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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. The cold war didn't start till March of 1947, according to google.
  2. We are told that Putin doesn't care about his people, so why would sanctions that hurt the people concern him? So long as Europe needs his energy he's OK for money IMO, and no realistic way Europe can get enough from elsewhere in the near future, as I see it. After the war is over perhaps. I'm certain military minds are working on ways to counter western weapons in Ukraine. They may involve more destruction and death of Ukrainians though, and as Putin is now painted as the worst man in history, what does he have to lose by wreaking even more death on Ukraine? Only takes one country to use nukes to bring disaster to all of us.
  3. Such as? I doubt any place is as good as Pattaya for available women on p4p.
  4. Attacking posters that one disagrees with isn't exactly a sign of maturity, but whatever. Perhaps they haven't openly said they want NATO to go fight in so many words, but it's implied, IMO. How else could Russia be "stopped" other than by the use of military force, and I doubt the US, the UK or any European country are going to declare war on Russia individually?
  5. Short of using the nuclear threat, just how is the west going to stop Russia- say please nicely? it would also inspire far more countries to acquire nuclear weapons. IMO they already are, and were before Ukraine. If it were easy to make them IMO the world would be full of nuclear armed states.
  6. People like to vent and it's better to complain on a forum than to go in the pub and drone on to some unfortunate that was unlucky enough to sit next to one. At least on here, none of us need to read any of the posts.
  7. I support your opinion, but be prepared for the attacks from those claiming you are a Putin sycophant for not saying Putin bad, Putin bad in every post.
  8. Well said. When the great powers stand by and let the world's forests burn in pursuit of mammon it's all over bar the shouting, IMO. I'm wondering if covid and the Ukraine conflict is the beginning of the end.
  9. Russia only joined the war against Japan in August 1945, so they likely did so to gain territory. However, given the way the Japanese behaved in China they were lucky to get away with only losing a few islands, IMO.
  10. It's pretty effective "blackmail" then. Countries all over the world have been trying for nuclear weapons for decades, and some have succeeded, and the world is indeed a dangerous place. However, IMO the most likely use of atomic weapons is more likely from a terrorist organization or government than from Russia.
  11. I suppose you include me in that "veiled" attack, but I've never supported war from any side, and am attempting ( and obviously failing ) to bring some balance to the thread amidst the posts with nothing more to say than "Putin bad man" over and over and over, and those that detail the horrible things that happen in any war, but have little to contribute to the debate. IMO there is more to this conflict than is apparent, and if any that try to see both sides are shouted down and cancelled those doing the shouting and cancelling do the debate a dis service. Closed minded attitudes never solved anything. Let's remember that all we can do is give our opinions, as I'm pretty sure that no one on here is part of those that actually make the decisions in the halls of power, and attacking those that disagree with you does nothing for the conversation, but it does say something about those that resort to personal attacks.
  12. Be sure to inform KhaoYai who's post I quoted and responded to of that. IMO it had relevance given the context.
  13. I don't have to so long as I'm clear that they are my opinions. I'm not the one posting "facts" without any links to back them up.
  14. While it's hopelessly off topic I'll bite. If you are correct it'll solve the overpopulation problem, but as I don't know what the planet will be like in 50 years time I'm not making any predictions on that. For all I know we'll be living in floating cities and eating seaweed. However, I can agree that if we don't stop polluting the environment it's not going to bode well for humanity ( and a lot of other species ). Of course the planet will carry on regardless, as it always does after a major environmental catastrophe eg the meteor impact that killed off the dinosaurs. PS, I doubt humanity actually cares enough to do more than give lip service to reducing population, stopping pollution and living in harmony with nature, so if the scientists are correct, IMO humanity is doomed. Air pollution makes for lovely sunsets, so enjoy, while you can.
  15. Are you for real? Bored or something? Nobody knows what the world will be like in 50 years. I'm assuming it will be something like what it is now, but I'm not psychic.
  16. The relevant passage is defenses against all arsenal currently in existence.
  17. By not posting the entire post you changed the meaning of what I posted. That's against forum rules. You know very well that clip was in relation to the USS Gerald R Ford.
  18. Firstly I haven't been "called out" on anything; secondly I can say anything not against forum rules and thirdly the topic isn't me. All you did was waste pixels attacking me personally.
  19. I'm sure he had a reason that seemed good to him, even if others disagree with it.
  20. I doubt the entire German nation even knew about the camps, or if they did how bad they were, so no, they might not have supported that. Politicians have always used dislike/ hatred of the other to gain/ retain power. Nothing new there. Quite a bit of it going on these days in more than one country.
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