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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If I remember correctly, post WW2 the Americans were developing atomic shells that could be fired from large guns for use in a battlefield conflict. To my knowledge they didn't follow through, perhaps because of the risk of escalation to MAD.
  2. Because......................................? Do you have some inside information on Putin's health?
  3. That is not something I could be expected to know, not being in the Russian halls of power. Do you think that NATO should take a chance on Russia not retaliating in kind if attacked by a foreign power? They may lose a non nuclear war, but at what cost for the rest of the world? Let's remember that most of the non European and northern American nations have no part in this continuation of the West vs Russia conflict. BTW, if we actually consider that Russia could even be defeated by the West/ NATO, what then? They couldn't run a small country like Iraq after it was defeated, so how could they control a vast country like Russia which stretches from Europe all the way to the Pacific?
  4. Assuming all NATO countries agreed to use that as a reason to carry out an attack on Russian soil, surely that means NATO is at war with Russia, which is probably not a good idea IMO?
  5. The premise of MAD is that if one nuclear armed country carries out a nuclear attack on another nuclear armed country everyone dies. Surely one doesn't want to see if Russia is actually prepared to retaliate by sending a nuclear tipped missile into Russia?
  6. Under what mandate would NATO be able to send cruise missiles into Russia in support of a non NATO country? If individual countries want to declare war on Russia by attacking actual "in Russia" facilities that's a different scenario.
  7. Exceptionally easy to avoid if like me one doesn't go on sites such as twit or f b. Far as I know, it's not compulsory to do so. Even on this forum it's quite easy to avoid certain poster's hate posts if one chooses to do so, with the use of the ignore function.
  8. LOL. So who decides what is acceptable- the woke, the PC, the busybodies looking to be offended? Why should everyone suffer because of the current minority woke desire to make everyone conform to THEIR version of what is acceptable? I'm not saying that private companies like twit and f b and this forum can't regulate what is said on their platforms, but it shouldn't be government poking their political noses into everyone's private business. That leads to such as McCarthyism.
  9. Yes, with the proviso that if one causes actual harm by doing so one can be prosecuted eg if school bullies cause someone to commit suicide or someone maliciously shouts fire in a crowded theatre and someone is injured. Most of the time if one doesn't like something, one can choose to not read it, not click on it, or turn it off. Too many out there looking to be offended IMO.
  10. My comment was not related to opposing, but to the apparent desire of some to get NATO involved militarily, which would have negative consequences for the countries not currently with troops in Ukraine, or do you think Russia would not escalate if western countries did in fact send troops in?
  11. Do tell! https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/twitter-bans-ads-deny-climate-change-rcna25707 So much for free speech.
  12. My partner had an attractive daughter that had a string of "boyfriends". I had a code of number of rings to answer the phone if my partner, as it was always some boy lusting after her, so stopped answering the phone. My partner had her on contraceptives at 14, and she managed to avoid getting pregnant till she was 18. Married the father of the child who was a right nasty piece of work. Lost track of her then, so don't know how it worked out for her.
  13. When I lived off Buakhao there was an internet cafe that was full of bargirls chatting to the beloved overseas that was sending her money. That was before phones that used the internet. I had a couple of bargirl "girlfriends". one for 4 years and one for 8, but I never sent them any money from overseas. When I wasn't there they worked in the bar again, just like all the girls that get sent money not to. Actually, the last couple of years with the second one she went back to Buri Ram, but she'd stay with me when I came on holiday. I still had to pay her, but no bar fines.
  14. Can't understand why any guy would want an inexperienced prostitute. We don't pay to educate them.
  15. Known as "coyotes" in LOS. Just there to dance and get lady drinks, share of tips etc. There used to be a coyote bar behind the Lucky Star bars on Walking Street. I'm sure there will be a chorus from all the guys who bonked them though. There is always an exception to the rule. The night market in Lamphun used to hire some to dance on a ute with a sound system, and the best coyote dancer I ever saw was at the Bangkok motor show back in the 90s. There was a huge crowd of guys gathered around to appreciate her moves.
  16. IMO he has a very large <deleted>. Any woman that says size doesn't matter is lying, IMO. Apart from his millions and fame, Mick Jagger is rumoured to be more than adequate, which would explain why someone that ugly gets to bone such attractive women.
  17. and yet without any modern technology they conquered the planet, built cities, wrote masterpieces, created wonderful art, developed philosophy and invented morality, the printing press, steam power, iron ships, hot air balloons and lots of ways to kill each other. What they didn't do was live in their parent's basement playing games on a computer about killing people, while expecting other people to support them.
  18. We don't get any of that in NZ. The most I get is a few more $ in winter for increased electricity for heating. Can get free public transport if live in a city with a bus/ train service, but far as I know only till 3 pm. Pensioners pay the same to see a Dr as a millionaire, same for dentists, car costs etc.
  19. That, is the multi billion $ question. Far as I can gather, they are just printing it, or in a digital age adding a few zeros to the ledger. The result will be, of course, massive inflation, which has only just begun.
  20. You could have substituted NZ for Australia and 5 million for 25 million and it would be as applicable. Just add a huge gang problem, out of control crime, an overwhelmed police force and an endemic drug culture. Used to be referred to as Gods own country, but the deity departed these shores long ago.
  21. There are many incapable parents in the real world. Only in Utopia are parents all good and children perfect. Do you live in Utopia? Talking to me as a child never meant a thing unless it had some real consequences to back it up. I remember my childhood. Many kids were rotters and bullies and just plain nasty. Some kids even kill themselves because of other kids. I have known some good kids, but not many.
  22. Given the source for that, just how reliable is it? I'm pretty sure that a Russian source would have a completely different "estimate", and IMO both should be taken with a large pinch of salt
  23. The significant word in all that is "RUMOURS"! Perhaps aliens from the planet Zog will invade planet earth and turn us all into batteries, but till it happens it's not true.
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