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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I hope that's satire. I enjoyed almost everything about Thailand except immigration ( and my wife after our 3rd year together ).
  2. If the opinions on marriage stated on this thread are anything to go by, women better hope that android sexbots are never invented.
  3. LOL. Given the oft stated desire of the young to reject the world of their parents and to be individuals, is it strange that blue jeans, the very essence of corporate capitalism became their badge of tribalism?
  4. IMO viewers watch shows with good writing and acting, regardless of gender. Perhaps they had better writing with the female Dr, but I'll never know as I gave up watching it a few Doctors ago as it was just not worth it anymore. Far as I'm concerned the best Dr was Patrick Troughton, and his "assistant" was definitely the most attractive. When the gender of the Dr is more important than the stories, something is rotten in Denmark.
  5. Strange that some think it's up to them to dictate when a thread is "done". So long as anyone wants to post it's not "done".
  6. IMO the time for such passed in the late 60s in the Vietnam morass. Now it's just greed and money, money money. Wokeness IMO is a symptom and not the cause of modern descent into oblivion.
  7. Just finished Twin Peaks, the Return. When it was good it was very good and when it was bad it was just awful. Too much awful to be a great series though. Some episodes were just barking- thank goodness for fast forward. When I have to look up the internet to see what the <deleted> happened the writer hasn't done a good job. Has to have the absolute worst ending of any series I ever saw, given there are no plans for a follow up to wrap it all up and explain it. Looking back, I have a sneaking suspicion that Lynch was taking the <deleted> with a lot of it, and especially the last episode. However, it does have some fantastic music in it ( and some really horrible music as well ). Shadow by The Chromatics was wonderful.
  8. It was barely interesting, not too much enjoyment to be had though. The addition of the very unpleasant woman was IMO a huge mistake- just annoying, and couldn't even act. No real reason to even be in the movie, other than wokeness. Romancing the Stone- now that was a great movie. Funny, adventurous, and a really great finale song. Not enough movies have good endings like that. Zatoichi had an even better one than Romancing.
  9. True words, but it just changed to be like our countries that we don't want to live in anymore.
  10. If you think happiness is linked to atmospheric CO2 you've been smokin' too many hippie ciggies. We in the west lived in a golden age of humanity when we had it all, but that was when world population was 3 billion people and it's gone like frost in the sunlight.
  11. Like Carole sang- it's too late. It's waaaay too late for humanity IMO. We've <deleted> in the nest for too long and we'll be gone soon enough, baby. Maybe those hippies had the answer, but they got lost in the dope haze and they are already long gone.
  12. these days, you got nothing else. Well, you finally said something I can agree with, though I'd delete the last word to be completely correct. I live in a world full of BS. I've never met a real hippy, or even a pretend hippy. I put them in the same category as unicorns and fairies. Didn't the 60's ones all sell out and become stockbrokers or suchlike?
  13. I remember writing and receiving proper letters. Now it's just a short e mail.
  14. I certainly never missed what we didn't have and I think life was better back then before we became obsessed with the machines. As a child I read books avidly, listened to radio shows with the family, played outside all day without worrying about pedos, mother didn't have to go to work to pay the bills, life was safer, and we used to do proper dancing and listen to enjoyable music. I certainly didn't stay in my room all day glued to a screen and getting fat and unhealthy.
  15. Have you ever felt that you lived in a "free" society? I don't. I think when I was young control was just less obvious. I certainly felt more "free" in Thailand than in any western country I ever was in.
  16. Same. Plenty of bad guys around in 1980. Yes Definitely worse. The world just is. Humanity is getting worse, but IMO only till we kill ourselves off with overpopulation, pollution, man caused diseases and wars over resources like water.
  17. Well said. However, IMO you missed that the world is now openly ruled by greed and the love of money- algorithms are IMO used by the rich to make money.
  18. I'd also never have had a live together relationship in a western country, and would not have got married in Thailand. However I doubt I'd have got rich as I'd have spent all my money on women in Thailand on holidays. As for the rest, I would still join the military as I had a great time in it and saw a lot of the world including Antarctica which was the absolute best time I ever had in my life. I wouldn't go nursing, but I would go work in the Aussie mines as I would have minted it there, and close to LOS. I'd still have gone to work in London for 10 years, but as a tube driver- loads of money, holidays and free travel in London. I'd have done it anyway, but i was too old when I found out about how good it was.
  19. I've given money to a BG that was a long term GF, but other than that, the only person that got money out of me was my Thai wife ( but not as a "wage" ). I "loaned" her family money for mother's funeral, and "loaned" my wife money for a business deal, but got divorced before got the money back, so will never know if I would have or not.
  20. With nuclear winter to follow. Fallout is non country specific. BTW I doubt a "limited" pre emptive nuclear attack is possible. Any nuclear attack would need to destroy the country's entire nuclear arsenal to prevent a nuclear retaliation ie MAD.
  21. Where do you get 5% from? My savings have earned less than 1% since they used the 2008 crash as an excuse to stop giving us interest on savings.
  22. They can target even the rich through indirect taxes like GST/ VAT etc. Though even the NZ government had to back down from imposing a capital gains tax, that is something I'd like to see imposed, as long as it was targeted at the wealthy and companies profiting from real estate speculation.
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