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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. For a moment I thought the reply was from sirineou, so I was somewhat puzzled by the reply. I confess that I have never resided in the US, though I passed through it when a toddler, so I am unqualified to pass judgement on it personally, but going by the comments from other posters I think I'm safe to say I have no reason to go there. Otherwise, I have visited and lived in many countries, and other than Antarctica ( I know it's not a country, but definitely the best place in the world to live in ) the only country I really want to live in is Thailand. I've praised that fortunate country enough on this forum not to need to repeat the reasons. However, this is way off topic, so I'll leave it at that.
  2. I do so enjoy your humorous posts. I enjoy them so much I will never put you on ignore.
  3. What do you call 200,000 in one month? ( Link in previous post ) A trickle perhaps .
  4. Thank you for your reply. I too favour more socialism, but no more than what NZ used to have when it was a better country to live in.
  5. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/19/us-announces-10-nation-force-to-counter-houthi-attacks-in-red-sea US announces 10-nation force to counter Houthi attacks in Red Sea IMO a load of <deleted>, and the most expensive way to solve a problem that was only caused by the israeli massacre in Gaza. Stop the massacre and the Houthi problem goes away. Germany hasn't signed on, and given their support for the israelis, one wonders why. Even the Brits have dusted the cobwebs off a ship to join in the fun. The Seychelles have joined, but one wonders if their coastguard actually has any anti missile capability to contribute anything worth while.
  6. Coming to every man's secret desire- the computer program that will make the female of your choice, do whatever you wish you could do with her, with a virtual you. Only on VDO though. Wait till virtual reality becomes as good as the real thing; it's going to be a wild ride folks.
  7. When I was posted to the exotic Orient I was given a free condom. I may be wrong, but I think it was the only one they gave me, so perhaps they thought I could re use it for the entire 2 years.
  8. You got it wrong. It's nothing to do with people agreeing with each other, as it's an individual experience. Sunmaster and I apparently agree on some things, but we don't get together to compare notes. I very much doubt my Damascus moment is the same as anyone else's. Only religion requires lots of people to agree with each other, and I for one, am not religious. If I misunderstood the post, apologies.
  9. Bicycles cause pollution when made, so they are out too. Even horses are out as herbivores belch methane. It's walking or a polluter.
  10. It's still boring though.
  11. You are lucky then. I've never been asked for a contribution by the <deleted>s that run the countries I've lived in. Does that apply with every Rep in the entire USA? If so I might have to change my mind about the US political system.
  12. You misunderstand. The better place is Thailand and you can escape from the US to live there No way I'll ever consider the US as a better place.
  13. Excellent deflection, but none of it addressed the question I asked of you. BTW, the sort of missiles the Houthis are firing are not included in your cut and paste, so the entire quote is irrelevant.
  14. True democracy is where the citizens get to have a say in policy. When was the last time your government invited your opinion once they had the keys to the mint in their pocket? Calling a country democratic is meaningless when North Korea can be called Democratic People's Republic of Korea!
  15. I'm fine if Trump is not the next POTUS as long as it's not Biden, Harris or Cheney.
  16. Your idea of very few does not align with those of us that have seen the hordes crossing the river on tv. Your claim is so easy to refute that I wonder how you could have made it. Who is trying to fool whom? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigration-unlawful-crossings-along-southern-border-reach-yearly-high/ U.S. immigration agents processed more than 200,000 migrants who crossed the southern border unlawfully in September, the highest level recorded in 2023, as the Biden administration struggles to contain the mass migration gripping the region, according to preliminary government data obtained by CBS News.
  17. That's the most confused post I've seen in a long time. You appear to be saying that because lots of Palestinian support ( note support, not active fighters as 72 % would include many thousands of women ) Hamas, their children have to be blown to bits. IMO that's a bizarre way of saying it's OK to kill 7,000 children, and were they all children of Hamas supporters, as the israelis can determine from way up in the sky which children have Hamas supporting parents, or were they also children of the 28% that don't support Hamas?
  18. I don't know why you think that if Hamas didn't exist Israel would be nice to Palestinians. Hamas came to be BECAUSE of israeli oppression. Had not Hamas existed a different organisation would have instead. It's in human nature to resist oppression. If israel hadn't oppressed Palestinians and allowed a two state solution way back they might have peace now, but we'll never know now.
  19. I'm sorry for you about to become stateless. How will you get by without a passport? No entry to Thailand in that case. At least you won't have to pay tax to the US anymore.
  20. No serious person that knows about the reality in the West Bank considers the 2 state solution as viable. To make it happen israel has to vacate the West Bank settlements. Do you think that will ever happen? I don't know what Hamas wants overall, as rhetoric is not usually reality, but I do know that they want revenge on israel for israeli crimes against Palestinians over many decades of oppression. How could they not?
  21. Israel isn't the only entity losing support over Gaza. From the reports on Al Jazeera, Biden is losing support in a massive way. Looks like his run for POTUS will be dead long before November.
  22. The world ignored Gaza before and turned a blind eye to israel's oppression, but nobody's ignoring it anymore. The israeli crimes are being exposed and much of the world is already opposed to israel now. By the time this is over most of the world will be opposed to israel, IMO. Whatever happens from now on, no one can say they don't know that israel commits crimes against humanity.
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