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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Then why does Israel restrict so many reporters from entering Palestine and the Gaza strip unless accompanied by Israeli troops? Why has Israel closed down so many news agencies there? https://cpj.org/2024/12/attacks-arrests-threats-censorship-the-high-risks-of-reporting-the-israel-hamas-war/ https://www.aljazeera.com/program/inside-story/2024/10/22/will-the-us-pressure-israel-to-allow-foreign-journalists-into-gaza#:~:text=Israel has severely restricted international,for more than a year. https://www.freepressunlimited.org/en/current/urgent-call-israel-give-journalists-access-gaza https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68423995 https://theconversation.com/how-israel-continues-to-censor-journalists-covering-the-war-in-gaza-228241 https://cpj.org/2024/12/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/ There are many more links on the open internet for those people who do not wish to bury their heads in the sand, and ignore what is happening.
  2. Good idea. Why not blame the victim instead of the perp? She should not have to block the contact. The perp should not be posting in the first place.
  3. What? Just for accepting an orange juice, not knowing that it was spiked.
  4. Bob the Builder, did we fix it, Bob the Builder, yes we did. For sure.
  5. The difference is that Thaksin was legally elected as a PM and overthrown in a military coup, but Musk was merely appointed by Trump with NO input from the people of the USA.
  6. BS Please show me where I support Hamas? I support the Palestinian people. NOT Hamas.
  7. However until they stop the military coups, the constitution changes are meaningless, as the military simply tears up the existing constitution and writes a new one in their favour.
  8. It si long past the time that the EC and the NACC were disbanded and reformed under new NON partisan leadership, and with no sign of the military, police or politicians.
  9. And how many innocent Palestinian men, women, children and babies have been killed and injured by Israel and the IDF since 1948 in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Syria et al? Are the Palestinians just supposed to accept that without resisting or fighting back?
  10. Do you have a good recipe that I can try? I use a stand mixer for the hard work.
  11. Quote "A joint petition has been filed with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) by a coalition of former Red and Yellow Shirt activists, urging an investigation into potential misconduct by high-ranking government officials." Yet NONE of these whiny little snits say a single word when the military commit treason by pulling yet another coup. Nothing like bias and two faced hypocrisy from them though. Perhaps ALL of them should be investigated by the EC and the NACC,
  12. How odd that the EC has NEVER investigated any aspect of ANY military coup, yet the want to "deal" with Thaksin, who was the victim of a military coup.
  13. IMHO they are leaving Putin to be dealt with by the Russians themselves, and the ICJ. I also think that Putin will get more paranoid and less trusting of the people that surround him. If you go back in history to 1984, Indira Gandhi was assassinated by 2 of her own handpicked bodyguards. Judging by the number of generals trusted by Putin who died of "unnatural" causes, Putin must be extremely paranoid by now. These are just my thoughts and opinions.
  14. More whataboutery. She committed the crime of assault. She should be punished, she wasn't. Will she do it again? I have no idea. Will she get the same punishment? Again, I have no idea/ Should she have gone to jail? Certainly.
  15. Stupid woman and even stupider judges. She should have served her sentence and not had it suspended, as an example.
  16. Fairly typical. The EU suing the UK in the EU courts. Nothing like adding a bit of bias is there? AFAIR the UK is no longer a member of the EU anyway.
  17. So for me at least, I will carry on using Bangkok Bank where it shows up automatically and the transfer from BKK Bank to KBank is instant and free. As for Wise, I am disgusted. They told me that my 2 transfers would be in BKK Bank at 14:13 today but the bank notified me at 14:00. I shall write to the Times about it, signed Disgusted of Cheltenham.
  18. Does the SCB show up as an international transfer in the bankbook and on the bank statement? I know it does at the BBK Bank, but not at KBank. SCB I have no idea.
  19. IMHO the drivers punishment should be 4 buffalos pointed in 4 different directions, 4 lengths of rope tied 1 to each ankle and wrist and the buffaloes simply driven away until the drivers arms and legs are pulled off and he bleeds to death. Sometimes, the old style punishments worked the best.
  20. IMHO, the worst that Thailand has to offer, normally wear camouflage uniforms and their leadership is composed of people who call themselves generals.
  21. I don't think that the Thai tax department is interested in how much SS you get paid, but they are probably more interested in how much you transfer into Thailand. They will also be interested in your age, if you have children of school age or at college/uni, as they will affect how much your tax allowance in Thailand will be. Please don't accept this as gospel as it is only my thoughts. There is a guy called Mike Lister on the AN forum who knows far more than I do and if you send him a PM he may well be able to help you. The majority of the posters on AN who talk about paying Thai income tax know as much as you and I, which is not a lot, and many have their own ideas about what they will or will not do if they have to pay tax. As for me, I have 3 pensions, 2 assessable and one non assessable, so I will go to the RTD in January and see if they are able to sort it out. I will post the results on the forum but it will probably be the end of January before I know about my case and whether I have to pay tax or not.
  22. Some of them might though from what I have read on the BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c5y795q52x5o the current asylum claims are on hold. There is also the possibility that new Syrian asylum seekers from Assad's regime may also want to stay in the UK as Syria may not be safe for them.
  23. I am due a 90 day report on 14 January, so I will order the statements on that day. I should pick them up around the 21st, and aim for the tax office around 28th January, giving me about a week to annotate and scan the statements, so it will probably be done in about 5 weeks time. From a conversation with Mike Lister when this thing started, I don't think at 80, given the tax allowances that I am entitled to, that I will have to pay any tax in Thailand, and if that is the case I am not sure if I will actually be given a TIN, at least for 2024 though I do have a "pink" Thai ID card. I have put a reminder on my pc calendar.
  24. The tourist was seen standing near the balcony, appearing dazed and The tourist was seen standing near the balcony, appearing dazed and attempting to climb over the railing in what seemed to be a suicide attempt.in what seemed to be a suicide attempt. And what other reason can you come up with for a person to be near the balcony, appearing dazed and attempting to climb over the railing in what seemed to be a suicide attempt. Please expand on your conclusion of "Pure speculation".
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