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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. and we all know who created that current crisis. As for "come together", IMO that's hardly going to happen as long as the multitudes are allowed across the border. I expect the Biden policies on immigration will be a major boost to the Republicans at the polling stations come November.
  2. and on Al Jazeera yesterday after showing that part of the interview with Biden, they included an expert that pointed out that according to US intelligence there is nothing to indicate that Russia is intending to use such, and that the only time Biden refers to such is when asked by "journalists". He went on to say that such might be used if NATO moved into Ukraine, or long range missiles were used to attack Russia directly. He also said that the US was not providing such missiles.
  3. I learned at a very early age that "Christians" do not always act in a Christian manner. I went to a Christian boarding school, and was quite religious, to the point I became a sacristan in my first year, but had to stop when "somebody" complained that I was too young. Obviously they never read the bit in the Bible about "let the little children come to me"! That was the beginning of the end of my religious life, and I never tried to become a sacristan when older. I gave up going to church after I left school ( it was compulsory at school ).
  4. If anyone still has their parent(s) ask them about anything you could possibly think was of interest, as once they are gone it's too late. I got my mother to write down about her childhood, and it was very interesting, but I should have also asked her about my childhood before I can remember. My father never spoke to me about his life and I only lived with him for my first 10 years, so I really know nothing about him. I regret that I didn't find out more while I could.
  5. I lived with my wife for a year before we got married, so either she really knew how to play the long con, or her family poisoned her against me because I wasn't going to give them money. I believe it was the latter, and she admitted as much.
  6. Is the EU a "full democracy" itself, given that the commissioners are not elected by a popular vote? https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/faq/7/how-are-the-commission-president-and-commissioners-appointed
  7. Apparently you think that Biden just let the FBI raid a former president without giving that an OK. Yeah right!
  8. Simpler way would be to use concrete pavers. Cheap, easily delivered, and obviously satisfactory as are used for roads in places. Just have to use a decent base of compacted sand, and the real benefit is no cracking, and easily removed if necessary to bury something underneath. I never even considered using a slab when I was living in LOS.
  9. Perhaps they should return it, but only if Sth Africa pays what it's worth. That might fund a few NHS hospitals. I expect that might change a few minds in Sth Africa.
  10. No, it was to avoid having the royal family dragged through court with all the attendant salacious gossip by those "newspapers" that are into muckraking.
  11. He wasn't arrested for heckling. He was causing a disturbance of the peace and was likely to get thoroughly smashed by those rightfully outraged at some idiot choosing the wrong place and wrong time to make a public protest. He deserves the maximum for that as an example to other idiots thinking of doing likewise.
  12. So, how could they "examine classified" information if they didn't raid the place where they were, or did he just not ask how they were going to obtain such?
  13. Excellent post. Those anti Trumpers that are out to get him on anything they can dream up ( just like in all the previous failed attempts ) must be melting now, given they probably thought they had this one in the bag. Just wait till the election in November and this will IMO all go away quietly. They should have arrested him while they had the chance, LOL.
  14. My wife cut my hair, but I had to pay her 20 baht. She said it was because of bad luck if I didn't. She was very superstitious.
  15. Mine did, and then she didn't and we got divorced ( not for that reason ).
  16. Apparently you can, but not the land it's built on. Tell me if I'm wrong. Helps to marry someone that has family that likes you.
  17. Do they talk via internet? Even that would be better than nothing. Of course internet did not exist back when my grandparents were alive, and they never wrote to me. I think they were disappointed with my mother for leaving them while she went off traveling the world.
  18. Can't say I dream of sex with women with children as I'm not attracted to stretch marks and Coopers droop. I preferred never been pregnant women.
  19. Good choice. I'd permanently rent a hut on the beach at Than Sadet and contract an "escort agency" to keep me supplied with the essentials. That'd be my idea of true bliss- it was bliss every time I stayed there in the past, but they were only holidays, not real life.
  20. That would be true if it were the norm, but IMO it only applies to the very best looking or at high season for most, and even that would not be every night. I used to frequent Hollywood Royale in Nana which went on till after dawn back in the good old days, and there were always enough girls left to carry on till after dawn. Also, if anyone has watched the passing parade at closing time of Nana, there must have been hundreds of them hadn't caught a customer. Conversely, there was one extremely attractive dancer in Playskool that always ( on the many nights I spent in that establishment ) had at least one short time every night, and always came back for another try, of which she got many.
  21. I agree with everything except the alcoholic. I never experienced that in the ones I took away to the beach. An alcoholic can't get by without for a day let alone a fortnight, unless they are recovering alcoholics. Sure, some do drink too much, but not all by far.
  22. Agree, The "real thing" in a western country was but a pale shadow of even the most average BG experience I had in LOS.
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