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Everything posted by Pib

  1. The app/acct can only be on one phone. I expect she already has the app with her account on "her" phone and therefore cannot activate the app on another phone until she deletes the acct from her phone. Been that way since around last July when Bank of Thailand implemented the rule.
  2. Below are pictures of one of my factory tires on my BYD Atto EV which has 13,253Km (8,216 miles) on it....took the pictures a few minutes ago....still looks pretty much like new....all 4 tires on front and rear show the same amount of wear (i.e., very little). And in the 2nd snapshot you'll see the wear indicator...these tires will probably last for 60 to 80K km. And as nice to know, under the BYD 8 yr/160K Km warranty they rotate the tires every 20K km for free during each 20K Km free warranty checkup. I would prefer every 10K km like how I did on my Toyota Fortuner but my Atto has a pressure monitor system that the BYD dealership needs to remarry to each tire after a tire rotation so I'll just go with the BYD freebie tire rotation every 20K km vs the 10K km I do with my Fortuner. This will also give me the chance to do a real world test to see if there is any significant advantage to rotating tires every 20K km vs 10K km....I'm sure there is some advantage every 10K km but it may not be that significant.
  3. Don't worry about EVs stressing the Thailand electrical grid....maybe worry about air cons stressing the grid as more & more Thais buy A/Cs to keep cool....got tired of only using a fan...decided to buy a room A/C. A typical 18K BTU invertor spilt air conditioner like many have in their residences in one or more rooms can use a little over 2KW when operating at full cooling capacity. But let's say the room is already cooled-off and the A/C is only using about half of its cooling capacity to keep the room cool and therefore using about half the power of 1KW. Now, over 1 hour that means it uses 1 Kw/H....over 10 hours 10KwH...and over 24 hours 24KwH. Over one month/30 days if only using the A/C for 10 hrs a day/night that means 10KwH times 30 days equals 300KwH used which would result in an electric bill charge of approx Bt1,560 based on PEA/MEA rates including all taxes/Ft/fees/etc (works out to approx Bt5.2/KwH). Now real-world that inverter A/C is probably going to be using more than 1Kw/H especially if being used during the day when it really hot...but let's go with 1Kw.h for discussion purposes like it's being used for night time use. I have an EV...a BYD Atto 3 which has a 60KwH battery. I'm driving around 1,800Km/month or averaging 60Km/day here in the greater Bangkok area. For each kilometer I drive my EV uses approx 0.138KwH which includes the charging losses, full A/C use, etc. So, 0.138KwH times 1,800km/month means I'm using appox 248KwH/month (i.e., filling-up the EV 60KWH battery with electrons a little over 4 times per month using my home wall-charger) which adds approx Bt1,289 to my home electric bill. That 248KwH used to power my EV for a month is significantly less than the 300KwH over one month used by the person using an 18K BTU inverter A/C 10 hours.. How come no one is concerned about all the extra power demand being put on the Thailand electrical grid when someone installs an A/C in a room?...or a new office/condo building or mall is built with massive A/C power requirements, etc? And I'm sure many thousands of additional A/Cs are being added monthly to the electrical grid (as Thailand goes from fans to A/Cs) to the already millions of A/Cs already on the Thailand electrical grid. Yea, how come no one is screaming about A/Cs stressing the electrical grid? Maybe it's because some people really don't understand how much power different electrical devices really consume....maybe are assuming an EV uses a massive amount of energy in comparison to that room A/C blowing cool air on you. Circled below is the "max" amps pulled by a Mitsubishi Standard Inverter 18K BTU A/C if it was operating at full cooling capacity. Power equals Voltage times Current.....e.g., 220V times 9.6A equal 2.1KW. https://www.mitsubishi-kyw.co.th/getattachment/Product/For-Home/conditioner/JS-Series/Super-Inverter-(4)/Catalog-รวม-RAC-24_1.pdf.aspx
  4. EOW, Maybe you should bow-out of this tread if you want to continue to sidetrack & troll the thread.
  5. My understanding is the 60 day period starts from the date on your endorsement memo....that is, the memo consisting of a one page memo on letterhead signed by a BOI HiSo with a one page spreadsheet/chart attached. The memo states the 60 day end date. Basically you have those 60 days to get the LTR visa issued/stamped into your passport; otherwise, it's return to go and start all over.
