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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Given I've probably stayed in over a thousand places in LOS over my years there, I think I know how it works. Normally only paid one night and looked around to see if anything better. If not paid a few nights in advance. However, not all places accepted that. That worked for me in Penang when I only paid for one night and couldn't sleep because of the Chinese street theatre right across the road. Always carried ear plugs after that event.
  2. Yes I have proof but not of the sort that others might accept, but I have experienced such that I believe. However, I'm not the one that said God doesn't exist without proof.
  3. IMO don't encourage the trolls by dignifying their posts with a reply!
  4. Perhaps you can explain what that is, as I never saw anything different from what non prostitute women wore on their face.
  5. Does anyone dispute that it's a good idea not to kill other people or covet neighbour's wives? Perhaps they don't want to respect their parents, or is the problem with having a day off once a week? Why the fuss anyway. It's not a big deal, and they won't be checking up on anyone to see if they are obeying or not.
  6. Sooo, IMO the Black and White minstrel show had to be cancelled for using white men playing black men, but it's OK for black people to play actual historical not black people- that's confusing!
  7. Prove it. If you can't then you have to admit that God could exist, even if you don't believe.
  8. Pretty much. If one can't love life, one can still bitch about it.
  9. I don't think any person, unless a psychopath or such like can't enjoy life if life is enjoyable. However, for some, life has no enjoyment because there is nothing to enjoy about it. Certainly, I think if some are dependent on others to feel happy or validated, they are in for a world of mental pain, as I have met few people that care enough about other people to make their lives better without something in it for themselves. I learned long ago that I should not expect gratitude for any good I do for others, and have rarely been proven wrong on that score. I did keep trying though, and kept learning the lesson. The last guy to take advantage of my "good" nature was the guy that killed himself on his m'bike, which was why I was considering if the universe acted against him as karma, or if it was just an accident that he isn't still around to taunt me.
  10. "how can god exist if there is so much evil in the world"? to which my answer, as always, is that God doesn't "care" as that is a human emotion and God is not human. Do we care that insects are killing and feasting on anything they can if they are not actually disturbing us? I doubt it. Same with God. In my opinion, the arrogance of humans is that we think that we are special in creation.
  11. I guess my main bitch about life is that there was a whole lot more to be negative about than positive. It's easy to be positive when things are great, but I'm not a good enough actor to pretend that things are OK when they are not. Not really a problem now as I basically a recluse,but I do have a friend that likes to bitch about life as much as I, so we get on well when I visit.
  12. Unless describing farang bars as Thai society I never bothered unless nothing else to do. I did go to a singing show in Krabi town once where I was the only farang as it had to be the most boring town in Thailand after dark, but the ladies were a bit on the large side for me. Back in farang land, given the only ladies available to me out there ( rather be celibate than try it on with one of them ), I am happy enough to watch movies in my room.
  13. IMO a negotiated peace deal.
  14. Ourselves- sod all. Just shows what a bunch of hypocrites western governments are when they go on about freedom from tyranny.
  15. I think none of us were there so we don't know what actually happened.
  16. That's no excuse for doing nothing.
  17. Are they so desperate for publicity that she resorts to that? What arrogance!
  18. IMO because he's popular with millions of Americans that don't trust the Washington establishment.
  19. So the west prefers to close it's eyes and allow it to happen while doing nothing to assist, same time as pouring billions into a war in which Europeans are involved. Why is it right in Europe and wrong in Asia? Shame on the west.
  20. and the opinion of others differs. IMO a civilised country helps it's citizens stay safe by removing criminals from society as long as possible. I have no problem with permanently. I live in a country regarded as civilised, which has a huge problem with criminals and is doing sod all to deal with them. I know which I prefer.
  21. It is, very civilised. It also doesn't believe in being nice to criminals.
  22. No argument from me on your second sentence, though that dates back well before Trump ever came on the scene, but Biden's apparently been in the senate since 1973 to contribute to the mess.
  23. or a white man to play Mandela!

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