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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. History, history. That's how it used to be, long ago. Now it's just a publicity slogan.
  2. LOS hasn't been smiling since this century started, IMO. My GF had a wonderful smile last century, but come 2000 it vanished.
  3. If the planet is warming why is it so bleeding cold here? Heat- bring it on.
  4. I get a blood test once a year, and it doesn't cost me in NZ. Given the infrastructure required to do millions of blood tests it might actually cost near that, especially if Thais don't pay much, OR he wants to buy a Lamborghini. I had a night in a Lamphun private hospital with an IV ( nothing else ) and it would have cost me 50,000 baht if I hadn't had insurance.
  5. You forget the universities that will miss an entire year of new entrants. They'll be lovin' that.
  6. Same place as the 3 billion quid they are going to waste in Ukraine. It'll give a boost to the economy though, as local builders will be building the new barracks etc. Anyway, IMO it has as much chance of happening as the poll tax.
  7. Tell me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Mussolini hung by the resistance? Far as I know China has no resistance, organised or otherwise.
  8. Radiation poisoning is such a bummer though.
  9. A very good point that is apparently overlooked by certain individuals that think if we go full terminator on Russia Putin won't inflict nuclear winter on most of Europe and the northern American continent.
  10. Errr, WW3 probably isn't going to be fought with a load of cannon fodder crawling around in the mud. Even now the boffins are working on "autonomous fighting machines". They won't look like Mr Swartzenegger though.
  11. IMO you are overthinking it somewhat. I doubt the PM is thinking of much more than a lot of drill and adventure training. I also think he expects most to opt out of the military option. No need for any extra ships or planes etc. However, I'm with the generals- no modern military wants a load of fat mummy's boys complaining that they can't eat maccers and play games on their computers to try and make something of- silk purses and sow's ears comes to mind.
  12. No doubt you are a martial arts expert then. If you don't like my posts feel free to put me on ignore- just do it. IMO only a dufus keeps reading posts that make him feel angry enough to go terminator.
  13. One wonders how a "young" engineer was able to amass such a fortune, when the average monthly wage not so long ago was about 9,000 baht. I doubt those citizens barely surviving economically will be feeling love and fuzzies for the couple.
  14. What are you smoking? Hamas does not govern the West Bank ergo Hamas does not govern Palestine, just a very small part of it. No one is recognising Gaza as Palestine in it's entirety. It's like saying the London council president rules Britain.
  15. Most juries are not sitting on highly politicized cases that will have massive potential for violence depending on the verdict. If the judge did not understand that he should not be a judge IMO, but perhaps he did and did it anyway.
  16. I bet Mr Wannabe Terminator is wishing he had done just that now. Well, if he doesn't, he'll have lots of time to think about it.
  17. Seems some add 2 and 2 and come up with 22. Sad.
  18. Posting that inappropriate picture is very low behaviour IMO. It's nothing to do with her and yet some farang wants to insult her.
  19. He wasn't defending himself. He could have just taken his wife home, but no, he had to go all terminator, and now he'll be having new accommodation for some time and his wife won't have him around to defend her honour.
  20. That has to be a rhetorical question! Add all the hospitals and schools destroyed, the sewage system destroyed, the water infrastructure destroyed, the roads destroyed, and you know what they are up to. After it's all over they'll probably have the cheek to ask other countries to pay to rebuild it.
  21. Are they supposed to just lie around waiting for the IDF to drop a bomb on them? Would you not fire back if you were them?
  22. I have that on DVD. Perhaps tonight. Don't have time in my busy life to read books- sleeping, eating, DVDs and on here takes up most of my time. I have at this time 3 books started months ago and not continued. I have about 200 DVDs waiting to be watched ( at $1 a time in op shops I have bought probably more than I have time left to watch them all ). On that note, I should get off here and do something of more importance.
  23. LOL. In NZ we get about 10 minutes, if lucky and it costs large. Not much time for psychotherapy, or anything. Costs far too much for those "follow ups" unless rich, and if rich can afford the real thing. GPs will prescribe drugs and see you in 3 months to renew prescription.
  24. That is bizarre! If Pattaya made you depressed why did you not go elsewhere?
  25. Agree that it's not deliberate in most cases, but still destructive. Words hurt, and if said by a parent hurt more. I was involved with a solo mum for some years ( leaving with almost nothing and having to start over from scratch ), and repeated all the bad things that had happened to me with her kids. Like you say, it was all I knew. I did not even realise what I was doing till years later. The irony is that I would have made a terrible father in the years I'd most likely have had kids, but after that time past I learned enough to have been a good parent.
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