  6. The explanation at the bottom of below weblink may help you decide. https://www.wallboxdiscounter.com/en/ev-charger-for-every-car-brand/byd/byd-seal-825-kwh-awd-excellence/
  7. I'm trying to figure out how the four evening spaced punctures/indents circled below occurred.
  8. Let's be more accurate...it comes with free "shoe glue" as it works better on plastics than super glue. 😀 Unfortunately plastics/fibers are covering more & more new vehicles now days especially the front and rear ends...expect it's cheaper than metal and definitely lighter.
  9. Yeap....it does match Neta U images vs a Vinfast when googling...plus we hear a guy say Neta in the video.
  10. EOW, Where did you get the EV fire video? Got a link? It may help determine what the car is....where it occurred....then again maybe you already know?
  11. I don't think it's an Aion Y Plus from looking at Aion images especially the front end....does an Aion have a light bar that goes all the way across the front like in the image along with a little dip of the light in the middle....maybe it does...I'm not sure? Also, the car in the video is on the right side of the road...like maybe in a right hand drive country. But hey, some Thais drive/park in any direction on any side of the road.
  12. Some more details to above images. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ev-firesafe_evfire-evrescue-prorescue-activity-7174199751280660480-kvkY EV FireSafe’s Post EV FireSafe 6,491 followers 2mo 🔥 New incident - BYD Seal, Thailand 🔥 Thanks to ปัญญาวุธ โจ้ โปรเรสคิว for this fantastic breakdown of a BYD Seal thermal runaway in Thailand with images. 14/03/2024 Thailand In this case, the HV battery pack was stabbed so hard that it damaged the pack and caused a short circuit. When the circuit was shorted, the battery cells generated high heat. As a result, a reaction called Therman runaway (the release of heat vapor) occurs. Normally, LFP batteries do not have a spark. Only pressurized smoke came out. But with severe damage, the cells release heat causing furniture or other plastic materials to ignite with heat, oxygen, and fuel. In this case, we were lucky that there were people close to the incident. They were able to get the injured woman out of the car before she had to smell the toxic fumes coming from the battery cells. only slightly injured. It is a sideways somersault. Resulting in the curtain air bag working. But the front air bags don't work. (This may be because the frontal collision was not severe enough to damage the front air bag sensors.) Fortunately, there was a red-headed water supply available at the scene, so firefighters had water to use for cooling, preventing the battery cells from spreading to a large area. It took about three hours of digging before moving the car from the scene of the accident. Thanks to all the rescuers and firefighters at the scene who received information and quickly followed the instructions and everyone wore PPE. Full set for everyone For safety in responding to such incidents. Emergency response from electric vehicles is different from conventional vehicles. including response plans, while maintaining surveillance, and salvaging the remains. There is an appropriate management process. However, personally, I still recommend it to everyone who chooses to use it. Use happily Always be aware of the pros and cons and precautions. As for our brothers and sisters in rescue, rescue and fire fighting, we sincerely hope that everyone will quickly find more information to respond to emergencies. to be more efficient #evfire #evrescue #Prorescue Thailand
  13. Like it or not vehicles (EV, ICEV, etc) breakdown and need repair parts....and being able to quickly obtain a repair parts is very important. Repair parts support is something any customer should give serious weight to when buying a new vehicle especially in the EV world where there are "MANY" new EV manufacturers....some of which will surely go out of business because of the intense competition. Good to hear BYD has expanded it spare parts warehouse "here in Thailand." See weblink for full story. https://autolifethailand.tv/byd-spare-parts-warehouse/ BYD launches new spare parts warehouse, 4.5 times larger than before! Stock 1 million pieces Mr. Prathanwong Phonprapa, Chief Executive Officer RÊVER Business Group revealed that the company launched RÊVER BYD Spare Parts Warehouse, a new BYD electric vehicle spare parts warehouse with an area of up to 18,000 square meters, which is 4.5 times larger than the existing spare parts warehouse, supporting the storage of parts. All spare parts for all models of BYD electric cars already distributed in Thailand. both personal vehicles These include ATTO 3, Dolphin and Seal models, T3 and E6 commercial vehicles, along with electric trucks and buses. Including other BYD car models that will come in the future. .
