember the day that this red Atto freed-up. We went to the dealership to once again bend their ear in person about "when will our reservation for a red Atto be fulfilled" as we were getting very tired of waiting. We talked to the dealership manager and our sales lady. The dealership manager could tell we were serious about just moving on...getting our Bt10K deposit back. He then made two calls...one to the finance company and one to the buyer to find out what is going on with the buyer's loan approval especially since it had been processing for almost a month already. That call revealed the finance was not going to approve the loan unless the buyer came up with more down payment or a guarantor....the call to the buyer revealed the buyer throwing in his cards...backing out of the buy. Yeap, loan applications can often fail especially in the current economic environment. I expect that is why we are seeing big difference is news media "sales" numbers compared to govt "registration" numbers. Preaching to the choir I know.
  5. Yes...just a standard 1199 for the direct deposit setup to a US bank....and SSA might only ask for the bank name, routing number, and account number during the interview and not require you to mail in a 1199. If I remember right I think the direct deposit routing and acct number are also asked for on the online application. During the application process you will be asked are you married, where married, and date of marriage along with the wife's SSN if she has one. The reason it's asked for is because when a married person applies SSA will not only review your earnings record but also the spouse's SSA earnings record (if the spouse has one) to determine which earnings record would get the applicant the most monthly benefit In your case the wife probably does not have a SSN, has not paid any SS taxes over the years, don't have 10 years worth of SS credits, maybe never lived in the US for at least 5 years, etc...etc....so your marriage is not a player in determining your benefits other than SSA wants/needs to know if you are married when applying. However, if the wife was eligible to apply for SS benefits but hasn't paid SS taxes for at least 10 work years the wife can still get a "spousal" benefit based on your earning record if married long enough....it's a percentage of what your benefit is. If a spousal benefit is in play they would ask the wage earner (you in this case) to complete an attached SSA-3 Marriage Certification so your wife could submit with her application. SSA-3 Marriage Certification.pdf Although there are no shortage of horror stories on social media sites regarding applying for SSA benefits "each applicant" has a different life story, earnings record, maybe dual citizenship, maybe social security benefits from another country, etc....etc....etc....just a whole bunch of different things that can bog down/slow down an application....make an applicant pull their hair out. And of course some of the problems in some horror stories are self-induced/applicant caused but they may fail to mentioned that in their social media rant. And during the COVID pandemic processing of application slowed way, way down which caused a new batch of horror stories. But for most people the application process is simple and straight forth. Sounds like yours will be. Good luck...once the SSA approves your application you will officially be an "Ol' Geezer" in the eyes of the U.S. govt. 😉
  6. Or yea, about two weeks after the Manila interview the 2nd neighbor's SSA retirement application was approved by HQ SSA (Baltimore). And about a week further down the road he got a back payment since he had requested his benefit to begin on a date before the final approval....and then his monthly payments started arriving on the 3rd of each month like clockwork.
