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Everything posted by billd766

  1. He does not need to study it. All the information that he is required to know, is passed down from his adored leader. If the master says it it is a good idea, then he must believe it and pass it on.
  2. And the topic is Not a specific office or a specific IO.
  3. Wrong again. I have always been always met with politeness and efficiency, both there and at Nakhon Sawan where I used to report before Kamphaeng Phet was opened up. I didn't use a walking stick then and I used to drive myself the 135 km each way. Perhaps it is simply my attitude which may well be different to yours, or perhaps all the IO offices are not the same.
  4. IMHO, it is only as good as the monkey at each end.
  5. Why would this be an issue? I live 70km from the Kamphaeng Phet IO and I have always met with politeness and efficiency there. I had a problem this year when I got my passport replaced but that was my fault and not theirs. They even called my wife several days before but I believed that I was right and that they were wrong. I was fined 500 thb for overstaying 1 day and the IO sorted me out with a 60 day visa to visit my wife and family on the spot. At the end of that period they re-instated my marriage extension without a problem. At 80, I now use a walking stick and have a breathing problem sometimes. The staff always offer to help me in and out of the office from/to the car if I need help. My wife, who is NOT a wifey, usually does that, in addition to being my driver.
  6. That is very polite of you. I would have used a different term than "hot air".
  7. BTW the Panama Canal does NOT belong to the USA., but to PANAMA. Until the body bags of US troops get flown back to the USA. That should make the vain old man happy.
  8. The answer is, no they don't. The majority of Thai mwn don't do that. A very small minority of Thai's do, and that is usually blown way out of proportion by the press and the social media.
  9. Not a lot of cooking today. This morning we had a present from the PEA. From 08:30 to 13:00 we had a total power outage. The only good thing is that it gave me a chance to replace the solid sentiment water filters and I expect that they would not taste nice, cooked or not.
  10. Try again. UK BBC news website and type Tulip Siddiq into the search bar and you could come up with this link. https://www.bbc.com/search?q=Tulip Siddiq&edgeauth=eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJrZXkiOiAiZmFzdGx5LXVyaS10b2tlbi0xIiwiZXhwIjogMTczNTAzNzYwOSwibmJmIjogMTczNTAzNzI0OSwicmVxdWVzdHVyaSI6ICIlMkZzZWFyY2glM0ZxJTNEVHVsaXAlMjUyMFNpZGRpcSJ9.PEtaV1im8FbRauMF3L8JXGhdKYH7fJorRjkEzbApqAQ Or even paste https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp3zqen209go It was on Sunday in BBC Asia. It is amazing what you can find if you try just a little harder.
  11. IMHO, he is acting like a prat.
  12. Actually he isn't even a politician. He is an ex democrat MP who was a an MP of a party which supported a military coup government run by Prayuth.
  13. Does that really matter in a country, where the number of Thai people directly affected by the Same Sex Marriage is less than about 1% AI Overview Learn more The estimated population of Thailand in 2024 is 69,920,998, with 34,065,311 males and 35,855,687 females.
  14. My apologies. I did not read deep enough into it. My bad. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ECHR&sca_esv=b72004035a3299c8&sxsrf=ADLYWIJYz-f_f1kM9_XyLw31qPi2MVS5Ug%3A1734944228057&source=hp&ei=5CVpZ8Umtdraug_msYSYCw&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZ2kz9BrZTy9JEsTwyQTd5sJyvHQCqL6E&ved=0ahUKEwjFqKnzwr2KAxU1rVYBHeYYAbMQ4dUDCBc&uact=5&oq=ECHR&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IgRFQ0hSMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTMgcQABiABBgTSMFFUABY4xJwAHgAkAEAmAFvoAGHA6oBAzIuMrgBA8gBAPgBAZgCBKACswOYAwCSBwMxLjOgB58S&sclient=gws-wiz AI Overview Learn more ECHR stands for the European Convention on Human Rights, an international agreement that protects human rights and political freedoms in Europe: History The ECHR was drafted in 1950 by the Council of Europe in response to the Holocaust and World War II. It entered into force in 1953. Purpose The ECHR's purpose is to protect people from the state, prevent atrocities from being repeated, and guarantee fundamental rights. Member states The ECHR has 46 member states, including the United Kingdom. It is not even a court, but a convention. There is more information in the link. https://www.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/issue/what-is-the-echr-and-why-does-it-matter/#:~:text=The ECHR is the European,to the ECtHR in Strasbourg. There is more information in this link as well. A snip from this link. What is the European Court of Human Rights? The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) enforces the ECHR – in other words, it makes sure that the rights given by the Convention are protected in practice. Until the Human Rights Act was passed in 1998, the only way that people in the UK could enforce their rights was to take a case against the Government to the ECtHR in Strasbourg.
