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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL. The concern of some of us isn't that the law per se is erroneous, but the sheer number of indictments. If anyone really believes they are not politically motivated to have been brought just in time for election season and not in the previous 3 years, I have a few bridges for sale, hardly used and going cheap.
  2. Now we have to wait to see if Iran reacts, but 3 drones isn't much of a response, so perhaps not.
  3. IMO it's time the countries that want to penalise israel just ignore the American veto and carry on imposing sanctions etc. America has proven time and again that it can' t be trusted on anything to do with israel. I'd say that a few countries are willing to vote for Palestine just for appearance, but don't want it to actually happen so only too happy to abide by the US veto. IMO the time is coming when American leaders are unable to cover for israel, and it can't come too soon for me.
  4. Trump has to be one of the least funny people on the planet. The only thing funny about Trump, IMO, are the people with TDS making bad jokes about him.
  5. What a load of <deleted>. ALL demographics of any colour, ethnicity or creed are composed of good AND bad actors. It's nothing to do with race. Your condemnation of all Russians says a lot about you, personally.
  6. LOL. IMO the INTENT of the second amendment was to ensure that the administration could not become dictators, and that was by allowing the citizens to be well armed so that they could fight back. Now that the administration is armed with machine guns, it is essential that the citizens are not armed only with muzzle loaders. As I understand it, the founding fathers had a great fear of a future administration becoming kings themselves. Any dictatorial government fears the citizens and will do their best to disarm them, the easier to control them.
  7. When I was younger we called a woman that would have sex with a stranger within an hour a slut. Perhaps it's different now. I realise that it's unfair to tarnish only females with that name, but IMO all men are sluts if given the opportunity.
  8. The danger to you isn't that she thinks you are a weirdo, the danger is that she is a weirdo that will accuse you of something bad and your life is over. I'd never give a lift to a single woman I don't know these days- just too risky.
  9. Both of them were the right one, till they weren't. It took a year minimum to realise something was wrong. It's easier to just not bother, as I don't have stacks of money to waste while I find out.
  10. That would be the expected result. However, why don't they send them into the sun, which would be guaranteed to destroy, or return junk to planet earth to dispose of? Is that because they don't have space to do so since they abandoned the shuttle program?
  11. I understood the OP just fine. It says that the, IMO, loonies are winning.
  12. Ah yes, just a brief mention, but yes he is mentioned. That doesn't mean that the OP is about him. White House spokesman Andrew Bates was also mentioned in the OP, but you didn't feel compelled to write about him.
  13. So true. It could have been caused by licking a finger that was somewhere unfortunate. I've had 2 bouts of serious food poisoning- one was from a Maccers in NZ, and the other from an upmarket restaurant in Bkk.
  14. When it starts to grow fuzz is usually when it gets chucked. If it's been in there a while I usually overcook it though. EXCEPT for chicken. If that is over 2 weeks old it gets given to the cat. I work on the principle that processed food is so full of preservatives that the chemicals will kill me before food poisoning does. I will admit that sometimes after eating something a bit old that I feel relieved to wake up OK the next morning.
  15. Most people want to believe in something. When religion became unpopular they just transferred their allegiance to other things like pop bands, or sports teams or social justice or man made climate change etc. All of them, IMO based on BS, and all IMO designed to let the "leaders" get rich off the useful fools believers.
  16. We don't even have to be a military expert to know it's BS. One thing I took away from my military service is that it runs on BS and another is that the incompetents seem to be the ones that get promoted ( or people just get promoted to their level of incompetence ).
  17. IMO McConnell has long ago passed his sell by date and should have been taken away to a nice rest home years ago. Why is the US government so full of geriatrics? Do none of them want to retire on a very nice pension and enjoy whatever time is left to them? Apparently not.
  18. Was that Santa I just saw flying past my window or a pig?
  19. I don't often agree with anything you say, but on this I agree 100%. I can only assume they expect to get some of it themselves, but from what I've been hearing, EVs are about to hit a brick wall as people realise their resale value is probably zip. Perhaps this is looting the company before it collapses.
  20. Because they apparently have wised up ( at last ) and got off the, IMO, man made pollution causing climate change clown wagon BS. Climate is changing, but taxing us more isn't going to do anything except make us poorer- except for Elon, who must be wetting himself that he's making so much money off the BS that we all need to drive an EV to save the planet.
  21. I doubt he thinks it was a sorry life. Could have done better than the first wife but most of us probably marry the wrong woman. He seemed have a ball, and he even socialised with Bill and Hillary.
  22. A glacier in the Himalayas is melting, it must be Trump's fault.
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