  7. The white sign says Suki Nok Noi which is located below:
  8. Thanks....those are some healthy price reductions....I fully expect EV traction battery cost to continue to trend downward as more and more and more EVs are sold . Now when I can pickup a new traction battery at PTT Fit, B-Quik, CockPit, etc., for around a Bt100K I will be happy....probably keep my Atto 3 for 30 years. 😁
  9. Their last sentence makes no sense...maybe a typo of some type unless your question to them also asked about "how" to get certain docs vs what docs they may need from you when applying. But as you will see below getting strange responses from Manila is probably not uncommon. Below also talks what docs they will probably require. Anyway, there are no documents required to "initially apply" by online (no SSA acct needed just to apply for benefits if your address is outside the U.S. such as in Thailand) OR asking for Manila to conduct your application via telephone interview. Now what documents they will require after reviewing an application/telephone interview will vary from individual to individual depending on whether they are a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization, whether a foreign national, whether applying for a spousal benefit vs benefits based on your own earnings record, etc....etc....etc. More at the bottom as to what will probably be required when submitting the application with a foreign address. Over the last half dozen or so years I have applied and I have hand-walked my wife and two neighbors thru the SSA benefits application process which involved Manila. Wife and neighbors dual Thai-US citizens. I did mine "totally" by Manila telephone interview....by totally, I mean I did not fill out a full application to get the ball rolling....I just emailed Manila with the very basic info they needed "at the time" a half dozen years ago and I had an interview accomplished very quickly. Then a few years later the wife also did the Manila telephone interview method...telephone interview happened fairly quick....took a few weeks or so. Another year or so down the road my 1st neighbor did hers by Manila telephone interview which took about 5 weeks to get. And then another year or so later (in mid 2023) a 2nd neighbor (the spouse of 1st neighbor) wanted to do his totally by Manila telephone interview but it was hard to get an interview date as described below. For the 2nd neighbor all the basic telephone interview request info was initially sent in via the Manila SSA site....he was very specific about wanting to apply via telephone interview....he used the specific Manila FBU Online Inquiry selection for such. Then he waited and waited. After about two weeks he got a response that was written as if the Manila rep didn't even look to see he had included requested info....it was a strange response. So, he resubmitted a request pointing out all the info they requested had been included in the first request but here it is again. After about three weeks he got another response saying all interview dates are full for the next 60 days but they will try to make/free up an appt date within those 60 days; however, in case they didn't respond with a date within 60 days he should contact them again. The Manila response also said he could apply online.....and the way it was said implied was Manila SSA really wants people to apply online and thru that online process if they need to schedule an interview to validate/clarify things/request docs then an interview will be scheduled much more quickly. Additionally, a person who does not have a SSA Online Acct can still submit an online application if they have a non-U.S. address such as in Thailand. So not having a SSA online acct is "not" an obstacle to submitting an application online if the person is has non-U.S. address. I told my neighbor it was obvious to me Manila now wanted people to apply online and an interview will be scheduled thru that process if needed. Otherwise he could be waiting months and months more for an interview date along with bugging Manila for a date. Seems the days of during everything via the telephone interview were no longer in favor with Manila....yes, they still do them but they really want a person to start/initially submit the application online. And I can understand how a telephone interview does create more work for them because during a telephone interview they are basically creating a person's online application during the interview, hoping they understand what the person said on the phone/don't' create a typo/etc., maybe the applicant is not prepared to answer certain question during the interview...wasn't expecting a certain question/etc,... and it does not give Manila anytime to pre-evaluate an application which would be beneficial to the applicant So, he submitted online....the standard retirement benefit application....pretty easy to complete.. He does not have a SSA online acct...since he has a Thailand address he did not have to have a SSA online acct to submit his application. And I just checked the SSA Apply for Benefits webpage, was able to start an application by saying I do not have a SSA online acct and I do have a foreign address. So, a person can still submit an online application even without a SSA online acct as long as they have a non-U.S. address such as in Thailand. Additionally, no need to finalize/submit your online application in one setting....can start the application...save it online...and come back to it later to work on it some more...and finally hit signed/submit when you are done. After submitting his application online in about two weeks out of the blue he got an email from Manila SSA saying HQ SSA (Baltimore for foreign addresses) had passed his application to Manila for review & applicant interview before submission back to HQ SSA for final review/approval. The Manila email included the date and time which was about six weeks down the road. When that date arrived he got the call from Manila which basically just covered/vertified what he had submitted in his online application....phone call lasted about 10 minutes....Manila told him during the call what docs they needed in his case....and within minutes they also sent him an email stating what docs to send to Manila and how to send them. Basically they needed three forms: a SS 5 form which is the one page/simple form to request a social security card....although he already had a SSN it just they need the form to scan for their SSA records specific to your application...you'll also get a new card in the mail about a month later. They also needed his original or certified copy of his U.S. passport...and