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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I doubt the entire German nation even knew about the camps, or if they did how bad they were, so no, they might not have supported that. Politicians have always used dislike/ hatred of the other to gain/ retain power. Nothing new there. Quite a bit of it going on these days in more than one country.
  2. Given that we appear to be entering a new cold war, or cold war part 2, the arms boffins will be addressing just that situation. IMO no such thing as "nothing will get near it" for long, as each side comes up with better ways to kill each other. Pity, as we are in such strife from inflation that's hardly got started, and we don't need to spending large on ways to kill other people. However, it may eventually solve the overpopulation problem. BTW, how will the Ford avoid being eliminated by a missile traveling at mach 5? Google gives us Russian BrahMos The Indian/Russian BrahMos, currently the fastest operational supersonic missile capable of speeds of around 2,100–2,300 mph, is the most well-known supersonic missile. A hypersonic missile is five times faster than the speed of sound and exceeds Mach-5 (3,800 mph).
  3. Unusually, I agree with you, and have been saying that in a couple of posts.
  4. Seriously? However I agree with your last sentence. IMO in an equivalence with the Roman Empire we are almost at the point that the hired mercenaries decided to take over. Western society IMO is too divided, too soft and too corrupt to withstand a determined enemy, and I'm not referring to Russia. We may yet, IMO, see a nuclear war as a last resort by the west.
  5. I once had a bargirl for a couple weeks that asked for a night to go visit her mother. I was somewhat surprised to find her exiting Marine disco with a farang, and asked mama san for bar fine back, but she refused to give it to me. I had been a good customer at that barbeer till then, but no more. I suspect it went badly for the girl though. The only one that tried the "I don't feel well" scam was a Filipina in Cyprus, but she only got the bar fine cut as I didn't give her anything. Would have been some what difficult getting the actual bar fine back as it was an extremely overpriced bottle of booze which was consumed. They did things differently in Cyprus back then- I have no idea of the current procedure.
  6. As I've pointed out a few times in other threads I've lost a great deal of weight since giving up sugar. I'm now below my 1996 weight ( when I was pretty fit ) though much of it is likely lost muscle, as my arms are now 2/3rd the size they used to be in my prime.
  7. I assume it's similar to NZ non residency for tax. One still has to pay tax on anything earned in the country, but at a lower rate. It just means that one doesn't pay tax on anything earned OUTSIDE the country.
  8. Having pointed out a zillion times that I'm not interested romantically with an farang woman from any western country, why would I want to seek out an expat woman? Celibacy is preferable to a PC western woman IMO.
  9. They are welcome to build as many targets as they want, as no one is threatening them at present. Aircraft carriers are the new Capital ships when it comes to projecting power during peace time, as the Americans learned long ago. During a war they just become a very large target. Missiles have changed warfare significantly, as the Exocet proved against the British navy in the Falklands.
  10. Given advanced anti ship missile systems entire surface navies may have become obsolete. A patrol boat armed with one may be able to sink anything afloat. I'm sure the British will be observing with great interest given they have spent so much to build 2 floating targets.
  11. To be like Hitler he'd have to kill way more people. He may not be a nice man, but he's not in the same league as Stalin, Hitler or Mao by a long chalk. BTW Mao may have ordered the deaths of more people than any tyrant in history, but revered in China even now.
  12. Yes. How many lives are you willing to sacrifice for Ukraine- potentially in the millions? Hitler didn't do it on his own. Most of the nation was with him, because of the way they were treated after the first war. No. It may come to war between Russia ( and potentially China ) and America and allies, but when he attacks a country that is actually in NATO or some other treaty with America. we are dealing with a paranoid schizophrenic Link to a reputable phsychiatric diagnosis please.
  13. Not weird, actually. I've chatted to prostitutes back home that said many of their regulars visited for company, not sex. Usually married men with emotionally empty marriages.
  14. As with escort services in other countries where prostitution is not legal, we pay for their time, not sex. The sex is extra and by consent. The cost is the same whether sex has been had or not.
  15. You take them back to the bar without giving them any money and complain to the mama san. That's her job. What you don't do is "insist" else have a visit from the plod.
  16. You are correct. Probably because they know what would happen if they did so. However, some on here seem to want that to happen, which is what I'm addressing.
  17. You don't tell me what I can post, so enough with the insults. Quote where I said a western economy was destroyed by covid. What I actually said in what you quoted was "Are you willing to pay more tax to do so? Many don't, as already ruined by covid and inflation is making the cost of living rise already." which refers to individuals, not countries. PS, covid hasn't done anything re economies; that's down to politicians in their reaction to covid.
  18. The "cost" isn't in money- it will be in bodies if the west becomes involved militarily in this conflict. IMO only those never been in a war support another one.
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