  14. The numbers in the chart is all types of vehicles...ICEV or EV....but I expect it mostly ICEV. I expect the chart is far more accurate than your estimates which I consider way low. Here in Thailand I expect people put equal or more Km on their vehicle once switching from ICEV to EV.
  15. I think the 8K/yr is estimate is way low based on my personal driving as I already have 12,695 km on my Atto in a little under 7 months even with me driving my Forturner ICEV once or twice a month for about 50km to keep the 12V battery charged and fluids circulated. I'm more on track to average around 22K/year in my Atto...I live in the Bangkok area. When I was driving my Fortuner only I averaged around 20Km/yr, but with an EV I'll probably average a little more since it much cheaper fuel-wise to drive. An according to below website a person driving a sedan in the Bangkok area average 15.6Km per year...and in the provinces a little over 14Km per year.
  16. Just an advertorial video for Toyota vehicles from an anit-EV Youtube channel
  17. The vague, somewhat misleading wording will vary from bank to bank...read the wording closely...and be sure to select the option where you continue "without" the conversion offer. Or said another way you are "not" accepting the conversion/exchange rate the ATM is offering...a rate which will be in the ballpark of 5 to 6% lower (worst) that than the Visa/Mastercard/UnionPay/AmEx/etc., exchange rate. By "not" accepting the offered conversion rate (which is officially called Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)) you are not cancelling the transaction but just saying you are declining the ATM's pis%-poor exchange rate offer and you want the Visa/Mastercard/UnionPay/etc., exchange rate. And keep in mind "if" your home country bank card has a foreign transaction fee/cross boarder fee that fee might still be applied by your card-issuing bank even if you accepted the DCC transaction because the transaction in "whatever currency" occurred outside your home country. If that occurs, don't blame the ATM; blame your home country card-issuing bank. See below post of some DCC ATM screen examples.
  18. Wow....a self-charging hybrid electric vehicle!!! Is that Toyota's game-changing battery technology that has been around the next corner/coming soon for years and years now. 😉 But seriously I'm sure Toyota knows many customer's will think this "self-charging" of a hybrid vehicle is some new technology not having a clue that HEV's are self-charging.
  19. At those fossil fuel stations do they still have those safety signs which say turn off your vehicle, no smoking, turn off your cell phone, etc., due to the flammable fuel environment?
  20. That's not full electric; that's a modified hybrid. I guess you couldn't make the full step to BEV. But I'm glad you didn't go with that used Nissan Leaf with battery SOH of 60% and converted to all wheel drive with a couple of used Hatari fan motors put on the rear wheels. I'm not sure that used and modified EV from Somchai's Used EV Tent (formally Somchai's Performance ECU & Muffler Shop...Somchai is trying hard to transition to a new energy business) would have been a good idea because fan motor run capacitors don't last that long and having to press an old fan speed switch of 1/2/3 to shift to all wheel drive just seems awkward.
  21. The Atto 3 (called the Yuan + in China) is still the 4th best selling BEV in China.
  22. No need for suit and tie. Just a pair of trousers without holes and a collared/polo shirt is fine along with shoes and socks. That's what I wore. - If you show up in a suit and tie you'll be the only one dressed like that. And congrats on getting your LTR visa.
  23. That looks more like a portable/granny charger in the 10-12A ballpark versus a 32A wall charger. But I know some 32A chargers do come in this design/shape.
  24. Got a picture of the dead one you can post?
  25. Well, when we say EV in this thread we are really talking electric vehicles such as cars and trucks; not e-bikes that are largely unregulated (like buying a bicycle) with many of which are low quality especially when it comes to the lithium ion batteries generally used. And charged with cheapie battery chargers.
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