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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Still pushing the Fox "NOT" news channel as your prime source of information I see.
  2. The point is, that you are encouraging corruption. The fine is the same if you are 2 days, 2 months or almost 1 year late in reporting. The law is there and has been for many years. You don't have to like it, and you can even do it online from home, and it is free as @ukrukes has already said.
  3. I think the main problem is that if a building is no longer in use, either the PEA remove the meter or the meter reader is told by the PEA not to bother going to read the meter. Nobody goes every 6 months or so to check on whether the building is being reused. Legal occupiers tell the PEA that the building is now in use and please re-connect the meter. Illegal occupiers simply bypass the meter, as happened here.
  4. Compared to a bed-ridden old lady whose electricity was cut off, when she missed 3 payments totalling about 1,000 baht.
  5. And whose god would that be? The Christian god? The Jewish god? The Arabic god? The Hindu gods? How about any of the hundreds of other gods who are still worshipped on a daily basis? The problem with any or all of the gods, is that nobody has ever seen any of them, nobody has ever spoken to any of them and received a lucid and clear reply. Those that claim that they have are living in a dream world.
  6. You must be really scraping the barrel when you stoop to dragging up 8 year old posts, yet conveniently ignore January 6th 2021 caused entirely by the Trump supporters, who even wanted to murder the outgoing VP for obeying the laws of the country. The laws that Trump conveniently ignores when it suits him. Does "Hang Mike Pence" ring any bells with you?
  7. No. I live in the real world where things that have happened in the past are related to things that are still happening today. quote "I'm guessing your going to hit the sad or confused emoji for this but that's fine". There you go once again, thinking that you know everything about every poster that disagrees with you. In reality you have no real idea, and in your own words you are simply guessing., as you seem to be when you believe that this problem has only happened during the past 4 years. October 7th 2023 was only a continuation of decades of war.
  8. quote "One would have thought that the last four years is evidence enough to take off the blinkers". Really? Perhaps you should research your subject more thoroughly. Try going back to 1948 and beyond, and look at the problems between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The Jewish people claim that their 'god', who has never been seen, gave Israel to them some 4 or 5,000 years ago. It is only mentioned in the Jewish holy book and nowhere else.
  9. Sorry Eric. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_24_1161 The European Commission has fined Apple over €1.8 billion for abusing its dominant position on the market for the distribution of music streaming apps to iPhone and iPad users (‘iOS users') through its App Store. In particular, the Commission found that Apple applied restrictions on app developers preventing them from informing iOS users about alternative and cheaper music subscription services available outside of the app (‘anti-steering provisions'). This is illegal under EU antitrust rules. But I really don't want a bridge.
  10. You may have missed the thread title which reads quite clearly Prawit Visits Parliament to Sign In, Then Leaves – Misses 84 of 95 Sessions and it is in the Thailand Forum. It has nothing to do with The West or the EU parliament. Try to stay awake and on topic. If you are unable to do either, why bother to post?
  11. Like Trump and his "60 Minutes" deal that he pulled out of? Perhaps being fact checked on live TV is enough to pull out of a deal. After all to quote your post, "A man keeps his word and does not renege on a deal". So why did Trump pull out of the "60 Minutes" program?
  12. TBH I cannot remember the size, as it is more that 20 years ago that the house was built.
  13. You said "Just under 335,000 so far on Trumps OWN channel". My answer was Compared to what? How about comparing it to something relevant, such as the number of viewers who saw the show live on the Fox entertainment channel, or any other comparable video?
  14. So what is your problem? If you have a computer and can do internet searches, you have access to news from anywhere and everywhere.
  15. Lying and whining about fact checking on a live interview is in command?
  16. Is that a joke coming from an avowed Trump supporter?
  17. And of course, YOU have all the evidence and the links to prove it. So if you have all this proof and evidence, why have you not done anything about it? Alternatively you have nothing but BS to say.
  18. And this is just your opinion as a professional interviewer. BTW, just how long have you been a professional interviewer, and which company do you work for?
  19. I do as my blockage is still there but at least the toilet is usable. The honey truck crew are sure that the can fix the problem, but it means isolating the water supply, easy, removing the water tank, fairly easy, if they need to remove the toilet, that will be difficult as it is concreted to the floor 20 odd years ago and not put in with Rawl bolts and anchors. They will have to remove some tiles, 2 or 4 I think and possibly the wall before getting to the short pipe connected between the U bend of the toilet and the down pipe T junction from the upstairs toilet, which is where I think the problem is. They will probably have to replace that short pipe and hopefully not have to remove the toilet completely and dig up part of the floor as well.
  20. AFAIK Lazada matches the seller and the buyer. The seller chooses the shipping company and get its shipping costs from them. You order items THROUGH Lazada and NOT from Lazada. You choose the item that you want from a list of suppliers on the Lazada website. Lazada neither sets the prices nor the shipping costs. If the shipping costs are more than advertised, you have the choice of cancelling the order and going to another supplier, or simply accepting the price and the shipping costs. Lazada is just an intermediary company and it gets its commission from the seller.
  21. AFAIK Lazada matches the seller and the buyer. The seller chooses the shipping company and get its shipping costs from them. You order items THROUGH Lazada and NOT from Lazada. You choose the item that you want from a list of suppliers on the Lazada website. Lazada neither sets the prices nor the shipping costs. If the shipping costs are more than advertised, you have the choice of cancelling the order and going to another supplier, or simply accepting the price and the shipping costs. Lazada is just an intermediary company and it gets its commission from the seller.
  22. I would think that commerce slowed down. Dock yard work would certainly have done. OTOH for the Spanish workers, no work = no pay. It was a double edged sword. For the Spanish government, it would have been a diplomatic problem. For Spanish workers, it would mean a choice of finding another job in Spain for less money or going hungry and going into debt. Gibraltar is still there, despite Spain and the UK Labour government. Freedom to choose is important, don't you think?
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