a SA1199 direct deposit bank acct form. These had to be mailed to Manila but Manila also requested advance copies via email. I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU MAIL ANY IMPORTANT ORIGINAL DOCS LIKE YOUR PASSPORT TO MANILA as the docs could go forever MIA in the foreign mail system (two systems). Better to mail certified copies and also use a commercial mail service. He had already went to the U.S. Embassy Bangkok (he lives in Bangkok) to get a certified copy of his passport and also his Naturalization Certificate (no charge by US Embassy since applying for federal benefits) and also went to Bangkok Bank to get them to sign his IDD 1199 direct deposit form....he went the IDD method vs the restricted acct ACH method. He had got these documents prepared in advance of the interview as I had told them that is what Manila is surely going to ask for just like they did for his wife, my wife, and me over the years. If you can't easily go to the US Embassy Bangkok or Chiang Mai Consulate you can now do this via mail....remember, getting certified copies of docs requested by Manila is free....no healthy embassy notarization fee. See below US Embassy Bangkok webpage for Mail-in Service https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/local-resources-of-u-s-citizens/notaries-public/ In closing, when mailing important docs to Manila SSA I do not recommend using the Thailand Post Express Mail or Registered Mail services....too expensive....also docs will also go thru both the Thailand and Philippines mail systems which might increase "going MIA" chances. Best to use a commercial mail service like DHL, Fedex, etc. My 2nd neighbor mailed the Certified Copy docs via FedEx Express Easy...just go to you local FedEx store.....three docs in a envelope....cost Bt1,090 (Thailand Post Express Mail would have cost approx Bt1,600)....and arrived the Manila SSA office in approx 36 hours....yes, only a day and a half....and he got tracking email the whole way in addition to being able to track using the FedEx website. Cheers.
  10. Good. People who already have a SSA online account do "not" need to accomplish a normal, full blown Login.gov acct & identity verification if they closely follow the SSA instructions. They just need to login using the SSA User ID method (which is going away in a few months) and at the very tail-in of that login then follow the SSA instructions and click on the Login.gov button in those SSA instructions which will allow you to create a Login.gov acct for SSA login purposes without the normal full-blown Login.gov identity verification because the SSA link to Login.gov has hidden coding which contains activation/identity coding. Basically SSA is telling Login.gov that SSA previously did an identity verification on you when you first created your SSA online acct. SSA has already set this up with Login.gov. Now if a person does not closrly follow the SSA instructions they will endup facing a full blown Login.gov regristration/identity verification. And if a person does not have a phone number that is accepted by Login.gov they can instead use an Authenticator app or a couple other 2FA methods and not even have to enter a phone number during the Login.gov acct setup for SSA acct login purposes. It's a good thing that SSA worked out this special way to created a Login.gov acct for those folks who already have a SSA online acct but for some reason would find it hard to pass a new, full blown identity verification on Login.gov. I expect SSA wanted to avoid the full blown uproar they caused around six years ago when SSA wanted to transition to ID.Me...make everyone accomplish a full blown identity verification "again" but then relented after Congress got involved due to pis$Ed off constituents calling their elected representatives.
  11. Yes...me too....but an hour ago it was down like you were experiencing. Not getting the normal webpage showing what times their system is up....just a SSA webpage saying login is simply not available right now.
  12. Now things might have changed since I verified/registered with ID.me over a year ago, but then a VOIP number like Google Voice could be used to receive two factor authorization (2FA) login codes. And I used my Google Voice number just 5 minutes ago to log into my ID.me account. BUT, maybe if I tried to add another Google Voice number "today" ID.me would not accept it for 2FA as organizations (such as many banks) seem to be slowing not allowing VOIP type numbers for 2FA purposes. I know over the last half dozen or so years my Google Voice was accepted by all/100% my various login acct (like bank accts) but now it down to around a half to two thirds....all depends on the organization's security polices....nothing standardize. HOWEVER, BUT, VOIP-type numbers can not be used for "identity verification" as when you are first registering with ID.me to prove "who you say you are." In this case your registration with a the phone company which has a process to verify "you are really you" when opening an account---typically this occurs for "post-paid" type numbers. A "pre-paid" mobile number probably won't work for identity verification purposes since the registration process for identity purposes is not as stringent as post-paid...and some phone companies have an additional identity process to go thru after your open a number/acct with them which then allows your phone number to act as a form of identity verification. For a pre-paid number pretty much just having some acceptable credit/debit card to top-up the prepaid wallet is good enough to get a pre-paid acct going. So, a VOIP number probably will not work for "identity verification" purposes to prove "you are really you" during an initial registration/identity process like how a state ID, passport, etc., is proof...but the VOIP type or prepaid number may work work just fine receive 2FA codes "after" you get verified. Each organization/entity/company/bank/etc., has it own policy regarding what type of phone numbers it will accept. ID.me will also accept foreign numbers for 2FA code receipt....I also retested that a few minutes ago....code shows up to my DTAC number is just a few seconds. https://help.id.me/hc/en-us/articles/360017839774-Troubleshooting-phone-number-verification
  13. On a serious note, the U.S. CPSC warns against using these fire extinguishing balls. https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2024/CPSC-Warns-Consumers-to-Immediately-Stop-Using-Elide-Fire-Extinguishing-Balls-Due-to-Failure-to-Extinguish-Fires-and-Risk-of-Serious-Injury-or-Death#:~:text=Washington%2C D.C. — The U.S. Consumer,to serious injury and death.
