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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Why does the OP have to send one at all? Just take one for her next time he goes to LOS. Problem solved.
  2. I'm not asking that the west get involved in the situation more than supplying weapons to protect themselves. They don't even have to do so openly, as was done with the Contras.
  3. Does anyone think Russia would offer to get nothing in exchange for an end to the war? Of course they will want to keep what they currently have in exchange for not destroying even more of Ukraine. Without any big wins by Ukraine, why would Russia be persuaded to negotiate? For Russia to just repel an offensive by Ukraine would be seen in Russia as a victory, IMO. Meanwhile, Ukraine is getting destroyed bit by bit, not Russia, so they have more to gain by negotiating an end to the war. IMO, the end of this war will happen when one side is unable to continue ( without any change in the status quo re western direct intervention ), given they both have said they won't negotiate.
  4. I never cared if they talked to me or not, but never short of one volunteering to do so.
  5. I last went there decades ago and luckily I brought my own as the "night life" was worse that that in Chiang Mai, if that's possible!
  6. You write like a poster that isn't around anymore!
  7. I never met a young person that thinks about themselves getting old.
  8. It's like the sexual revolution never happened for it still be up to the guy to bribe women in a bar to talk to them with drinks. Why can't a non prostitute woman talk to a guy without requiring a free drink? Female colleague of mine used to laugh about the stupid guys that kept her and her female friends supplied with drinks in a bar, but went home without them.
  9. My mother/ grandmother didn't, though my mother wanted to go to work and husband wouldn't let her. She solved that by divorcing him and did support herself for a while till she found a replacement. My sister does, and even supported a rat bag husband for a while, though she finally saw the light and left him. I don't think we can compare now with previous generations. In countries like Japan and Singapore, seems plenty of women prefer a career to a husband and children, and that would never have been acceptable for their parents generation.
  10. The only "solutions" being implemented are IMO just tinkering without doing anything real to stop warming. IMO if someone went back in time and prevented the industrial revolution, the climate would be pretty much the same as it is now anyway.
  11. Agree. I became aware decades ago that overpopulation was going to be bad for the planet, and have zero regrets that I didn't create children. Actually I'm quite pleased that I didn't.
  12. I believe in God as the creator of the universe, not as a cosmic friend to make me feel good. After I die, my life force ( soul ) returns to God, from where it came to give me life during my time alive.
  13. You are talking about religion which IMO is a man made organisation to control and exploit the people. God created the universe, not religion.
  14. Nature is neither bad nor good. Nature just is. It's only humans in their arrogance that ascribe human emotions to Nature, and usually depending on the benefit/ non benefit of nature to humans eg flowers are "good", when they are only that way to attract the insects that help them reproduce, and hurricanes are "bad" because they damage our houses.
  15. I see the LOL, but how many people with sense think God is a human being with superpowers?
  16. IMO they should do what they did in Afghanistan and give them the weapons they need to protect themselves. That doesn't include offensive weapons like tanks or F16s.
  17. Didn't make a difference with Vietnam, did it? Going by what you wrote, it's far away from America, so why are they involved?
  18. Shouldn't stop them supplying ground to air missiles to stop the junta's airforce bombing them with impunity. I'm not asking for the west to regime change, just give the opposition a chance to survive.
  19. It seems strange to me that the demonstrators that I see demanding that "something must be done" but without offering any solutions, never talk about reducing population, which IMO would be the single most beneficial thing that people can do to reduce pollution, and destruction of the environment.
  20. I'm a bit puzzled about the "better solutions". Perhaps you could explain. If one believes that the earth is a living organism ( Gaia ), one might be of the opinion that Gaia is trying to get rid of humanity in the same way as we try to get rid of an insect trying to bite us.
  21. LOL. IMO casting a black actress as Cleopatra, who wasn't black, was pretty much as likely to cause controversy as throwing a rabbit into a pen full of hungry wolves is likely to cause a problem for the rabbit. A controversy easily avoided by casting a middle eastern actress. Didn't have to be a white actress. Are middle eastern actresses not in need of work?
  22. Well they like to say that black actors faced a history of discrimination, though it's not really true for many years, is it? Hundreds of movies and tv series with black actors in prominent roles. Denzel Washington started in St Elsewheres decades ago and went on to become a major star, Will Smith is not exactly begging for parts, etc. As for Cleopatra, they could have cast an actress of middle east origin and avoided the controversy- I'm sure there are a few of them available, but perhaps they decided they needed some publicity and chose to do something they knew would be controversial instead.
  23. It'd be good if that worked both ways.
  24. 55555555555 It's like non royal people don't play away to read some of the posts on here. With a 50% divorce rate it's probably normal these days.

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