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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Yes, even people with low paying jobs are asked to do more and more, as the price of fuel and food goes up and up.
  2. It's a good thing to open up but just not now. Too many Thai people have not been vaccinated and the ones that have been vaccinated been vaccinated with Chinese vaccines. Are we all Ginny pigs and your testing which vaccines work and which don't?
  3. It looks like Ching Mai might be restricted to Millionaires only?
  4. I have a Moderna as well but it is not my batch. Maybe one day soon before I catch the virus?
  5. Don't forget the price of insecticides have gone up, and they spray like hell.
  6. All they seem to do is patch over the the existing roads. Most new roads where I live only have a few years of life at best before the pot holes are there. The road construction is pitiful and where are the drains? I am on my Honda Cbr650f most days and I won't ride at night because of the pot holes.
  7. Biden hasn't done anything right since he's been in power this is no exception.
  8. Please tell me, how many non-drinking tourist will there be? And what are they coming here for a good time?
  9. Lucky You! I was all over the place but my home base was near Phu Cat Vietnam.
  10. I am a Vietnam Vet and I was here on R&R from Vietnam in 1967. It was a dam good R&R but the girls were not slaves to us by any means, they were more like tour guides with benefits. When you paid your 100baht the girl was with you for 24hr's. After that you could get a new girl for 100 baht but that cause many girl fights and I seen a few, not nice. I kept the same girl for 7 days and we had a great time. I truly loved Thailand then and now.
  11. What do they mean Fully vaccinated? Do they accept all vaccines? Must they have boosters? And if this is the list where are the local countries?
  12. I think it effects the young a lot more. A friend got a Pfizer jab yesterday at the age of 25, the second Pfizer jab. On the way home she said pull over and threw up. She threw up 5 times since the jab. Different strokes for different folks.
  13. Now this would be a better greeting as we know the tourist will have such a great time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHqrlHKUvEY
  14. And they are running out of Sinovac at the end of the month. What's next?
  15. My question is where is the money coming from? China?
  16. Believe it or not I eat the same breakfast for the last 20 years. Oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon plus 1 tablespoon of Sacha inchi with banana's and red grapes. It works for me.
  17. Thing's are looking much better and the weather is getting colder and we are getting rid of Sinovac. There must be a Heaven as hell is going somewhere else.
  18. We need more answers on mix and match vaccines. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01359-3
  19. Hip Hip heray It's like holding out for a pee. So what's next? More vaccines from China? Or something cheaper like something made here. The good ones are always coming but never seem to get here. Took this picture yesterday as thousands of people waited for there free jab of Sinovac. Hundreds were turned away after waiting all day as they ran out once more.
  20. I think I lived in the best years of mankind. When I was young I lived for the day and possibly next week. I was too busy playing marbles. When I got a little older I was too busy trapping muskrat in the woods behind my house. Making good money selling the pelts to Sears Roebuck in New York. Way Way in the future I may have thought about of buying my first car..
  21. We don't need the alcohol, we just need good eyes!
  22. Many countries are talking about going Green as they are chopping down more and more trees.
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