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Everything posted by billd766

  1. No it is NOT about Greta Thunberg in Georgia, USA, but a completely different country in Europe bordered by Russia. Please try to read the topic carefully, comprehend what and where it is about and then post.
  2. Really? Who is "we all"? Also please try to spell her name correctly.
  3. Try slowly reading the OP. Here is a quote from the first line of the text. "Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg joined a political demonstration in Tbilisi, Georgia". Also in the thread. Do you think that she walked across the Atlantic?
  4. quote from the OP. "They soon found Mr. Amir Midhat, a 30 year old Israeli national, Mr. Midhat admitted to the act, stating that he was unaware of such restrictions, as there are no similar prohibitions in Israel. He also mentioned the absence of warning signs indicating the rule on the beach. It may have escaped his attention, but he is in Thailand and NOT Israel. Most people would have enough common sense to ask if such was allowed, before attempting to ride a motorbike on the beach.
  5. I wondered that as well, especially as she allegedly hates the use of fossil fuels. I also wonder how she got a visa to get into Georgia in the first place, and on what grounds.
  6. This is about all I could find about tourists from offshore. https://www.statista.com/statistics/373081/uk-royal-tourism-admission-numbers-by-establishment/ Number of admissions to the Royal Estate in the United Kingdom from 2019/20 to 2023/24, by establishment, (in 1,000s). Characteristic 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Windsor Castle and Frogmore House 1,592 104 426 1,092 1,402 Buckingham Palace 578 - 121 304 530 Palace of Holyrood house 496 31 129 329 443 The Royal Mews 237 5 - 90 182 The Queen's Gallery, London 266 9 49 97 - The Queen's Gallery, Edinburgh 116 6 12 34 - Showing entries 1 to 6 (6 entries in total) 1. 2020 to 2022 were the covid years and some places may have been shut down. 2. I have no idea of the breakdown between the number of offshore and domestic tourists. 3. Each of the numbers must be multiplied by 1,000 according to the link. 4. I have no idea of the admission charges and would have no idea of the revenue generated, nor where the revenue actually goes to. There is more information in the link and further breakdown of costs if you want to dig further, but at this time of night, my brain cells are giving up and my aged body is telling me that enough is enough for today. Thank you for making me do some research.
  7. I do admit to being polite and generous in thinking that they may win one or 2 seats. Well at the age of 80, I very much doubt that it will ever change in my lifetime. Perhaps in my UK son's lifetime, though he is 46 and I doubt it, but maybe in my grandchildren's lifetime as they are 9 and 13. OTOH the republican movement may die out itself during that time. I also doubt that many overseas or even domestic tourists would travel to the UK just to see some person as a republican leader as they do no to see members of the Royal Family. Besides as most of the Sovereign Grant is spent on salaries for the staff and maintenance for the buildings, leiitle if ant monet would be saved anyway.
  8. Me too, via the internet.
  9. Neither does Israeli violence, in a war that has been going on since before 1948. Why not do a search and find out how many times that the Israeli government and the IDF, has invaded Gaza, the West Bank of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, especially the Golan heights and then compare that with how many times Iran has invaded other countries.
  10. What a pity you did not bother to answer my question.
  11. Out here in rural Kamphaeng Phet I ALWAYS put on my 4 way flashers and pull over if any emergency vehicle is coming towards me or is behind me with 2s and blues on. All it costs me is a little bit of time and it may save someone's life.
  12. And if it were your parent who died before the ambulance reached them, that would be OK with you?
  13. If you wish to accept and believe what the republic.org (an unelected body of people) who perhaps represent a very small percentage of the UK population, you are more than welcome. For myself and possibly a large percentage of the UK population, republic.org (an unelected body of people), they are little but an annoyance. They say a lot but do little. IF they were organised and stood for representation as a political group in every constituency in the UK, IMHO they would loose their deposit in most constituencies and possibly gain at most 1 or perhaps 2 seats.
  14. quote from the OP "In response, the Russian embassy in the United States issued a statement via Telegram, denying the accusations and labeling them as "baseless." The embassy maintained that Russia "has not and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries." If the Russian embassy in the USA claims this, then which country has invaded Ukraine and has been fighting to take over the whole country?
  15. Would you like to do some research on the subject and try again? For instance do you know how many British don't get the annual pension update. Do you even know IF British pensioners offshore get the updates and which countries DO get updated pensions, or even why they do or don't?
  16. I agree with you, but there are a few other posters who would be screaming out fake imprisonment and crying loudly. Poor deluded, pearl clutching people.
  17. I just get bored with the same old same old lies, diversions etc. I hope that it will all be over by Thursday, Thai time, but I think it will go on for the next 4 years
  18. You also, have brought nothing in the way of proof to the discussion.
  19. Of course the best way to stop this happening is for the protestors to form a political party, stand in every constituency, win an overall majority of the seats and form a new government. Somehow I can't see that happening.
  20. I am sure there will be one poster on DaleyTube, though I doubt that YouTube or the world will notice or care or even miss him anyway.
  21. I do wish that, like you, I could read peoples minds and know that they should say what I want them to say, and NOT what they actually said.
  22. And you know this is 100% true, how exactly. Just another pointless BS post from you. How strange that YOU claim that Kamala Harris is a liar. Trump has lied between 30 and 40 thousand times, but that is OK with you, but if Kamala Harris tells one little unproven lie, YOU are out in the front screaming about it.
  23. And Trump is the perfect example of a sane American. Yes or No? YOU claim that Scaramucci is, in your words, unhinged. Naturally you are a qualified psychiatrist/phycologist and have personally examined Scaramucci and completed exhaustive tests to come to that conclusion, Or is this just another of your BS posts?
  24. Even more pathetic morons for defending Trump.
  25. You really must stop posting useful and informative links. People will think that you know what you are talking about. Be more like the poster you responded to, and then people will know that you have no idea.
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