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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Nah. Lets scrap human courts altogether and use AI, which will judge on the evidence and not emotion.
  2. Here we go. Biden may yet get his very own Middle East war. However, I don't expect Iran to fall into the trap of attacking israel directly, and IMO they are more likely to attack the colluders in the Gaza fiasco- the Americans. Plenty of US bases all over the place to attack. They may, however, do just enough to keep israeli defenses at full strength, which will cost the israeli economy dearly, and will keep the troops from being deployed elsewhere. Reports on Al Jazeera that a very high ranking US military man is co ordinating with israeli government to counter an Iranian attack, so are we likely to see US boots on the ground now? Given the situation has escalated due to israel attacking Iranian territory ( in violation of how many international laws? ) in Damascus, I don't see why the US has to get involved, but could be all going according to plan. This is like slow walking into a regional war, and I expect those responsible already have the propaganda machine ready to go to justify why many thousands of people had to die. I just hope that Jordan, Egypt and other local Arab countries do not get involved in any actual conflict, and do not allow their territory to be used or transited by israeli forces.
  3. Seems to me that most of the women and children have been killed from above, with bombs. The pilots just have a target to drop the bomb on, and will not know if the people in the building have been warned and got out or not. The people that are responsible for killing women and children are those that allocate targets. One hopes that an arrest warrant from the ICC will be issued for them, but one is not holding one's breath.
  4. LOL. He can't have tried very hard to find that news. Re western MSM not reporting the children being murdered killed along with the adults, I'll take your word for that as I don't bother with them unless searching for something specific. I get my Gaza info off Al Jazeera, and they definitely mentioned the small children.
  5. I guess you never went to Chaweng in the 90s then. I stayed there a lot last century, and every morning when it was cool I walked along the beach with a plastic bag and filled it with garbage washed up, mainly from factory waste and garbage from fishing boats. Took it all up to the northern tip of the beach where I had dug a big hole, and on my last day I had a big fire. There were no buildings there back then. Every morning the staff at the big resorts would rake up the rubbish and bury it in the sand in front of the resort. Must be a lot of rubbish buried under Chaweng Beach. Back then the Ark Bar was a lovely laid back place made of natural materials, but even that went up market, concrete and horrid noise instead of enjoyable music. I suppose that is what some people call progress, but to me it was destruction of the good because of greed.
  6. Sounds pretty much like the Thailand I've always known and I was there longer than 30 years. Money's always been the important thing. However it was better on the beaches when there were a lot less tourists. It got really bad after turn of the century when Samui and Tao were destroyed by concrete and encroachment. Phangan held on for a while, but only because it doesn't have an airport. Even little Haad Khom was destroyed after the concrete road reached it. Mass tourism is a plague to the environment. Last time I was on Samet it was a garbage tip, and Larn was infested by the Chinese horde with the speed boats and the <deleted> jet skis. IMO Thai tourism is an example of how to destroy a country for greed.
  7. There you go again, posting what you claim to be facts without any proof. Not that there is any proof of your made up rubbish.
  8. Ah, stuck in an extra bit while I was correcting your post. You don't post about your hero's stuff ups, so why would you expect me to refer to Trump's errors? After all, I want Trump to destroy Biden in November's election.
  9. I think that in his own mind he is, as I have to keep telling him to prove the things he posts.
  10. and you are deflecting from dealing with your hero losing it. You can't even stick to what you quoted in which no mention of issues was made. Will you ever stop making stuff up and deflecting?
  11. With good reason, as do I.
  12. Yes, I've noticed they like to say nasty things about Trump but making most of it up and rarely any proof, like saying he is "guilty" of insurrection, when never in court for it let alone a conviction. Must be sad having TDS.
  13. I also have the strange idea that you are baiting me, so bye.
  14. Seems to be a disturbing attitude nowadays that people will overlook murder or death of a relative if enough money is handed over. Are the parents more upset by the death of their son or not being able to profit from it? In criminal convictions of murderers do the murderers normally hand over large amounts of money to the bereaved? If so, I have not been aware of it.
  15. Given I consider it an abomination that children should be given adult help to change their gender because they imagine they would be happier as the opposite sex, I have to support such legislation, but IMO it should not be allowed even with parental approval. IMO they should be given free psychological help, not changed into something they may come to regret when they join the real world. I can't copy paste from this site, but the statistics for suicide of trans youth is disturbing https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345113/ https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/28/health/transgender-suicide-risk/index.html People who identify as transgender have significantly higher rates of suicide and suicide attempts compared with the rest of the population, according to a population-level study out of Denmark. The study of more than 6.6 million people found that those who identified as trans had 7.7 times the rate of suicide attempts and 3.5 times the rate of suicide deaths than the broader Danish population.
  16. It's all about females invading male spaces. Remember the controversy when women demanded to be let in to male only clubs? Was there any controversy about men wanting to join the Country Women's Institute, or the sewing circle etc? Of course not, and why would women even want to join a male only club if not for gender politics? Both the boys only schools I attended are now co ed through pressure. Imagine if it was boys wanting to join a girl's only school? Back to sports that could be mixed sex, perhaps they could introduce a sport which involves multi tasking mundane jobs? Or possibly some kind of 48 hour endurance arguing contest? Women could probably dominate that From my experience in working in a female dominated workforce for decades, females would do well in any backstabbing competition. They were great at that. They were also much better at bullying than men- they'd clean up in any bullying competition.
  17. What could possibly go wrong with that? How long before some girl complains that the boy she was wrestling put his hand in the wrong place, and his life is over?
  18. It's good to see a sensible post. Unfortunately sense will never be an issue in the circles where such policies are formed, as it's all about greed money now, and controversy is worth millions in free publicity. Too bad about the unfortunate women that dreamed of sporting success as their dreams are being crushed by corporates that care only about the god of money.
  19. Because that's too sensible. IMO the modern corporate world operates on BS. The free publicity generated by this sort of BS furore about BS must save corporations millions of $ in advertising costs.
  20. OK, I just read it and it's nothing to do with the OP. That's another 10 minutes of my life wasted. Now, do you have anything to say about the topic, or just going to deflect again?
  21. Joe could show his commitment to border security by "building a wall". Pity that he apparently sold off all the bits that were waiting to be erected for the previous POTUS's wall. Perhaps razor wire would work, but he'd have to tell his border guards not to keep cutting it.
  22. The poster you quoted must live in a wonderful dream world. I wonder if there is enough room in it for me or is it just for himself?
  23. I saw Biden giving a speech on Al Jazeera this morning and he was talking about this being the 20th century! A slip like that is acceptable for Mr Average Old Guy, but not the "leader of the free world". If he doesn't know which century this is 7 months out from the election, how bad is he going to be in November?
  24. Your crystal ball must be wonderful. It's obviously far better than mine which won't tell me what is going to happen 7 months in the future. Can you pass along the winning lotto numbers for me please.
  25. They used to have proper toilets there, so why the need for portable ones? As for the rubbish, I've never known Thais to be particularly concerned about such. All of Samet was a garbage tip last time I went there, and even Bkk has a waste disposal problem. Some off Sukhumvit sois had a thriving rat population living off the garbage.
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