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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Probably because they asked her. Agree to whatever they want, so long as it's for show and you get it back. That takes care of the "face" thing.
  2. LOL. Talk about generalisation!!!!!!! I didn't have any sort of party for the village, or family or family friends. It was up to us, not anyone else to decide. I did go to live in the village shortly after getting married and not a single villager asked me for money, either directly or through the family. I did leave the village before I intended, but that was because of a problem with the sister in laws 2 sons , and nothing to do with any villagers. People walking in and out day and night...particularly meal times. Never happened. The old village bidies liked to gather under the house to gossip, but that was as far as it went. She will probably be keen to build a home there That at least did happen, but she had more chance of flying to the moon than me building her a house. Re the OP, the guy needs to tell his intended as to how much he is willing to pay for a party ( it's not a wedding in the western sense ) and then stay out of it. Let her do her job. Too many farangs seem to think the woman they are marrying is too simple/ thick/ ignorant/ etc to take care of business. If she can't, then it doesn't bode well for the future.
  3. LOL. I've been hearing on this forum for the past 6 years that the next "big thing" is going to see Trump in jail. Not happened obviously. Will it happen? Anything is possible but is it likely? Not IMO.
  4. LOL. Did you forget that Russia also has nuclear missile submarines? IMO any direct attack on Russia by NATO is the end of Europe, including Britain.
  5. Cheney probably hates Trump more than the Democrats, IMO. Good to see her gone from Congress.
  6. Not wanting another Democrat POTUS in '24 I agree. The problem then is that he might stand as an independent and take enough votes to allow the Dems to win again.
  7. What you are proposing is a undemocratic IMO. Short of being convicted of a crime ( and no guarantee that will happen ), what would you suggest as a way to prevent him from standing again that is constitutional?
  8. Ah, but he didn't start any wars, did he, so not a threat to world peace, was he! The only thing I take away from the committee is that they must be terrified of Trump coming back in 2024 to go to such lengths to stop him standing. I don't want Trump to stand again either, but that's because he would likely just get the Dems re elected to POTUS.
  9. The ones I felt sorry for were the bargirls clinging on behind a moron farang tourist riding a big bike far too fast and likely never ridden a bike before. Must have been a tough choice- make money to pay rent or stay safe. BTW, they were not wearing a helmet because apparently only the driver has to wear one.
  10. Travel by taxi is normal and covered. Travel by m'bike is not normal and is dangerous, so is usually treated separately for travel insurance. I've always paid extra for m'bike cover. I'm pretty sure it would apply in the event of using a m'bike taxi as well.
  11. You should take up comedy, as you have a flair for it. Certainly gave me a laugh.
  12. I always ate butter till they stopped making fridges with butter softeners, as I don't like leaving butter out. Now I eat marg as it doesn't need softening.
  13. Oh rats. That means I'll have to drink 20 times more instant coffee, given I don't like strong coffee.
  14. Of course not. Too much money being made off it.
  15. Are you saying I'm wrong? Do you have anything to back up that statement? He was no loser when I met him. He was the man I wanted for a brother. Worked as an editor for big bucks, had a lovely house, a wife and children that loved him. He lost his job, his wife, his family and his home because he became "unwell" mentally. I blame decades of weed use for that. He lost me as well when he started screaming abuse at me for no good reason.
  16. You apparently think it's OK to "buy" a wife, that should be marrying because she loves the groom. The amount we pay for sex prior to getting married has nothing to do with getting married. Should a farang pay sinsod because in the past he spent a lot on cars, or travel?
  17. Offer nothing except for show. It's farangs that give large amounts that have caused Thais to think all farangs are rich. Don't start a relationship letting the family think they have won the lottery. It's not a farang's job to make Thai families rich. If they are nice to the farang and helpful without expecting largess in return by all means help them with things they need help with, but don't let them think they have a right to the farang's money. BTW I took my own advice- 50,000 baht for show.
  18. My wife let the next door farmer use her land. It would be a waste to leave it fallow for 15 years.
  19. That'll happen when the Dems agree to not let everyone in.
  20. Seriously? They don't know what a disassembled gun looks like? LOL.
  21. I saw Biden greeting him and when Biden started with the touchy touchy arms around stuff he was obviously uncomfortable. However, given he wants what the US has, he obviously wasn't going to complain about it. Can't say I blame him for feeling uncomfortable though, as it's not what one expects from a president.
  22. Hannity is an opinion/ entertainment show, not a fact based show. Anyone that has watched Fox regularly knows that.
  23. From the BBC article: The recent popularity of zouxian attests to the mounting desperation for some migrants to leave China, said Alexis Zhou, a freelance researcher who writes about Chinese migration in North America. Since the pandemic, it's been very difficult for an average Chinese person to obtain a visa from Mexico or Central American countries, she said.
  24. One wonders how they were able to stay in the US as the BBC story points out that they are economic refugees that just disliked living in China because of politics. No stories of persecution, arrest or torture for being the wrong ethnicity etc.

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