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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Just keep on going and don't give up.
  2. I think it is more about the body than the mind TBH. 3 years ago I could hump 40kg sacks of cement and spend a couple of hours cutting down the grass and scrub. Nowadays I can't even lift a 20ko sack and I am lucky if I can spend 30 minutes every 3 or 4 days cutting the scrub, and even then I take a 10 minute break to get my breath back. My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak, and it isn't through want of trying.
  3. Another reason I quit biking was that about 10 years ago I got T-boned at a set of lights in Nakhon Sawan on my Honda Phantom. 2 old ladies and a grandson simply ran a red light and hit the bike on the left side under the rear seat. It bent the bike a bit as well as me, though I rode on for a few more years before I quit.
  4. Perhaps Pattaya is no longer the family friendly place that TAT make it out to be. I haven't been there in more than 10 years, and reading the press stories, I don't think that I would ever like to go back again.
  5. Unfortunately I can't step over the seat any more. so I need a flat floor in front of the seat that I can slide my feet across. A golf cart would be good but a bit expensive. These are price on application and based in Bangkok. https://uegolfthailand.com/en/product/
  6. Smart woman. I am looking for a decent electric trike, preferably with 4 wheels as it is a bit more stable. I would like one with lead acid batteries. The range may be shorter, but the batteries are a lot safer than the ones used in EV vehicles. I don't go more than about 15km away from home unless my wife drives me in the pickup truck.
  7. I quit motorcycling about 5 years ago as I have a balance problem and I also realised that if I dropped the bike I could never pick it up on my own. I had a Yamaha 550cc shaft drive, a Honda CB 400 and a 200cc Honda Phantom.
  8. I was 80 in May of 2024. My main problems are osteo-arthritis in both kneecaps, and I now use a walking stick to help me walk, a bad lower back from an accident in 1982 and I seem lately to have a bit of a breathing problem. It is though I am running out of puff, though if I sit and take a few slow deep breaths it is easier. Snip from your post. "So if you get cancer or dementia or any other incurable sickness would you love to live longer or prefer Voluntary assisted dying?" Depending on the severity of cancer or dementia or any other incurable sickness, I would like to finish preparing for my wife and son's future and then head for Voluntary assisted dying. I hate to be a burden to my wife. As it is, if I open my eyes every day, it is always a good day.
  9. Why should they even bother to think about the consequences of their actions, when it doesn't matter to them? It is called jealousy, and dumbing down to the same abysmal level.
  10. That may not be his best plan.
  11. I normally plan to be completely ready for my extension 2 to 3 weeks earlier than the the extension date, so I start the paperwork about a month before that. I am on a marriage extension and have been for a few years using the income method that requires no money in the bank. IMO the only thing to be careful of, is the Forex rate. I do it myself and apart from the 2 copies needed, one for the Kamphaeng Phet office and one copy for the regional office in Chiang Mai, it is simple and straightforward, just a small PITA. The biggest hassle for me is that Bangkok Bank want 3 working days notice for a 12 month statement. I simply go to the bank a month early, tell them what I need and when I will collect it, make sure that I get 3 copies, (including one for me), and make sure that the bank staff stamp and sign every page. NO agent required.
  12. Why bother with wasting time and money when its is so much easer to do it myself and combine the trip with a bulk shop? A much simpler method.
  13. What, for being correct?
  14. Snipped from the OP. "This has raised eyebrows, with former MP Thepthai Senpong questioning Thaksin's audacity in assuming authority to address issues beyond national borders - roles typically reserved for the government. Thepthai expressed surprise at Thaksin's assertive stance, particularly since he no longer holds any official position, and warned of potential diplomatic repercussions." And what 'official position' in the government does former MP Thepthai Senpong hold?
  15. And if your IO does not accept agents, what do you do then?
  16. Swords are hard to find in Thailand, though machetes are easy. We have 2 or 3 around the place. Can you please quote a figure or a percentage backed up by a link of how many Thai men actually do pick on farangs. There are so many posts all saying one thing or another but nobody has given a figure that is or can be verified, The original post was that 6 guys on 3 motorbikes attacked the Belgian. A later post says that the police arrested 4 youths but nothing about the other 2 guys. So were there only 4 guys or 6.
  17. Perhaps the IFF Identification Friend or Foe transponder) had been destroyed and possibly the radio damaged as well. If the IFF was not working it would have shown up on a radar screen as not friendly and if the main radio was out of action as well, the aircrew would not have been able to respond to any calls to identify itself. Just a thought.
  18. I DON'T have a problem, though you might have. All I read is that MOST Thai men attack farangs which is quite untrue. Nobody has come up with a figure or a % of how many Thai men attack farangs. So if YOU can come up with that number and post it with the link as to where it came from, then I might believe you. Until that point you are wasting your time and mine. There are about 34 million Thai male ranging from babies to seniors, so how many of those 34 million people actually DO attack farangs? According to some posters the attackers may not even be Thai people. This is a problem with jumping the gun with not enough information to go on.
  19. And how many of those angry Thai men being violent are they, compared to the male population of Thailand? is it 1%, 10%, more, less. If you can come up with some actual figures and links, I may believe you, but until then you don't seem to have any sensible answer. As for actually being on this planet, I have been working and living in Thailand since 1993. How about you?
  20. I haven't been to Pattaya for more than 10 years, and I doubt that I will ever go again.
  21. So six Thai teenagers out of some 34 million Thai men were involved and it made the Thai press. If it were an elderly Thai it would still have made the Thai press but we may not even hear about it. What about if it were an alien from Mars. Would that make the news. The problem with whataboutery is that it is merely speculation and not facts.
  22. And out of the 34 million or so Thai males, why do YOU claim without any back up, that ALL Thai males are doing it. Prove me wrong.
  23. AFAIK that is correct. However you have to report in person to the IO you normally lose. I have been doing it that way for a long time.
  24. Not only did I read the first post but I read all the other subsequent posts.
  25. Not quite so simple. The IO at Kamphaeng Phet does not accept any agents. For simple, try looking into a mirror.
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