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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Here we go again. Once more the anti Trumpists cling to the hope that one more investigation, one more "top" investigator will find the smoking gun to bring the Donald down. I'll believe it when he tried and convicted in a court of law and the verdict is upheld on appeal. This obsession by the anti Trumpists to get him on something, anything is beginning ( if not already ) to look like persecution. That's only going to bolster his support as people can see what is going on, and they don't like it.
  2. That's one bit of "science" I can believe and it's significant that governments did the right thing on it. The fact that there hasn't been controversy about it says to me that it was "good science".
  3. and as I pointed out it's not strange at all. Just normal in less prudish parts of the world. The west is obsessed with sex, yet is too embarrassed to accept anything more than boring in public discussions, if they even have a discussion about it. IMO western governments are only interested in stopping people enjoying sex. No wonder porn is huge on the internet, and millions of western men flock to Thailand.
  4. I don't know what to believe, but I don't believe that Thai cops go around beating farangs up without a reason. There has to be more to this than published. BTW, I've been aware of the spiked drinks thing for over 30 years. Do people really go traveling without any sense of caution these days?
  5. Nothing to add except mocking?
  6. Hasn't Harris been supposed to be "taking action" for a long while now? Doesn't seem like she has achieved anything at all though.
  7. Yeah. The GOP hasn't forgotten the time Reagan got fooled by fake promises. It's results on the influx BEFORE reform this time.
  8. What other result would one expect from an MSM poll? LOL.
  9. IMO no moral complexity. People want to die will attempt but many fail and end up worse off. It's our life and should be up to us when to end it, not some self important busybodies think they know it all.
  10. You saying it's not their life to do with as they will? Why is it up to anyone else?
  11. Which is why it's important to make a living will. Re the OP, yes, and for any reason at all, so long as not coerced and a panel of psychologists agree in right mind. If that existed, I'd be off to LOS to spend all my remaining money having a really fun time and when the cash ran out pill time and into the fire with my dead body. I always wanted to die in LOS for last 30 years.
  12. Unfortunately laws can be changed. Imagine forking out several thousand bucks for the "perfect woman", only to have the plod break down your door to confiscate her because the female dominated government banned them!
  13. Japan has an entire genre of geek men that make loads of money, but have no hope of getting a real woman. They are called Otaku, and have an area of Tokyo where everything is geared to providing them with a ( paid for ) substitute, like Idol groups ( AKB48 was created for them ) and maid cafes. I suspect dolls are pretty popular with them.
  14. You got that right. IMO soon as they get popular the government will ban them as a threat to women's right to get men to support them. Can't have women being replaced by a latex version that doesn't want to get divorced and take all the guys money.
  15. These days you can get whatever you want them to look like, at a cost, of course. However, no matter the cost, probably cheaper than one that is living and might as well have been latex when it comes to sex ( if they even agree to have sex ).
  16. Rubbish. Dolls have been around for ages in Japan. Just wait till they are able to put a programmable robot inside one of those and women won't get a look in unless one wants children, IMO.
  17. You got that right. We all married the right woman at the start, but some change to be the "wrong" woman in the end. Just luck, IMO.
  18. That's why I loved Thailand- I didn't have to go out with solo mums. Actually a certain solo mum was the worst thing ever happened to me. Had I known about LOS she'd never have even been an option.
  19. Life in a western country is so all about greed and money now that being poor really sucks. I'm hardly going to rage against it, but rather welcome it as a good friend to usher me over to a better existence. Of course, one has to believe in that "better existence" for that to work, and I pity those that think they enter oblivion at the end.
  20. and yet women rule in the west. If you hadn't noticed, it's all about them now. Good men are apparently there just to support her. Seems like only "bad" guys get the pretty girls.
  21. Rats to standard of living. Just living there is better, even with a lesser "standard". Can stick western "standard of living" where the sun don't shine when it comes with too many petty regulations, astronomical cost of anywhere to live in/ cost of living, rotten bureaucracy, violence, out of control youth crime etc etc etc.
  22. Isn't that enough? You won't even be looked at by 20 year old girls in your country, unless it's with disdain. I'd love to be turning 50. Enjoy it while it lasts, and it will end too soon.
  23. Gee, I guess I was imagining all those "flat" paper maps of the world I've been using.
  24. Someone should inform the Koreans of that, then. https://www.businessinsider.com/north-korea-encourages-use-poop-make-manure-fertilizer-shortage-reports-2022-1 North Korea is asking its citizens to use their own poop to make manure as the country faces widespread food shortages, reports say.

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