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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Easily explained if one understands his handlers have no interest in having to pretend that Biden has anything to say of importance. I guess they just can't be bothered trotting him out to recite something off a teleprompter that they wrote for him.
  2. Ooh malls going bust- raise the white flag.
  3. No presumption involved, it's an abomination. If you are just going to attack anyone stupid enough to reply to your request, I hope you get no other replies, Bob.
  4. Flowers? Do you even know what the golden triangle is?
  5. It's the ultimate tourist trap. You obviously never been there.
  6. North east Thailand along the Mekong. Go to Mae Sai and turn east. Avoid the Golden Triangle abomination.
  7. A cow or a pig normally gets humanely killed, or as humanely as possible. Whales suffer a lot before they die. How would you like it if someone stuck a dirty great harpoon in you?
  8. People can also be a protein source and are in no danger of being an endangered species. I bet you don't think it would be OK to eat people though. Anyway, given that humans have almost destroyed the oceans already, there may not be any whales, or fish, left in the future. BTW, do you eat cats and dogs and horses? All yummy protein sources I'm sure.
  9. Quite right too. Japan doesn't even need to eat them. They get plenty of protein from the same farm animals as most of us.
  10. As long as they frighten the loonies into right wing policies like stopping illegal immigrants, it doesn't matter if they are actually in power or not.
  11. IMO democracy and pretending to do what the people want is a new thing in human history and given the way the liberals have messed up big time and created disaster, it's not going to be around for much longer.
  12. I did not include the words Tik Tok in my post. You have to quote from the poster that I quoted, not from my post.
  13. It's in the OP therefore it's on topic. You should have quit when you were in a small hole. Have a nice day.
  14. The running up a huge deficit is a strange one by any logic. I guess it's on the principle that if I owe $100 it's my problem, but if I owe $100 trillion it's your problem. Whatever, it's never going to be repaid, EVER. In the US there isn't any difference between parties or politicians- all out of the same box. Any difference is only window dressing to pretend the voters have a choice. The US is a strange one- proclaims itself to be capitalist, but isn't, the people are frightened by the word "socialism" but want social security and medicaid. I liked NZ in the 70s, actual socialised public health, the state owned the railways, and the power system, the telephone system, then they went and privatised everything and it's been a disaster.
  15. Were you born in a private hospital, or a government one with nurses and doctors paid for by the taxpayer? Did your parents pay for your education entirely- no government subsidy? Did they get any child benefit for you? If you went to university, was it fully privately financed, or get government subsidies? Have you ever been in a hospital that wasn't private? Used medicine or a vaccine developed by state laboratories? Driven on a road that wasn't a toll road, Flown on a plane that used a government built runway, and government flight controllers? Ridden on a railway? Been protected by the military, or even been in the military? Worked for the government in any capacity? Benefited from government rescue services post natural disaster? Had assistance from the police force? Etc.
  16. and I disagree with you. I have actually worked on farms, unlike, apparently, you.
  17. People danced in the street when Thatcher died. IMO she was a truly vile human being. The problem with government isn't that they have socialism to benefit the poor, but that they waste vast amounts of taxpayer money on stupid or even evil things. Eg the tories wouldn't give nurses or ambulance drivers a decent wage while spending billions of other people's money on war, which is the most evil thing they could waste money on.
  18. How about the cruelty involved in ripping a gazelle apart for lions to eat? Is it OK for animals to be cruel, considering that animals we eat are humanely killed?
  19. Why sadly? They are just animals and we are carnivores. As an example, Amundsen, first man to the South pole used dogs and as planned ate them ( along with the other dogs ) as the sledges got lighter. He succeeded within schedule. His adversary Scott refused to use dogs because it was "cruel", manhauled and he and all his party died of starvation on the return journey. The fact Amundsen ate his dogs was used as propaganda by the British to make him out to be a bad man.
  20. CNN is in the OP therefore is on topic. Were you having a senior moment?
  21. Only rich people think socialism is silly. The rest of us, which is most of us, like a spot of socialism as long as it's not the dictator style socialist.
  22. Had I read this post before replying to the OP, I wouldn't have bothered. This is exactly the sort of thing I'd write if I was doing a wind up.

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