  14. 90 day site working again...with captcha....I logged in twice...guess they got it fixed.
  15. Chrome and Edge. Additionally the TM30 website is super slow to open....takes approx 30 seconds to open....normally it opens within a second or two....but it give a captcha. I expect Immigration is having server issues on more than one of their systems.
  16. TG, I/m seeing the same thing. The problem is on their end.
  17. I got some additional info with measurements to add to my earlier post above. After seeing the recent posts regarding the BYD Seal flooding I did some measurements today related to my BYD Atto 3 and road curbs. That is, just how high my Atto's traction battery is above road level, mid point of my wheels, and how high a typical road curb is since a road curb can be used to roughly gauge flooding level as you drive along Yes sir, I'm crawling around under my Atto to do measurements, making curb level measurements in my Bangkok moobaan, and even a couple curb measurements around a major highway (specifically Phet Kasem Road/Highway #4). Here's what I found out/measured: Some Atto Measurements made in my carport: - Atto ground clearance: 175mm as advertised (lowest point of something under the car which is a shield under the drive motor. - Atto traction battery ground clearance: 200mm (lowest point/bottom of the traction battery) - Atto traction battery point where bottom aluminum cover connects/seals together with its top fiber cover: 230mm - Atto High & Low Voltage connectors/cables which connect to the traction battery: 250mm (bottom point of connectors where water would first touch) - Atto middle of wheel height: 330mm Some typical road curb heights: - In my Bangkok moobaan: varies from 165 to 185mm...average 175mm. - Along Phet Kasem/#4 Highway in Nakorn Pathom: 150 to 200mm...but mostly 200mm. But I did come across a few kilometers on the drive back from the MIL's house where there were some curbs I estimated to be around 300mm (far from being a typical height)...but the great majority of the highway curb level was approx 200mm. So, if a person gets caught in a downpour/flooding and using a soi curb as reference to gauge water depth maybe using 200mm is a good rule of thumb and generally on the conservative side (i.e., probably a little bit of an overestimate since a lot of road curb will be lower at around 150mm). So, since the Atto traction battery bottom aluminum cover screws together with the fiber top cover is approx 230mm from ground level this is where there would be a "remote" chance of water leaking in. I say "remote" because a thick rubber seal with about a million screws is used to seal the two covers together) then a 230mm or more water depth should be avoided. And the HV and LV connectors/cables are approx another 20mm higher before water would just start touch the bottom of the connectors which would be around 250mm ground clearance. Now these connectors/cables will surely be IP67 types which can keep water out if submerged for short periods as shown in previous post snapshot IP ratings. OK, where does 230 and 250mm reach on an Atto if just looking at the car....see below snaphots. Now before you look you will notice 230 and 250mm points are below the 330mm mid tire point where BYD says is the high water limit to avoid according to the Atto manual in my above post. I expect they say mid-tire (330mm) since when wading/moving thru water the front underside of the car is pushing/plowing water away from the front of the traction battery....basically just "splashing" of water onto IP67 connectors/seals. Moving thru high water is less likely to cause the car to stall than if having to come to a stop which allows the water to level out under the car....that is, reach a higher point/actually submerge some connectors for a significant length of time...if submerged then the likelihood of a leak increases. 1st snapshot: 230mm is where traction battery two halves are sealed together. Notice it right at the bottom of the car sides....allows an easily visual reference. 2nd Snapshot: 330mm...half way up wheel. 250mm is where water would just begin to touch bottom of High and Low Voltage connectors...and 230mm is where the battery covers seal together...same point as shown in 1st snapshot. Da end. Cheers.
