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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. PS. This discussion jogged my memory of taking photos inside a north Pattaya gogo. However, I was a regular customer and had a regular girl in the gogo, and was allowed to take a photo of her with my back to the stage. I wasn't allowed to take photos of other girls or the stage.
  2. I vaguely remember that, but I was referring to ordinary customers using cameras. My time in gogos basically ended in the beginning of this century, as I preferred less expensive rentals, so I can't comment as relating to using mobile phones. Given the number of photos on the internet of inside gogos things have obviously changed. Back then they banned taking cameras into cinemas, but they gave up that policy after phone cameras became the norm.
  3. Without hospital equipment, life saving isn't as guaranteed as some might like to think. Even a short delay before starting CPR can lead to failure, IMO.
  4. To read the anti nuclear posts one would think that the many years of safe operation of nuclear powered vessels by the US military never happened. Fukushima disaster was caused by man made mistakes with the backup generator system, and IMO had it not failed there would not have been any catastrophe. Stopping use of nuclear power generation because of it is IMO knee jerk response not based on reality.
  5. Volcanoes are dangerous but we still choose to live near them. Just because there is a problem with disposal now does not mean solutions will not be found.
  6. In my experience, non white racists don't think they are, as they think only white people can be racist!
  7. I don't get the point of "prepping". If the apocalypse happens, why would anyone want to carry on? If nothing else, the marauding gangs will steal everything, rape your wife and girl children, and kill all males they don't take as slaves. IMO death is preferable.
  8. No gogo I ever went in would have allowed photos, and anyone trying to would have been out the door smartish. That was even the rule on Pattaya's walking street before the Chinese invasion when they used their mobile phones en mass. I used to sneak pictures by hiding the camera in my bag.
  9. but we don't, so IMO humanity is doomed from our own actions.
  10. Loveliest man I ever knew- he was as fit as anyone would wish to be and died suddenly in his 30s. My father never exercised in his life, and was slim and fairly active till he died in his 90s. No guarantees in this life of ours.
  11. I love junk food- it's yummy. Hot dogs are my favourite. I'll eat junk food even if I'm not hungry. Isn't it a shame that "good" food is boring. Hot dogs vs spinach and eggplant salad; hmmmm, no contest- hot dogs win.
  12. I'm well aware of how much about me is known via the internet, but I have no desire to voluntarily post stuff that can identify myself for everyone to see.
  13. If I thought that people I know were posting on here I wouldn't be saying half the personal things I do. If I had to provide a photo I would be gone.
  14. My limitations are that a 10 year old with one arm could beat me up. Old age is not kind.
  15. It's perhaps illuminating that the only personally known example of child abuse was in hospital when I was working on the children's ward. An abused child was admitted and everyone assumed the abuser was the father, but it turned out to be the mother. After that I tried not to assume things about people. However, it does behoove men to not be placed in any situation with children where they can be accused of something bad.
  16. I agree, and that is what I did when I saw a Thai woman assaulting a man.
  17. Guests should not interfere in the doings of their host, whether a friend or a country.
  18. and yet..................... Those men only get to be bad to their women because women want to be with them. Explain that?
  19. Do tell how to do that. I had "friends" that stole from me, exploited me, used me. I married the woman that was supposed to look after me; that didn't work out very well!
  20. What about guys that did the right thing- got married, spent all their money on the family and lost most or all because she turned out to be rotten?
  21. 555555555555555 We all ( probably ) think WE are normal. IMO there is no such thing as "normal", just behaving like a majority of other people, but sometimes a majority of people are not exhibiting good behaviour- the Roman mob that went to the circus to see people eaten by animals were "normal" for that time, but were they "good"?
  22. Pretty much my belief. Substitute God for stars and it is what I believe.
  23. I prefer to think of all the good things I did in my life that accrued no rewards for me. Does karma not work for doing good then, just penalty for doing bad? Not for nothing is the saying "no good deed goes unpunished" valid.

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