  15. Why was he even allowed to appeal to the ECHR. especially as his crimes were committed in the UK, and even more especially as the UK is not even a member of the EU any more?
  16. This, from an ex democrat MP, who was a supporter of a military coup government and a royalist to boot.
  17. A lot depends on which IO you use. I have no problems with the IO in Kamphaeng Phet and they are both user friendly and farang friendly plus they speak fair English. However I have a marriage extension and I also use the monthly income method, The 2 problems I have come across is that Bangkok Bank want 3 working days notice for a 12 month statement, and as the IO is only a small office, they need 2 copies of everything, one for themselves and one copy for the regional IO office in Chiang Mai. Nakhon Sawan IO were very good when I used to go there before KPP opened.
  18. What a numpty. That will cost a lot more than 1,750 baht to repair those 3 vehicles to roadworthy condition, let alone the contents of the wrecked truck and the drivers injuries. The taxi driver must have known that he did not have enough money to refuel before he set out.
  19. when you die, your state pension dies with you. If you have lived in the UK with your Thai wife, AFAIK your wife is not entitled to any of your pension, but if she has been working and paying National Insurance contributions she should be entitled to a state pension in her own name. However to get the full state pension she will have to pay NIC for 33 years, I think. The next problem is that if she is now living in Thailand and she tells the pension people that she now lives in Thailand, her pension will be frozen (if she is entitled to a state pension). The DWP does not allow state pensions to be transferred to any other person, not even to children. Again, AFAIK she like you, I and many other pensioners, cannot legally claim and UK benefits whilst living in Thailand. Believe it or not, there are over 500,000 UK pensioners who have had their pensions frozen from the day they first got it. There have been quite a few threads on AN about specifically Thailand and UK frozen pensions. I am sorry to give you such a gloomy response. I have a similar problem as you with frozen pensions and what happens when I die.
  20. And in retaliation who do YOU think has killed over 40,000 Palestinians and injured over 100,000 Palestinian men, women, children and babies, invaded a country, cut off water, sewage, electricity, restricted food deliveries, destroyed houses, businesses, schools, universities, hospitals and made hundreds of thousands of people homeless, if it wasn't the IDF on the orders of the warmongering Israeli cabinet?
  21. In the big village up the road here in Kamphaeng Phet province the AQI is 88, the outside temperature is 28.1C. The OAT at 06:00 was 16.2C. It was cold enough to put a shirt on this morning.
  22. There is NO upside to the incident. Two people died and 68 were injured. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cdr0zx4e04no
  23. Please show me and everyone else where I support Hamas. BTW what evidence, links or posts have you shown? The links I have posted are from the open internet that anyone can search for, find and read. Have you even looked at any of them? So if I am wrong, how many different countries and other posters are wrong, or perhaps it may be you that is wrong. When I post links, to me it is because I did some looking and some research on the links. How about you. Out of interest where DO you get your information from?
  24. Nothing to do with restricting information coming from Gaza, so that the usual denials and deflections can be made by the IDF and the Israeli government, so that only one sided (the Israeli side only) propaganda is published I suppose. So all the links that I posted and many more are all lies, even though they come from many different sources? I assume that you believe that all the news published by Israel is the truth, or their version of it. You may not be old enough to remember but war correspondents have been reporting on wars world wide even since the Boer wars in the 19th century back in 1895. (Winston Churchill was one) There have been war correspondents in all the major wars of the 20th century, through WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iraq and even the minor wars of the 21st century. None of them were restricted, so why are the Israeli's restricting correspondents reporting from Gaza and the West Bank? As for your quote of Israel "protecting" reporters lives, did you know that as of December 19, 2024, CPJ’s preliminary investigations showed at least 141 journalists and media workers were among the more than tens of thousands killed in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and Lebanon since the war began, making it the deadliest period for journalists since CPJ began gathering data in 1992. https://cpj.org/2024/12/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/ As of December 19: 141 journalists and media workers were confirmed killed: 133 Palestinian, two Israeli, and six Lebanese. 49 journalists were reported injured 2 journalists were reported missing 75 journalists were reported arrested. Try reading some of the links and it may open your eyes.
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