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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I know you can't be serious. Why would the winning side give up?
  2. and just what forum cut and past rules would those be? I just did a check and I was unable to locate any rule relating to cut and paste. Perhaps you meant something else, and if so please refer to the correct rule.
  3. To the poster that gave that a laugh emoji- what is so funny about it? The meeting is a fact and "it" is likely to be discussed during the meeting. Do you just like posting laugh emojis on posts or are you < insert word(s) of choice >?
  4. To whomever put the up arrow on the right hand side of the page, thank you. I'll even use it there. I hope it doesn't go back to the wrong side like it did before, the first time it was put on the right side.
  5. Netanyahu's remarks have complicated the situation, causing Hamas to seek clarification on the deal's clauses, which had been intentionally left vague to secure initial agreement from both sides. You reckon? Seems to me the "deal" depends too much on trusting Biden and the israelis, and the israelis have been found not to be trusted with their lies about "safe areas". As for Biden, he's a man that has stated he will back israel all the way. He's never even tried to be impartial.
  6. Pity the author of that didn't follow their own advice "The prudent approach would be to handle this incident cautiously, waiting for conclusive evidence before drawing any conclusions" before trying to blame Hamas.
  7. Everyone gives in in the end.I'd save myself the pain and just agree with whatever they want.
  8. Had the OP mentioned 8 hours I'd not have suggested that.
  9. Phuket . Can't have been to many then. Lanta has better, Phi Phi is better, Big Chang is better, Samui has some good beaches ( not Lamai ). Even Railay has a better beach than Phuket. North and East coast of Phangan better ( not Had Rin ). Perhaps you are referring to the amount of concrete behind the beach, and the night life, in which case Chaweng has no equal. The Gulf coast has miles of unpopulated beautiful beaches ( not counting the horrible Hua Hin ).
  10. I've never had a blue print since I tried farming- the hours are too long and the pay is rubbish. My dream at school was to be a farmer, but soon learned that to be a good life one needs to inherit a place or marry one, and neither were an option for me. After that I just did what came along. Military, Antarctica, nursing, working overseas as a nurse in Saudi and London, retiring early and moving to Thailand to be with the beloved till she wasn't loveable, divorce and back to live in NZ just in time for covid lockdown. I joined up because I worked with an ex military guy on the farm and it seemed like a better option than working an 84 hour week for a pittance, went to Antarctica because I met a guy skiing that had been and it seemed interesting ( it was ). Went nursing because my unit helped out with disabled kids and I met some great nurses. Went to Saudi because nurses in NZ get paid a pittance, and went to work in London because had enough of Saudi and NZ nurses get paid a pittance. Started going to Thailand when in Saudi and fell in love with it. Fell in love with the wrong Thai woman and ended up leaving it as divorced and out of money ( can't get my pension there ). Now I'm just waiting for the fat lady to sing and off on the last great adventure of my life. Get up when I want, do what I want, eat what I want, sleep when I want. To pass the time I watch movies, go on here, do a bit of DIY ( I made some of my furniture myself ), raise Monarch butterfly's, do some gardening. While nothing I do is important, it pays to keep busy. Am I bored- not a chance. Would I like my life to be different- yes. I wanted to live in LOS till I died, but that's what happens when one marry s the wrong woman. Would I like it to be different in NZ? I'd like to live by a beach, but that's way too expensive for a pensioner. I'd like to have a small dog though, but not allowed where I live.
  11. Probably, but the organisation you volunteer to help should help you with that.
  12. Working for bullies sucks. I retired early and never been happier. I have more to do than I will be able to do before I die. When I lived in the family house in Lamphun I laid patio pavers, did plumbing, wiring and generally improved the house and surrounds. Gardening is a great past time. Other than that there is photography, reading, on this forum, movies on DVD, art, hobbies of some sort. If anyone is bored it's likely because they can't self motivate. Go help out at an orphanage, join a soi dog society, or similar. If bored, look at yourself first- are you motivated or just lazy and want to blame something else instead of yourself?
  13. But but but, it's all the GOP's fault that Biden is incompetent Pity that Biden cancelled Trump's "remain in Mexico" agreement then. If the border guards were not helping them get through the razor wire there would be less to catch. Perhaps a wall might help with that too.
  14. Something brought in under the last government. Need I say more? Pack of nutters that IMO damaged NZ in a way not seen since Muldoon's disastrous Think Big fiasco. Everything that woman touched turned to dross.
  15. Not so long ago you were claiming that it was all under control- less illegals or more illegals being caught- I don't remember which- than under Trump. Now you seem to be reneging on your own claims and accepting that he has to do something ( even if 3 years too late ) because the situation is so bad. LOL
  16. If talking sense is poisonous, give me more poison. Great that he's back.
  17. They don't live in igloos in Antarctica and raw penguin would not be very nice. Want cooked penguin or seal, take a few thousand litres of fuel for a cooker along with everything needed to last the winter, like a building, medical supplies, etc. There is no source of fuel down there and it all has to be shipped or flown down. Oh, take some books too, and a lantern as it gets dark for months.
  18. While it is unlikely a deliberate nuclear war will happen, mistakes happen. Mistakes like escalating a war with a nuclear power. Never underestimate the desire of the military leadership to start a war, or of their hope to use all the toys in their toybox. Speaking from experience, I have no faith in military leadership doing the right thing. Let's remember why the Chinese became involved in the Korean war.
  19. I stopped reading after that. Just as well it says OPINION at the top of the page.
  20. There are hundreds of trucks loaded with food held outside Gaza by the israelis. Famine is entirely due to israeli actions in preventing the food entering Gaza. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68550937
  21. LOL. Did he check with netanyahu before saying that? Unless netanyahu changed his mind since 24 hours ago he is not agreeing to stop fighting till Hamas is "defeated", which will likely never happen. Why would Hamas agree to ceasefire when the enemy is still attacking them?
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