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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Given that short of lightning or such removing Putin from the scene ( and he will just be replaced by a similar ) the outcome of the war in Ukraine is most likely a Russian victory, so all the destruction and loss of life could have been avoided by the Ukraine leadership conceding to Putin BEFORE the tanks started rolling. After it's all over, will resisting Russia have been worthwhile, other than for the weapons manufacturers? I'm not taking any side on this as I don't have enough information to make an informed decision. All I know is that actual facts get lost in the propaganda.
  2. I watched a lot of Fox when in Thailand, but IMO the only "news" they put out was the weather. The rest was opinion as entertainment, IMO.
  3. However, sometimes a government lies so much that only the sheeple believe them. I know such a government.
  4. Be interesting to see how they solve that problem. Perhaps they'll go back to burning coal 55555.
  5. IMO during Leekpai's time as PM. The people seemed a lot happier then than since. Also he was a good man, IMO. Thaksin's time was marked by division and conflict, so how could it have been a good time for most?
  6. People are indeed strange. Mao and Stalin caused the death of millions of their own citizens, but as you say some loved them. I think that Thaksin was far, far more corrupt than everyone else, and had he carried on IMO he would have bankrupted the country. He profited immensely, but still wants to make more money from Thailand, which says much about his character.
  7. Austria is cold. Not my idea of an ideal place to live. I have been there to go skiing, which is good as lots and lots of snow.
  8. but apparently you are unhappy because you dislike the government so much it occupies your every waking moment ( going by your posts where you are always lamenting the government ). Some posters are like that with Trump as even after he lost the election they are still fixated on him. There are ways to overcome being consumed by things one can't change and enjoy the life one has. In the west one might consult a psychologist, but in LOS I guess one has to do it by reading and self help. Anyway, good luck and maybe one day there will be a government that conforms to your desires ( though I very much doubt that such a beast exists- certainly not for me ).
  9. Try asking her what she needs. Some guys think they know how a female works but they don't. Men have no idea. If she won't tell, then she deserves a sex life of boredom.
  10. I guess you've never been a real friend to anyone then. Guys in war do so all the time.
  11. I was talking about REAL friends, and a REAL friend would, IMO, take a bullet for their friend. If the people that one knows would not do so then IMO they are acquaintances, not real friends. It's nothing to do with "asking" them to do so.
  12. I'd trade every small thing left in my life for a dream I was able to chase. Waiting for death to release me from a <deleted> life is not mitigated by pretty scenery. However, if it works for you, count yourself lucky.
  13. Roundabouts only work with high traffic density if traffic lights are added like in the UK. That's something NZ traffic department seems unable to understand.
  14. I'd swap "safer", expensive and cold for "sanuk", inexpensive and hot any time, if I could.
  15. Indeed. Cheapest does not = best.
  16. Implants are expensive- no way of getting around it. Personally, I wouldn't be looking for the cheapest, but the best dental surgeon. Having infected mouth bones from poor surgery would be a living hell IMO. Being old is a decider for me, as I'm not forking out large amounts of money for only a few years benefit.
  17. Does anyone that lives in the real world believe that Thailand's electrical infrastructure could sustain millions of EVs? Could ordinary folk even afford to buy one- that's probably the biggest disincentive to buy one in NZ, and the fact that the batteries are very expensive and will need replacing will impact the second hand market, IMO. I wonder how many actually believe the advertising BS that they are environmentally "friendly", when the electricity to power them is often produced by burning fossil fuels, and the old batteries may be polluting to dispose of? I used to visit the Bkk motor show every year, but it wasn't to look at the cars, nudge nudge wink wink.
  18. Well said. It's good to see a poster that wasn't taken in by the pro Thaksin BS. Far as I'm concerned he was the worst thing that happened to LOS, and under him the farang night scene was ruined and has never recovered to what it was prior to him being PM.
  19. Considering how politicians get "elected" in Thailand, that doesn't mean much. I won't expand on that as it may be against the forum rules as being political, but most expats know how the election game is played in LOS.
  20. Agree with that. There seems to be no end to that man's greed. If she does "win" an election, IMO expect a repeat of the whole tiresome business. If she actually cares about the nation, she should outright reject any notion she will be PM.
  21. There is always "something" just around the corner, but if there was a more deadly strain of covid yet to appear, I can't see everyone accepting a return to lockdowns like at the beginning. There have already been several major anti covid mandate "demonstrations" around the world, and IMO people have had enough of them.
  22. ANY potential to be incarcerated in a hospital and I wouldn't want to go. Doesn't make for a stress free holiday. Besides, looking at the photo at the beginning of the article shows why Thailand is no longer on my list of desirable places to spend my money. Phi Phi used to be a little paradise, and now paradise has been concreted over, like just about every beach in LOS worth going to. Between the unmuffled long tails, jet skis, cons and waaaaay too expensive resorts, there isn't much to love about Thai beaches any longer.
  23. Marry the wrong one and you'll still be spending too much but not getting cheerful, helpful and obliging in return.
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