  18. I would indeed like to have seen the water around the Seal before the owner moved it to higher ground, took pictures, and posted them. The owner probably parks it in a location convenient/close to his home/business....maybe can't park in a carport at his home/townhouse/etc....only soi parking....but I'm guessing. In Bangkok and many locations in Thailand (in the city or rural areas) when it rains the water level on some roads can rise quickly...easily rise to the top (or above) curb level. I've personally seen in many, many times....no need for pictures, TV news reports, etc. A curb is typically around 6 inches/150mm in height. Heck, here in my own western Bangkok gated moobaan when it rains hard some of the moobaan "main" sois which have curbs around 150mm in height completely fill-up or even overflow a little. This height of water can hang around for maybe an hour until the pumps in the moobaan drain off the main sois. But if you are driving to/from your home within the moobaan when this rain happens you just slush thru the water...fortunately the "side" sois the houses are on don't flood as they are about a 250mm above the main sois....but to get to your side soi you first need to drive on the main sois which flood sometimes.
  19. The posted pictures seem to be those of when the owner moved the car to a higher location (i.e.,a low level of flooding). The posted pictures could mislead people into thinking a low water level shown in the pictures damaged the battery. I wonder how deep the water level was where the car actually got flooded....that is, the location "before" the owner moved the car higher ground. Was it half way up the wheels, etc? Heck, I've drove thru water as deep as shown in the pictures for around a kilometer on Rama II Road (part under construction) in Samut Sakhom province last November. It was not planned....rain storm came quickly...road construction had clogged-up the road drainage pipes...nowhere to get off the multilane highway....the road turned into a traffic jam of thousands of cars slowing moving thru water approx 150mm deep for around a kilometer. The ground clearage of an Atto 3 is 175mm compared to a 145mm for a Seal.
  20. Although as you noted above that LLC distributions can be classified as "ordinary, passive, or other income" it appears BOI has decided your particular LLC distributions fall in the ordinary/salary income bucket. Guess it all depends on the details of the LLC distribution since there are different types of LLC distributions. You might want to see if you can find any IRS language/rules that classify your particular LLC distributions as passive income and then go back to BOI with a memo explaining such and ask for reconsideration. https://carta.com/learn/startups/private-companies/llc/distributions/
  21. Yea...please continue your spreadsheet....while the numbers are not exact since it's very, very hard to get exact numbers due to how media reports the numbers and how DLT provides public data, your numbers are definitely well inside the ballpark....well inside the infield. Thanks. Personally, I don't expect to see vehicle sales, ICE or EV, start to pickup until Oct-Dec. 2024 is going to be a sluggish year. And I just notice that Suzuki announced today they are closing their auto factory in Thailand in 2025 partly due to sluggish Thailand sales.
  22. Keep in mind the May 2024 "registrations" number is pure RY1 per DLT stats....as was the Apr 2024 data was pure RY1. News media often report more than RY1 like in Apr 2024 where you have 4088 which includes some other categories other than RY1....what low number other categories I couldn't say because it's too much of pain/head-scratcher trying to figure what other categories some news reports use. And when it comes to "sales" data that some websites report (like autolife) god knows how they collect that sales data...best case it's ballpark data which excludes whether the sale finally reached the registration stage or died when the finance company say No to the applicant.
  23. RY1 Private Car for Not More Than 7 People total for May was 45,101 for all types of vehicles (i.e., petrol, diesel, BEV, CNG, etc). 5,274 of the 45,101 was BEV which works out to 11.7% of total. Compared to RY1 data for Apr total there was 38,022 of which 4007 were BEV which works out to 10.5%. This is just RY1 data. News reports usually throw in a few other categories which have low numbers but the news article all to often fail to say what other categories than RY1 they counted. Sales/registrations are still sluggish...higher debt, tougher finance requirements, etc.
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