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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. According to Al Jazira Russia is the largest rare earth refiner on earth, and most countries won't allow that on their territory. If people want electric cars it might be Russia or nothing. They are going to cost more anyway, a lot more. I'm happy I don't want an electric car.
  2. Vitamin C works for me. 1000 mg every 4 hours till I feel better, and symptoms stop. Paracetamol works just fine too, why Ibuprofen?
  3. Customs have ( or had ) a reputation for being "difficult". I was lucky and never checked in LOS, so didn't have any problems there, unlike in the UK where I was put through 4 hours of <deleted>.
  4. Why take Amoxicillin? Antibiotics don't work on a virus.
  5. I've shipped stuff before and that seems quite normal. It's up to you to find out all that and up to them to transport. I don't see any "dodgy" going on by the company. If it's held up in customs I can't see how that is their problem. If they are charging your credit card for things they didn't do then contact the credit card company.
  6. Again, if they stop at Dondas region, which is far as I know a pro Russian area, how can they be "grinding" Russia down. I know many want to believe that Russia is a basket case, but history has a habit of proving wants and desires wrong. Putin hasn't survived this long by being stupid.
  7. If he only wants the Donbas region ( where they want to be part of Russia ) and a guarantee of no participation in NATO, I doubt Putin gives much thought to Ukrainian hearts and minds. Did he care in Chechnya?
  8. I very much doubt Putin will care much about any of that, and does he have assets in western countries? Putin only has to stop export of energy to Europe to show who has more to lose. According to article on Al Jazira Russia also produces most of some of the minerals necessary to make electric cars, so expect them to soar in price- oh dear!
  9. Seriously? You actually think Ukrainian pilots can jump into the cockpit of a strange aircraft and win against Russian pilots? Those planes cost multi millions of $ and I doubt the US wants them falling into Russian hands to look at the secret stuff in them. Ukraine is not in NATO so what grounds does NATO have to get involved? Seems like some on here want WW3 between nuclear armed countries. What could possibly go wrong with that?
  10. Some quite strange suggestions on here. Any attempt by a farang to beat up a Thai kid whether by self or by paying others is only likely to lead to said farang spending time in an unpleasant place, and possibly getting the <deleted> beaten out of him before the cops turn up. Where do some posters think the OP is living...... Kansas?
  11. Wouldn't that apply to many in any country?
  12. Whenever I left Thailand for work I was planning my next holiday there. Could hardly wait for flight date.
  13. There is a saying about worrying about things that we can't change. IMO it's just an excuse to put up oil prices. The Ukraine is a very long way from where NZ gets it's petrol.
  14. and where does ABC get it's information from? I doubt it's from the front line, so depends on reports from which side? Only a fool would crow about winning a war till it's actually over. Remember G W Bush and his ludicrous statement writ large on the aircraft carrier after the initial phase of the Iraq war? How did it work out for him? Whatever, so long as Russia has air supremacy and lots of missiles it doesn't look good for the Ukraine, IMO. Let me know when Ukraine lands a missile on or bombs the Kremlin.
  15. I left many years before that. Nothing stays the same.
  16. Yes. Even Al Jazeera is OTT with the Ukraine war, but the western media is probably happy to have something other than covid to try and attract viewers. Before covid it was all about illegal immigrants, but that seems to have ceased to be a problem, given by the lack of stories about it now.
  17. From some of the comments on here and other threads, apparently some do. I said it way back on this thread that choosing war over compromise could only lead to death, destruction and tears for Ukraine, but IMO it's only a matter of time ( and many more deaths ) before Ukraine leaders accept they can't "win". However, I'm sure the arms manufacturers are lovin' it. Qualifier- I have no "side" in this conflict, as it's nothing to do with me. I'm just making an observation, and giving my OPINION.
  18. Completely normal behaviour. Loads of NZ citizens prefer to live in Australia, though it doesn't seem to be visa versa, which I can understand. Wages are far better in Oz for a start.
  19. and you know all that to be true and not just propaganda because..................................?
  20. Agree, I loathed Oxford Street in London because of the crowds. Avoided it as much as possible. Didn't have that problem anywhere in Bkk.
  21. Sheesh, it was a metaphor. Chill, it's a forum, not a scientific conference.
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