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Everything posted by billd766

  1. I do enjoy watching the courts of social injustice, who truly believe that they are above the laws of the land. To them proof is not necessary. If someone mentions anything on the social media, then it must be true and acted on immediately. Proof is not necessary to them, as the accused (in their eyes) are already guilty, and must get the harshest punishment.
  2. Try doing an internet search. There are about 5 or more sites of dealers about tents in Thailand and at least one of them should be able to help you out, Tell them what you are looking for and they may have it or something similar, or be able to put you in touch with helpful groups. tents in Thailand was the search term I used.
  3. IMHO he/she/it is simply trying to get attention, probably because the umber of pointless threads it has started are not getting it enough attention.
  4. No they didn't. The politicians that make the laws might have done, but the UK people don't make the law, politicians do. As for the OP Why blame the police in the first place? They are only doing their job as laid down.
  5. And how do you KNOW it is not correct. You are not the PM, so you have no idea what she actually thinks, no more than I or anyone else does. It is your opinion, just as my opinion is mine. Do your family always agree to everything you say or do, or are they allowed to be different?
  6. Here is a bottomless money bucket, money is poured in and simply wasted on maintenance. I am sure that a better use can be found for the money, After all my Benz is nearly a year old and needs replacing soon.
  7. No Thai PM is elected by the Thai people at all. When an election is held, the party with the most seats gets the chance to form a government. If they have an overwhelming majority, then the form the new government. If they don't have a majority, then they form a coalition government. If however they still cannot get enough seats to form a majority, then after a period of time, the party with the next highest number of seats is offered the same opportunity to form a coalition. If they can get a majority of seats then they become the government. As for who becomes the PM a number of names from the winning parties are submitted by each party executive, (3 I think per party) and one of them is chosen. The public are NOT consulted or vote on who that will be. A person is appointed (usually from the party with the most seats) and then becomes the PM. So she has no experience. So what? How do you think people gain experience in a job they have never done before? As for your term that she has no skill, that is simply your opinion and not that of the people who appointed her. She is not expected to know everything, which is why PM's and executives everywhere have advisors who are specialists in their own subjects.
  8. The voice of experience perhaps.
  9. Do you not think that I would have said that if that actually was what I wanted to say. Please try not to put your thoughts and words into what I said. They don't fit, and I did NOT say that at all. I said what I meant to say, which is not necessarily what you think I should have said. It is my opinion and not yours.
  10. How strange. The PM is working FOR Thailand, and the Thai protestors are living there and contributing little to the their country of origin. Yet they are the ones who are living a far better life than the Thai people yet are whining when the PM is try to make life better for all Thais.
  11. Tell that to the Israeli government and the IDF then.
  12. I did. The report says that she was a tourist providing an escort service. Nothing else. So, apart from in your mind, where is the link and the proof.
  13. Blunderwoman still lives and is in the Labour party cabinet. Bella Emberg would be happy that she has a successor.
  14. Now where did you dig up that fact? Obviously you have the proof and links to back up your words. So post them, or your entire post is BS as most of your posts are.
  15. Yes, and many more. The names I posted were the first ones I thought of. Also Genghis Khan, Paul Revere, Saladin, Vasco Da Gama.
  16. To save yourself from asking more silly questions, please read the Op and watch the video that goes with it. Now, I am 80 years old and I can still read, watch and comprehend. Why can't you? If you need more information, ask The Thaiger as they published it.
  17. In my wife's house, all the sockets are earthed. Probably because I bought 3 core cable (live neutral and earth) and a 2 metre copper rod that was hammered into the ground outside and connected to the circuit breaker box.
  18. Try reading the OP again but slowly. quote from the OP In an attempt to leave with the other woman, her husband got into his car, and in a desperate bid, she jumped onto the hood.
  19. Have YOU ever been a farmer and worked the land. or were you just an unemployed layabout living off the government?
  20. There have been many people far more well known. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Napoléon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Stalin, Adolf Hitler, to name but a few. Trump is little but a passing fad.
  21. Who will pay for the upgrade? Let it be Phuket who will benefit, and if they need money, go to the AOT (who will also benefit) and TOT for it and NOT the people of Thailand, the majority of whom will never use it.
  22. The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. I am re reading them for the second time.
  23. So when you are moved 3 or 400 miles away do you still want to send your child to the same school they are already at, or move to a new school close to where you now live? Have you NO idea how the real world works?
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