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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I don't have enough information about regulations in NZ about HIV to answer that, but far as I can remember HIV wasn't much of a big deal anywhere I lived. Might have been different in the US. I saw the occasional news item about infected men deliberately having sex with lots of women without a condom ( in other countries ), but that's as far as it goes.
  2. Did he ignore them then? In NZ till recently we could wear a scarf around our noses/ mouth instead of a mask. Masks only became mandatory a few weeks ago, but I gather that the UK has abandoned the mask mandate anyway, so one could ask if there is any point to mask mandates?
  3. Well I'll be the first to admit I was wrong about that, given it's 79 pages now.
  4. So long as western Europe needs Russian energy I doubt that. IMO a year after it's over it'll be forgotten except in the Ukraine, and it'll be just like prior to active hostilities.
  5. IMO it would be a good thing for the west to not be so dependent on China, and hopefully this will force western companies to leave China and return to making things in their own countries, though I fear they will only transfer the exploitation of poor local people to other SEA countries.
  6. I did say in an earlier post that I thought it unlikely that Putin wanted to take the entire country, so that's not surprising to me at all. No doubt the propaganda will be that Putin is being forced to limit his ambitions.
  7. You say that as if Putin is the first to do so. Britain executed troops that deserted during WW1 for sure, and far as I know every army does so during active service.
  8. I prefer impartiality in people that affect people's lives by their decisions. Empathy tends to sway the empathetic to decisions that may not be in the country's best interests.
  9. Indeed, and given the apparent unpopularity of Biden and Harris, plus the usual pattern of voting in midterms it's not looking good for the Democrats, IMO.
  10. As I said before, I haven't seen any posters saying they refuse to abide by the regulations, and I did so, even though I disagreed with some of them. I even had the vaccine just so I could go to places like cinemas. Now it's been decided I don't need to be vaccinated, so had I waited another couple of months I'd be able to do everything without having something I didn't want injected into me.
  11. ???? Far as I understand it, a vaccine only works on the person who has had the vaccine, so do you have some scientific evidence for that last sentence?
  12. Apologies. I did forget about the blood transfusions. Both were treated as a public health crisis Not in my recollection. Perhaps where you lived. However, the point I'm trying to make is that even while many are becoming infected, some governments are walking away from the mandates they once claimed could stop the virus, which to me is an admission that they don't work, though they'll probably never admit it.
  13. Difference is that if I buy a second hand petrol car I won't have to replace the batteries ( which is probably why the car is being sold ). I can also do a seven hour journey with a 15 minute stop to fill up and don't have to recharge it before returning.
  14. Does it exist in any school? My father sent me to one of the top schools in NZ and I learned nothing of any use because the reputation applied only to the best students who got good teachers and the rest of us got <deleted>. I read a lot, learned to play the trumpet, and graduated without any qualifications worth anything. All my real education came after I left school when I did lots of courses.
  15. Apples and oranges. If one uses condoms and does not inject drugs, one is unlikely to catch HIV. Hence those with AIDS were likely seen in a poor light by society. Covid is airborn.
  16. I haven't read any posts by persons saying they don't abide by the "rules", even if they disagree with them. Anyway, in the UK it's apparently not mandatory to wear a mask now, and in a couple of weeks in NZ it seems no one will have to be vaccinated to keep their job. The unvaccinated will be mingling freely among the vaccinated. Considering that many are still becoming infected it seems that even governments are having to accept that the "rules" didn't work anyway, though they word it so as to avoid embarrassing themselves.
  17. If your reply is not addressed to me personally when you quote my post I suggest you don't use "YOU" when replying.
  18. Haven't seen it since it came out, but good movie as I remember it. However, if of a melancholy character it may cause sad feelings at the end. Have a box of tissues handy.
  19. Always an exception though. I've had the misfortune to encounter some real <deleted> Thai women.
  20. Farangs are not in Kansas, Toto. A farang is IMO tolerated by Thais, and if one does offend them, it's not going to end well, regardless of intentions. Making a Thai lose face is probably the biggest mistake any of us will do in LOS. If a farang does not understand that, he should tread warily in LOS.
  21. Is the OP appreciated for coaching anyway- do they say thank you, wai? If not, why bother? It's been a hard lesson for me to learn in life, but sometimes people just don't want some well intentioned person trying to help. I've always been keen to pass on the lessons I've learned, but I finally realised that sometimes it's a mistake to do so.
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