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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. BREAKING NEWS! Iran potentially triggers World War 3 IMO that headline is incorrect. It should be "Israel potentially triggers World War 3" which it did when it attacked Iranian sovereign territory in Damascus, which IMO was a declaration of war.
  2. Agree 100%. It's always the same when it's possible that Islamics were involved. Seems there are a lot of people that hate Muslims, on here.
  3. NO, I'm referring to the parents that want their male child to have it's genitals removed or drugged to prevent puberty so he can look like a girl. Female genital mutilation is cultural not religious and of course I'm against it. Circumcision is as good a thing as cutting the tails off millions of lambs every year. Done for a very good reason, and I'm happy my mother had it done.
  4. During my lifetime there have been tyrants that make him look like a boy scout, and almost all died of natural causes. If looking for the axis of evil, there is plenty of evil on the planet and some of it is closer to you than you might like to admit. I can even think of an evil man that has the support of a great many world leaders, but if we want justice in this existence, we'll be waiting for it a very long time ( as it's never going to happen ).
  5. To the person that gave that post a laugh, I wonder what goes through your mind when you put a laugh emoji on something that is nothing to do with me. I doubt you are going to explain so I'll give you an emoji myself.
  6. I just want to say that I don't have an opinion as to whether OJ did it or not, but the entire furore seems based on him being a black man. Had he been a white man, would there have been the same verdict? I'm aware of too many innocent people being falsely convicted to have much faith in the judicial system getting it right.
  7. LOL. I suggest you watch the VDO I posted. The gloves look as stiff as my <deleted> these days.
  8. You know the great thing about U Tube is that we can see for ourselves. Stiff from dried blood? Really? Those rubber gloves are not thick. I used them every work day for over 2 decades to know.
  9. I saw him trying to put it on and I disagree with you. It definitely looked too small to me. They'd have to be very thick rubber gloves to make a difference, like so thick the opposition lawyers would have said something about it.
  10. How about exterminating all tyrannical people, even ones that wear different headware than turbans? I'd go along with that.
  11. I'm not German and I've spoken English all my life, but I have no idea what that post means, not least because I have no idea who Candace is, and the rest of your post is IMO babble.
  12. What if it's the parent(s) wanting to mutilate their child?
  13. If he did,IMO he should have been jailed for life.
  14. Because israel has some mysterious hold over the US which means they can do anything and the US will cover for them. I wish I knew what that hold is, but I can only guess. It used to be said that certain powerful nutters in the US wanted to keep israel in existence as they believe that Armageddon will happen there, but I haven't heard that for a while. IMO it's more likely that they give US politicians lots of money to keep supporting israel. I just don't know the truth. BTW, the present situation with a possible ME war is very reminiscent of the conditions for Armageddon, but the Anti Christ has yet to make an appearance, so we may be OK for a while.
  15. Of course it's a deflection. Just because those houses were stolen does not mean that illegals can't be sent to Rwanda. Trying to disparage the idea of sending illegals to Rwanda, which hasn't actually started, is fine, but hopefully not going to change them being sent.
  16. It's not your style that makes me "sad", but your refusal to abide by forum rules. I didn't make up the rule that said we have to provide proof if we post something that can be considered a fact. When have I ever said that Trump does not lie? He probably lies as much as Biden does.
  17. No, but how is it going to get to you from the Gulf, if it's a disaster zone? You better hope your country has enough of the stuff and the greenies allow it to be extracted.
  18. Thank you. I wonder what happened to our world- the western world only, as IMO the rest of the countries on the planet are not on board with the entire rainbow of letters community. How did it come about that not only can adults surgically alter themselves because they imagine they will be happier if they pretend to be the opposite gender to which they were born, but it became OK for adults to either acquiesce to children's confused desires to be something else, or actually groom a child to want to be a different gender? It's not OK to allow a child to have sex with an adult, but it's OK to allow a child to have unnecessary medical or surgical treatment that will be permanent! I hope I'm not the only one that thinks that is insanity. I do think that it was right to remove laws that discriminated against homosexuals- IMO anyone should be able to do anything sexually they want to with consenting people of legal age, and it's no one else's business. It's also OK for anyone to dress like the opposite sex. However, they should not be given a legal advantage over those that choose not to be different, and certainly not to be able to use their genetic makeup to advantage in sports.
  19. I try to avoid facts as it's a drag having to provide proof. I prefer to post my opinions. Unfortunately, sometimes I have to do so.
  20. I thought it was because the glove did not fit, so the jury had to acquit.
  21. Another muppet statement. It wasn't a "senseless airborne attack", but a response to an armed attack by israel on sovereign Iranian territory. If Britain wants to see a de escalation of tensions in the ME, Britain should stop enabling israeli crimes in Gaza. I'm no Iranian supporter by any means, but either we have international law as overseen by the UN, or we don't. Seems that a couple of nations think they don't have to abide by international law. Can't disregard the law because we don't like the country.
  22. and goodbye to your cheap oil., or even any oil at all.
  23. Under the UN charter Iran has every right to attack israel, since israel attacked Iranian sovereign territory. https://www.un.org/en/about-us/un-charter/full-text Article 51 Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
  24. The usual chorus of condemnation from western countries, all completely ignoring the attack on sovereign Iranian territory. Bunch of muppets, IMO.
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